December 18, 2019
Welcome to the Environmental Center (EC) Digest!

Every two weeks, this little gem of digital media arrives in your inbox full of all things environmental, sustainable, socially responsible, and just plain "green".

Scroll down to check out:
  • Environmental Center happenings and chances to get involved
  • Community and campus events, initiatives, and opportunities
  • Jobs, internships, workshops, and trainings

And of course, our thought-provoking opening thoughts from EC students and staff. Enjoy!
Reflections on Making A Difference

Wow, that was one heck of a semester with so much amazing work: environmental programming for FLC Orientation, climate strikes, peer-to-peer recycling education, the 7th Annual Sustainability Summit, record hauls from our campus growing spaces, keeping usable items out of the landfill, our first ever bulk Vote Real (hooray for switching to organic cooking oils!), bringing awareness to food waste, and the list goes on!

As the holiday season gets closer there's so many ways we can take the season back from blind consumerism and be personally conscious of our environmental and social impacts. Simple tricks like using newspaper as wrapping paper, or making decorations from found objects. There's also choosing what we give: crafting gifts ourselves, buying books (new or second-hand), giving food items, or giving the gift of an experience rather than a thing (like a gift card to a favorite restaurant).

There's also a growing movement to "give the gift of giving" by making a donation in someone's name. There are so, so, so many worth causes out there we encourage you to give to the one you care about most - and if that cause is the FLC Environmental Center, we deeply appreciate your support!

Most importantly don't forget to spend quality time with those you care about most. I encourage everyone to reflect on our blessings, and make life better for those around us.

Siarrah Gomez-Boyiddle
EC Communications Manager
Environmental Center Happenings
Events, programs, and ways to help make a difference!
More Ways Than Ever to "Give Green" at FLC!

Whether it's reducing FLC's environmental footprint, supporting academic research, or supporting the next generation of change-makers - you can give in a way that resonates with you!

The Environmental Center Fund - The Environmental Center is a student sponsored organization that works to strengthen students' commitment to creating a more environmentally and socially responsible world by providing them meaningful opportunities to foster change on campus and in our community. Your support helps keep our project and programs going!

The Environmental Studies Fund - Environmental faculty at Fort Lewis College do cutting edge research on soils, agriculture, national parks, wetlands, water, climate, environmental justice, and more. Your contribution to this fund helps support those research activities!

The FLC Green Fund - The Green Fund is used by the Campus Sustainability Council for campus projects that advance sustainability on campus, such as renewable electricity, electric vehicle charging stations, recycling, composting, and more. Help us grow our operational sustainability efforts at FLC!

Join the EC Team for Spring 2020!

At the EC you'll learn learn this skills and gain the experience it takes to make a positive difference in the world! Students who work with us gain valuable experience in how to create environmental and social change. We are looking for passionate individuals excited to gain professional skills, develop their personal change-making ethic, and be part of our amazing team!

Students who work as Team Members at the EC commit to working around 5-10 hours per week. Students who qualify for Work Study can use their EC Team Member position to count as paid Work Study hours since the work we do positively contributes to our campus.

For more information and to apply visit our Working at the EC web page .
Congrats to Our Newest EC Alumni

A huge shout-out to three amazing EC team members headed out into the world to make a positive difference. Thanks for all your amazing work while you were here!

  • Amber Barbella ran our Free Store and led the grant writing effort that gained us funding to begin our Roomside Recycling program.
  • Brookelynn Pitsch brought her energy and passion to the Good Food Collective student team and our Zero Waste Team.
  • Emily Biggins was Team Coordinator for the Zero Waste Team for two years and worked hard to elevate and establish several of that team's incredible projects and programs.
The EC's Energy Impact Team is Hosting a Snowdown Float!

"Oh The Times, They Are Changing!" is the theme of our float. Be a part of sharing this important message on tackling the environmental and climate changes and challenges of our time! We are looking for folks interested in helping craft and build, helping design costumes, and helping shape our performance!

To join the project, contact project coordinator Ellis McNichol
Community Events and Happenings
What's Going On at FLC and in Our Local Community
Addressing Climate Change - A Best First Step

Interested o learn more about carbon pricing and how it can be used to take on the issue of climate change? Join John Purser for his informative talk hosted through the Life Long Lecture series to better understand the promise and challenges of this issue.

When: Thursday, Jan. 23 from 7 to 8:30 PM
Where: Fort Lewis College, Nobel Hall room 130

For more information for how to comment contact Nathan from Conservation Colorado:
Wild & Scenic Film Festival with Citizen's Climate Lobby

CCL is a steadfastly non- partisan and committed to finding bi-partisan solutions for the most pressing matter of our time, climate change. Each year, the local Durango chapter funds a Student Mentors Scholarship Program to give Fort Lewis College students the opportunity to learn about the intricacies of climate change policy and the workings of government.

To help raise funds for this program, CCL is once again hosting the Wild and Scenic Film Festival! Come enjoy a roster of films that celebrate nature, inspire activism, and raise awareness about climate change.

When: Sunday, Feb 9, 2020. Afternoon show: 1-3:30 PM; Evening show: 4:30-7:30 PM
Where: Durango Arts Center, 802 E. 2nd Ave. Durango
Cost: Afternoon show: $12.00/ $5.00-student; Evening Show: $15.00/ $7.00-student

For more information and ticket sales visit
Durango Natural Foods for Fresh, Local, Organic Foods

One of the most ethically sourced, local food-stores is located right at the bottom of the hill from Fort Lewis College! Durango Natural Foods Co-op has local, organic, sustainable sourced produce; a delicious and affordable deli that uses primarily organic ingredients; and the best bulk food selection in town (nuts, seeds, grains, flours, snacks, spices, etc.). We have recently added a tasty, self-serve soup bar to keep you warm this winter. Come in and check us out! 

For more information at Durango Natural Foods
SJMA Needs Volunteers!

San Juan Mountain Alliance is looking for volunteers to help from November 29 through December 22 with Christmas tree sales all profits will be donated towards their projects and volunteers efforts. And don't forget to get yourself a Christmas tree while you're at it!

For more information contact
Jobs, Scholarships, Internships, and more!
Interested in Sustainable Agriculture? The Old Fort is Accepting Applications for Multiple Positions
Education Garden Manager - Applications due by January 12, 2020. Position open until filled.

The Education Garden Manager tends a ½ acre garden and two high tunnels using hand tools and small equipment and manages summer interns from Fort Lewis College. A key part of the Sustainable Agriculture program, the Education Garden Manager is responsible for managing year-round vegetable production and educational programming, along with other staff.

For more information and application instructions, please see the full job posting .

Farmer In Training (FIT) - Apply as soon as possible, positions open until filled.

FITs join monthly two-day Spring Farmer Training Intensive in February, March, April, and May. Then, from May through mid-October, FITs work 3-5 days per week co-managing a 1 acre plot under the supervision of the Program Manager. The season’s experiences will range from harvesting greens to fixing drip irrigation, from planting peppers to packing CSA bags, from managing farmer’s market stands to estimating crop yields.

For more information and application forms visit the Farmer in Training web page . Additional questions or completed application forms can be emailed to Elicia at .

Spring Internships - Apply as soon as possible, positions open until filled.

In this unpaid sustainable agriculture internship program, students gain skills in all aspects of small-scale agriculture, from drip irrigation to harvesting and marketing, and gain exposure to some aspects of raising cattle, managing hayfields, and staffing a large property. The internship is hands-on; interns participate in the daily operations of a productive, fun, and fast-paced vegetable garden.

For more information and to apply, email Elicia at .
Be a Geoscientist-in-the-Parks!
The Geoscientists-in-the-Parks (GIP) program works with partners to match college students and recent graduates age 18 - 35 years old with short-term, paid, internships with the National Park Service. Participants may assist with research, synthesis of scientific literature, geologic mapping, GIS analysis, site evaluations, resource inventorying and monitoring, impact mitigation, developing brochures and informative media presentations, and educating park staff and park visitors.

For more information and to apply visit National Parks Service GIP Program
ASU is Hiring a Program Coordinator for Sustainability Practices
The Program Coordinator will join the fast-moving, high-achieving ASU University Sustainability Practices team in its role as internal sustainability consultants to the rest of the university. The successful candidate will coordinate activities, functions, and projects affiliated primarily with sustainability engagement and will fulfill a variety of administrative assistant tasks

For more information and to apply, see the full job posting.
Build Your Resume with a Great Experience - Apply to be a Community Volunteer Ambassador for the NPS
Choose from over 50 National Park Service Sites! Get hands-on training, professional development, and non-competitive hiring status for federal jobs. Paid plus health insurance!

Get more information and apply through CVA Internships.
PIRG (Public Interest Research Group) Student Careers
Now hiring campus leaders to recruit, train, and work alongside student activists on campaigns that get results. Qualified candidates will have a demonstrated commitment to environmental, public interest and/or student issues, as well as a track record of leadership

For more information and to apply visit Careers with Student PIRGs
What We're Diggin'
  • German artist Nils-Udo is an underrated artist who celebrates the beauty of nature by working with found materials—such as leaves and branches— and leaves those found items in their natural environment. He allows these pieces to live and pass away in the rhythm of the seasons as they naturally do.
  • This informative and funny video about what it takes to live a truly zero waste lifestyle.
  • This amazing piece of journalism from the Colorado Sun on the power of soils to fight climate change.
Environmental Center | Fort Lewis College | 970-247-7676 |