What's Happening at

May 29, 2020
Editors' Pick
By Terry Hershey, Patricia Campbell Carlson, Wayne Muller, and Thomas Moore
June, July, and August

Our summer subscription gives you three courses for the price of two. Join us to find a place of refuge, adjust to being shaken from the trance of the familiar, and consider what to do with feelings of darkness, loss, and even despair. (Use the links below to read about each e-course. Then sign up with the final link to get the discount for the Summer2020Subscription.)

Learn more and sign up here:
Daily Resources for the Pandemic
We've been posting a "Daily Resource for the Pandemic" on SpiritualityandPractice.com's homepage and keeping up an index of these resources: spiritual practices, movies, poetry and music, prayers, and readings. It is becoming a very broad collection, and we encourage you to share this page with your friends, family, and colleagues, and on your social media platforms. We also invite you to participate in this effort by making a financial gift to S&P.
By Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

As the old hymn puts it: "Sometimes I feel discouraged and think my work's in vain. But then the Holy Spirit revives my soul again." This Pentecost Sunday (May 31) we offer you several ways to celebrate "the shy member of the Trinity" (a term coined by theologian Jurgen Moltmann).

More Practices : Birthday of G. K. Chesterton, Anthony de Mello Day, Saint John XXIII Day, Anniversary of the Founding of Alcoholics Anonymous
By Dave Bauer, Jerome Kerner, and Katia Petersen of Sage-ing International
June 1 - 25, 2020

This e-course considers the wisdom of psychologist and interfaith minister John C. Robinson's words: "Aging is an initiation into a new and extraordinary phase of life, a profound transformation of self and consciousness." Join us to explore what this phase means for you and those you love.

Learn more and sign up:
Streaming Film Releases
Directed by Andrew Ahn

This movie takes within its ample embrace the themes of the difficulties of negotiating transitions in our lives, the beauty of cross-cultural friendships, and the sometimes natural ease between the young and the old, as an Asian-American family moves next door to a gruff widower and survivor of the Korean war.
Directed by Elizabeth Carroll

Some people call this 97-year-old wizard the Julia Child of Mexico; others see her as the Mick Jagger of Mexican cuisine. This sprightly and entertaining documentary shares her stories, her cooking demonstrations, and her interactions with the village cooks she has learned from and so admires.

More Streaming Releases : All That I Am (Alt det jeg er), Blame, The Longest War, Military Wives, The Trip to Greece, Working Man
By Becca Anderson

Using spirit-lifting quotes from a wide variety of spiritual teachers, writers, poets, and philosophers, this book creates monthly focuses on reassurances for uncertain times, serenity prayers, blessings for when you're stressing, meditations for moving forward, and more.
By Mark Nepo

Life is messy. Transformation takes time, attention, and effort. Mark Nepo's new book acknowledges those truths in its very structure: a weekly reader covering 52 paths from innocence to experience.

More in Books : Simply Mindful, Three Pieces of Glass, When Tears Sing
Children's Books
By Charlie Mackesy

This book came highly recommended, deservedly so. It belongs on shelves in every household alongside classics like Winnie the Pooh and The Little Prince , reminding us all that friendship and kindness can see us through any adversity.
Directed by Halina Dyrschka

This film’s singular mission is to unveil not only the remarkable revelations that af Klint pursued in her stunning, light-filled art, but also to take to task the shortsightedness and misogynistic hurdles that have kept these art works shrouded in darkness until only recently, decades after af Klint’s death.
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Short & Sweet Spirituality Blog
By Frederic Brussat

"Find a place inside where there's joy and the joy will burn out the pain," wrote Joseph Campbell, teacher of mythology and comparative religion. Find this and other gems of inspiration in this week's blog post on spiritual growth.
KidSpirit Youth Voices Blog
By Kavya Shah

A wise young writer suggests combatting anxiety by finding things to do that you love, surrounding yourself with people who bring out the best in you, and working toward reducing fears by facing them.
Praying the News Blog
By Micah Bucey

It's surprising the depth of soul a single sentence can convey. This week we have added prayers for congregations of faith, those we have lost, those who don't feel brave, those who are protesting, those who can't remember what day it is, and more.
Practicing Democracy Project
Directed by Alana DeJoseph

This documentary offers an enlightening overview of the history of the Peace Corps' remarkable and still highly relevant undertaking to contribute internationally to the public good.
By Mary Ann Brussat

In what ways is the barn raising lineage alive and well during the coronavirus pandemic? We look at efforts to make personal protective equipment for medical professionals and other ways we can communally uphold the common good.

More in the Practicing Democracy Project : Naming the Days: Birthdays of Allen Ginsberg , Marian Wright Edelman , Frank Lloyd Wright , and Jacques Cousteau ; Remembrance Day for Carrie Nation ; PDP Blog: Sneezing Our Way to Agreement ; Books: The Bomb ; Let the People Pick the President
From Our Wisdom Archive
By S&P Team

Seldom in history has it been more important to protect each other's dignity through thoughtful actions and kind speech. We created this topic in 2017, so you may notice occasional parts that need reinterpretation due to current matters like social distancing, but at heart this wisdom is timeless.
A Thought to Carry with You
A Russian saying gives us this encouragement: If all of us take hold of it, it won't feel heavy. The roots of the phrase can easily be imagined, stemming from times when friends and family members would take their places around a heavy object -- say, a log to be raised in building a house -- and together easily achieve what one or two could not. Other traditions drew the same idea directly from nature: for instance, "two ants do not fail to pull on grasshopper" (Tanzania) and "when spiders unite they can tie up a lion" (Ethiopia).

In times of uncertainty and crisis, these phrases take on more potency than ever. Not to recognize our shared humanity, not to collaborate, not to combine our strength can in rare cases lead to individual triumph, but more often leaves "the Earth household" (poet Gary Snyder's perceptive phrase) impoverished, broken, and vulnerable.
We like to think that your presence here at Spirituality & Practice is a vital way for all of us together to lift values and visions to a higher level. The weight of these times is way too much to handle alone, but when we connect with each other through shared ideals, much more becomes possible. We can take the wisdom offered here back into our own communities, lifting a little here, shaping a little there, coming just that much closer to the reign of kindness, common sense, and a blessed interconnection with all our relations.
Your Spirituality & Practice Team 
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat 
Patricia Campbell Carlson 
Keziah Grindeland
Sue Tracey