The ACHENA Continuing Professional Development
(CPD) Program - Provider Newsletter
A quick "Hello and Thank You!" from ACHENA's EA, Carli Auer
Check your course links on the ACHENA website

On occasion we receive reports from the public that a link to an approved course is broken. We do our best to monitor the ACHENA Approved Course listing but it is impossible to know when providers might make changes to their own websites. Please be sure to periodically check that your course links on the ACHENA website are still active. If you make any changes to your provider websites or course listings, please notify ACHENA immediately so we may update the ACHENA website.

Submit your attendance and post course evaluations

Please remember to submit your attendance lists and a compilation of your post-course evaluation feedback. See CPD Guidelines for details on when these items are due. This is especially important for Renewal Applications - the CPD review committee will be looking for evidence of quality improvement based on applicable participant feedback.


Can you believe its been three years? Many of our approved courses are up for renewal this year. You will be receiving individual reminders if your course needs to be renewed.

Please allow 60 days for review and approval

We ask that all applications be submitted at least 60 days in advance of running a live course. This allows our volunteer committee enough time to properly review applications. As you have probably observed, we are usually able to turn approvals around much sooner than 60 days but we cannot promise this as the program continues to grow.

Be sure you are using the updated Application Forms

All CPD Application Forms can be found on the ACHENA Resources page. Please be sure you are using these updated forms.
Important Update
Beginning March 1, 2020 the approval period for all new and renewed courses will be two years.

This means for any new or renewal application received March 1st and later, the course will be approved for two years instead of three. Please keep in mind the fee for renewing a course is half of the original application fee. This change will allow ACHENA to better ensure the quality and relevance of our approved courses and keep the bar high for the continuing education of professional homeopaths.
Practice Gap and Evidence of Need

This year our review committee will be looking for stronger information regarding the application sections; Practice Gap and Evidence of Need.

In the area of "Practice Gap," applicants need to define challenging areas of practice, (ie knowledge or behavioral gaps in professional practice) and explain how the CPD course will address this gap. The application needs to clearly define the practice gaps that will be specifically addressed and explain how the course intends to increase the effectiveness of learners and further their continuing professional development as professional homeopaths.

Then, applicants need to provide EVIDENCE of this identified Practice Gap (Evidence of Need). This should be more than a written explanation. Applicants should indicate the specific source from which this educational need was determined (summaries of needs assessments, surveys, reports, patient audits; etc), and attach or embed copies of this evidence or links to research. 

For renewal applications, the application form includes sections specifically for renewals where the applicant should discuss the continued Practice Gap and Evidence of Need. Applicants need to demonstrate that the course content remains relevant to the needs of the Professional Homeopath. How do you know this course content continues to be relevant in building the skills of the professional homeopath? What evidence do you have to support this?

See the CPD Program Guidelines for more information.

All CPD Program Support documents

Reminder, all ACHENA CPD Program details, documents, and up to date application forms can be found on the ACHENA website; CPD Program Page and Resources Page .
Again, thank you for being a part of the ACHENA CPD Program and for your commitment to Homeopathy Education. We are excited to continue to work with you as we strive to provide high quality continuing education for the homeopathy community!

With Gratitude,
The ACHENA CPD Committee