“Prayer is sitting in the silence until it silences us, choosing gratitude until we are grateful, and praising God until we ourselves are an act of praise.”
Richard Rohr
“Prayer should not be regarded as a duty to be performed, but rather a privilege to be enjoyed, a rare delight always revealing some new beauty.”
E.M. Bounds
Prayer in the Midst of a Pandemic
Over the past few months, COVID-19 has challenged our Sisters to adapt their prayer habits, practice their faith without daily Mass and observe social distance. The result has been a re-envisioned prayer life. Here, they share what they've discovered.
One-on-One with Our Sisters
More and more communities are moving to "yellow" and "green," but life remains far from normal. Our Sisters were asked about what they most look forward to doing once all restrictions are lifted.
What do you most look forward to doing once restrictions are lifted?

"I am embarrassed to say that I really do miss my trips to the Dollar Tree."
Sister Irene Novak

What do you most look forward to doing once restrictions are lifted?

"I look forward to having daily Mass. When I look up at the altar, it’s as if Christ Himself is not there. The priest prays, 'This is my body … this is my blood.' The priest, another Christ, is missing — a most sacred sign of the presence of Christ."
Sister Rosalia Giba
What do you most look forward to doing once restrictions are lifted?

"I look forward to continuing my travel to the convents to visit with the Sisters."
S. Frances Marie Duncan
Truly a Time to Celebrate
Although she has no photos from that day, Sister Elaine Hromulak vividly remembers the summer day in late summer 1945 when World War II ended and people were shouting the good news by megaphone in her hometown of Barnesboro, Pa. "The men who had dumptrucks loaded us seven kids and all the neighborhood kids in the back of the trucks, and we rode through town hooting, hollering, whistling and singing patriotic songs."
Beyond Bricks & Mortar
St. Francis Center for Renewal responds to the needs of the times by rolling out virtual retreats and online programming.
Truckloads of Gratitude
Our Sisters express gratitude to all who contributed to the success of this weekend's food drive for New Bethany Ministries in Bethlehem.
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School Sisters of St. Francis | 412-761-2855 | www.SchoolSistersosf.org