Weekly E-Newsletter, July 17, 2020
Dear Residents -
Please keep the family of Giovanni Boiano in your thoughts and prayers. He was struck and killed while mowing his lawn this past Wednesday. 2020 is proving to be a year that most people will want to forget.
Governor Cuomo issued a new executive order on Thursday, July 16. It states - "Any provision of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law to the extent necessary to require that all businesses that are licensed by the State Liquor Authority for on premises service of alcoholic beverages , and which are required as a license condition to make food available, shall serve alcoholic beverages for on premises consumption or for off premises consumption only if the service of such alcoholic beverage is accompanied by the purchase of a food item by each individual that is being served an alcoholic beverage, consistent with the food availability requirement of the license under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law. The Chairman of the State Liquor Authority shall be authorized to promulgate any reasonable guidance to effectuate this provision."
What does this mean? The change now is that bars and restaurants are only allowed to serve alcohol if purchased with food. As part of the state’s new “Three Strikes and You’re Closed” initiative, bars and restaurants that don’t — and get caught — will be shut down on their third violation. Places with “egregious” violations could lose their liquor licenses immediately, and the state will publicly name bars and restaurants not adhering to the guidelines.
Orangetown Parks and Recreation still have registration open. Camp Orangetown has space available for Session II and Session III. As of Monday, July 20th, you may register for a one week session. Please visit
their website to register
or contact their office for more information, (845) 359-6503.
Enjoy your weekend. Stay safe and continue to wash those hands and maintain social distancing.
Teresa M. Kenny
Town Supervisor
(845) 359-5100 x 2293
Please support Mrs. Bohovesky and sign.
The Town Board of Orangetown wishes to express its continuing condolences to, and support for, the family of Paula Bohovesky, who was brutally raped and murdered forty years ago. Paula’ s family asks the New York State Parole Board not to re-release one of her killers, Richard LaBarbera to Peekskill, New York.
Last summer, the NYS Parole Board paroled convicted murder Richard LaBarbera. Initially, he was to be released to Peekskill, but thanks to the work of many, he was brought to Buffalo, NY, where, within a few days, LaBarbera violated conditions of his parole and was sent back to prison.
The Orangetown Board along with County Executive Ed Day and the Rockland County Legislature all support Paula's family request in keeping Paula's murderer as far away as possible from Rockland County.
He is due to be released again on July 23rd.
John Murphy has once again created an online petition in memory of Paula and to show her mother Lois, that the Town of Friendly People still remember.
Won't you please sign?
Orange "Bike" Road Family Day
Please join us on Sunday, July 19
from 9am-12pm at Blue Hill Plaza for Family Bike Day. On-line registration is now closed, but you may register on-site on Sunday.
Please refer to our flyer for more details.
Census Push Week
July 27 to August 2, 2020
- Commit to a social media post
- Send an e-mail blast
- Create a PSA video on your mobile device
- Promise to call a neighbor about the Census
- Tweet it out: Complete the 2020 Census today online, but phone or by mail.
Your response matters. Health clinics. Fire departments. Schools. Even roads and highways. The census can shape many different aspects of your community.
Census results help determine how billions of dollars in federal funding flow into states and communities each year.
It's mandated by the US Constitution in Article 1, Section 2: The U.S. has counted its population every 10 years since 1790.
Community Solar
The Town of Orangetown, as a member of Rockland Community Power, is delighted to bring to our residents and small businesses a community solar program that will increase access to 100% renewable electricity while lowering your electricity costs. Our community solar program accesses the benefits of solar without needing to install rooftop panels, saves up to 10% annually on your electricity costs and supports the development of clean, renewable electricity in NY State.
To help with the COVID-19 relief effort, Rockland Community Power will also donate $50.00 for every enrollment in the community solar program to the Rockland Community Foundation.
Watch out for a letter coming from the Town of Orangetown regarding our community solar program. For more information about signing up please
click here.
For further information, please check out
Orangetown's website. Or to get help with enrollment call Rockland Community Power: (845) 859-9099 ext. 4
One common question about our community solar program is whether you can enroll if you already have rooftop solar. Community solar allows you to tap into the benefits of solar without needing to install your own panels. If you have your own solar panels, you already receive solar credits and are not eligible to enroll.
Help us spread the word that you are open for business! Kickstart Orangetown, Orangetown’s recently formed Economy Recovery Committee, is comprised of business and community leaders who are dedicated to addressing the financial impacts of COVID-19 and to help revitalize our local economy, get residents back to work and ensure that Orangetown comes back stronger, more united and more prosperous than before.
But we need your help! We need you to join our business directory at
Kickstart Orangetown Business Directory
. We will be highlighting these businesses on the Kickstart Orangetown Webpage, Facebook and at the soon to be announced events. The Town of Orangetown is basically offering you
advertising – as we are grateful to have you as a valuable member of our business community. In the directory, you will be able to advertise promotional offerings, including special on-line coupons, hours of operation, and other helpful information.