Success is finding something that you really want to succeed in, and then happily keeping at it until you do. Failure is success in something you really don't care about. Wisdom is knowing the difference.
Bill Purdin
Did you know?
Home Care Information Exchange Meeting

CDPHE in partnership with the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing discuss regulatory compliance issues with providers on a quarterly basis. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held on the CDPHE main campus, 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Glendale, Colorado, 80246. Please check in at the front desk before proceeding to the conference room.

Connie attended the August 7 meeting and took notes. Minutes taken during this highly disrupted phone connection are attached here . Kindly note that minute-taking was not in any formal capacity with CDPHE or HCPF.

The final meeting for HCIE in 2019 is on Wednesday, November 6, 2019, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. room C1A

To attend by phone:
Conference Number: 1-712-770-8066
Participant Code: 666158
To mute your line press 4*

To receive meeting reminders/minutes, email  to be added to a mailbox group.

August Training Schedule
August 2019 Live and Live Online

8/6, 8, 13 & 15 Live online Basic 8-hour Administrator Training, 9 am – 11 am

8/15 Live online with Laura Neill, IHSS AND NEW RULES, 9 am – 11 am

8/20 & 21 Live in person Basic 8-hour Administrator Training, 10 am – 3 pm

8/27 Live online Basic Admin Training All About Personnel Part 1, 9 am – 11 am

8/29 Live online Basic Admin Training All About Personnel Part 2, 9 am – 11 am

8/29 Live online with Laura Neill, IHSS AND NEW RULES, 9 am – 11 am

eLearn courses by CHC (available 24/7 on any device & self-paced)

Behavior Management of the Client with Dementia

Care about Care coordination

Care about Privacy, Confidentiality & HIPAA

Universal Precautions

Care about Immunity

Mental Illness and Behavior Management

Care of the Fragile, Ill and Complex

8/27 and 8/29, live online, 9 am - 11 am, All About Personnel includes regulation interpretation and expectations for policy and procedure creation and revision, risk areas, administrator role in human resource management, sufficient staff and supervision evidence, missed visits, partial visits, organizational chart function, personnel qualifications and experience, job description role, personnel record, surveyor probes, contractor use in direct care, direct care documents that are missing or expired, supervisor role in identification of staff training needs, education and training policy, "special" skills training and client diagnoses, population-specific training and experience, multiple definitions of "ongoing training" and more. Training never stops.
Did you know?
Administrators are responsible for evidence that client records include documentation of any changes in the client’s condition or needs, as well as documentation of appropriate reporting and action taken as a result. 
Failure to document changes in clients' conditions or needs creates the potential for
a) clients' needs not to be met,
b) inaccurate service documentation, and
c) for clients not to receive services necessary to remain independent in the community.

Do you and your staff know what to document for client change of condition? Baby boomer client numbers are increasing daily.

As the president of the Alliance for Aging Research, Daniel Perry, explained, as boomers age and incur multiple chronic conditions, individuals are more likely to end up in the hospital from getting the flu, falling or catching a cold. Patients with chronic conditions are more vulnerable to other illnesses. Documentation of client changes in condition or needs, appropriate reporting and documentation of action taken are always needed.

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
Mahatma Gandhi
Colorado Health Care Training  |  11375 E Vassar Drive
303.548.4310 | |