October 1, 2019

The MCDP newsletter is scheduled for publication bi-monthly on approximately the 1st and 15th of every month. The deadline for submission is at least 3 days before every issue. Please email your submission to mcdpoffice@gmail.com.

1712 N Frazier St. 77301
Conroe, Texas



Fall Fundraiser / Democrats Celebrate Pride / Fiestas Patrias Success / Standing room only at Final Friday / Fundraising Ideas Welcome / We need volunteers / Let's keep learning / Check out our store / Upcoming Events.
Get Your Tickets Now!
D e m o c r a t s
c e l e b r a t e
First Fiestas Patrias day is celebrated at Democratic Headquarters

The 1st Annual Fiesta Patrias day was celebrated in the parking lot of MCDP Headquarters on September 15 with Folklorico dances, food trucks & booths.
Standing Room Only on Final Friday

The November ballot will have several constitutional amendments that are commonly never looked at. Jay Stittleburg discussed these amendments and gave some pros and cons of them so we can make a more informed vote. A list of all amendments are available at Democratic Headquarters. Final Friday also welcomed Democratic candidates running for office.

Final Friday is held on the last Friday of each month at Democratic Headquarters in Conroe. Come on join the group for an informative and entertaining evening. Come and learn the issues and the people in the county and make a difference.
Fundraising ideas welcome

The Montgomery County Democratic Party is looking for venues and ideas for a Spring fundraiser. If you know of a place and have an idea of what we can do please let us know. Contact MCDP Headquarters.

If you have some time, we have something for you to do. Don't sit and complain about the state of affairs. Get involved, do something for your party and make some friends along the way. The Montgomery Democratic Party Headquarters is in need of action minded people to man our office especially on Friday morning. Use your skills and interests to help our office maintain a presents in the democratic process. There will be a lot of exciting things happening in the next election cycle so be a part of it. If you would like to volunteer please call Margie at 281-795-1023 or come by the Montgomery County Democratic Headquarters office at 1712 N. Frazier St #117 or call the office at 936-703-5841.

Don't sit back and complain about the problem,
be part of the solution.

      Teaching Tuesdays
Let's Keep Learning!

The Democratic Party Headquarters is continuing its Teaching Tuesdays events in October

October 1 - Montgomery County Democratic Headquarters “Gun Violence Prevention and How Supporters Can Help” Speakers: Erica Lawrence and Jane Winter from the Moms Demand Action local Chapter. 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

October 15 - Robert's Rules of Order Encore, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. by Betty McInturff

October 22 - " Change the Story, Change the Mind” with Speaker: Pat Garris.
Contrary to our inner most feelings, our relatives and friends are not really crazy. Come to this seminar to gain the understanding and tools to calmly respond to divergent points of view. 12:30 to 2:00 p.m.

October 29 - Teaching Tuesday, TBA

Get ready for convention now!

Don't forget to buy your Montgomery County Democrat t-shirt to wear with pride.
  All shirts are $20 each.
Come and get your Blue Texas sticker for your bumper, window or anywhere for $2.00 each.We also have Hate has no place here signs for $20. These signs come with the metal stakes.

Buttons, buttons, buttons!! We have buttons galore! How about "Are we great yet?" Let us know what button you want to wear. All buttons are 3 for $5. We also have one of a kind earrings, key chains and jewelry items. Check out the Tea Towels. All items are unique and handmade.
More items coming soon. Show your Democratic spirit all year round .

Do you have an idea for items for our store?
 Let us know.

October 1 - Moms Demand Action meeting

October 2 - Silent Auction Basket Making, MCDP HQ 1:00 p.m.

October 3 - Fall Fundraiser, Martin's Hall, 6:30 p.m. Buy your tickets now!

October 10 - Block Walking in Conroe Precincts, meet at HQ at 3:00 p.m.

October 22 - Teaching Tuesday with Pat Garris

October 26 - Coat of Many Colors Fundraiser, Ryan's Cafeteria, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tickets are $20 available at MCDP HQ.

October 28 - Coalition of Black Democrats, MCDP HQ 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

November 19 - The Senior Advisory Council (SAC) meets at 6:30, location TBA

December 17 - The Senior Advisory Council (SAC) meets at 6:30, location TBA

Let us know what is going on in your community for inclusion in the newsletter. The newsletter is published bi-monthly. Please email your submission to mcdpoffice@gmail.com at least 3 days before publication.
Democratic Party Headquarters announces New phone number

Make a note the Democratic Party Headquarters has a new phone number: 936-703-5841.
In this time of aggressive voter purges, internet hacking, and various forms of voter suppression, it is extremely important to confirm that your registration status is current and active. Texas is among the states that enforces voter suspension and purging of "inactive" or voters. In Montgomery County alone, there are over 44,000 voter files which have been marked for suspension and eventual purging. For various reasons you may have had your registration suspended. Reasons may include moving without updating your information, not voting in the previous 2 elections, or having mail returned as undeliverable to the Elections administration.  
Don't miss out on your right to vote. You may use these links to check your voter registration status to confirm you are up-to-date, to be sure you have the required form(s) of ID to cast your ballot, to find your precinct # and voting locations as well as a SAMPLE BALLOT for your precinct.

Montgomery County Democratic Party Sustaining Membership Program. Click on the Contribute button to help turn Montgomery County Blue!!!