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A Note From the Immediate Past-Director

This month, the BRI hosted the bi-annual Shark Tank event during which two Brigham researchers each won $50,000 to advance their projects related to the opioid crisis. This seed money was made possible thanks to the generosity and support of the McGraw family and Kathleen Gould, RN, MSN, PhD.

Our Research Connection LIVE Lunch featured the BRIght Futures Finalists , who pitched their presentations to the audience in the hopes of winning the $100,000 prize that will be presented during the reception at Discover Brigham on November 7.

Discover Brigham is one week away! Check out our weekly highlights of sessions and demos and be sure to join us for the keynote speaker, Kyu Rhee, MD, MPP , who will kick off the day at 10:00am. Lastly, please enjoy our research paper of the month!

Elizabeth Petri Henske, MD
Immediate Past-Director, BRI
October 2019
Congratulations to our Shark Tank Winners!
Since 2012, BWH has hosted shark tanks to fund innovative and high-risk/high-impact basic, clinical, digital and translational research projects through the Health & Technology Innovator Awards. Since its inception, more than $1 million has been distributed to BWH investigators through these awards. This y ear, there was one track, solely focused on advancing innovations related to solving the op ioid crisis. This was made possible by the generous support of the McGraw Family. 

Congratulations to Athena Petrides, PhD , and Joji Suzuki, MD ! Thanks to the McGraw family and Kathleen Gould, RN. MSN, PhD, they will receive $50,000 each for their innovative projects.
Athena Petrides, PhD, Assistant Professor, Pathology, BWH
DigiToxRx: Treating Pain is No Longer Painful
Joji Suzuki, MD, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, BWH
Pilot Study of cannabidiol (CBD) for the treatment of opioid use disorder
Picture from left to right: Joji Suzuki, MD, Captain Robert McGraw, Athena Petrides, PhD
RC LIVE Lunch Sets the Stage for the Big Reveal at Discover Brigham
This month's Research Connection LIVE Lunch featured the BRIght Futures Finalists, who pitched their ideas. Attendees were then able to ask questions and learn more about each presentation. Don't forget to register to attend Discover Brigham , during which the winner of the $100,000 prize will be revealed. Click here to register for next month’s RC LIVE lunch, which will feature Paul Anderson, MD, PhD with the research year in review.
Natalies Artzi, PhD
Training an Immuno-Army to Fight Childhood Brain Cancer
Mahmoud Nasr, PhD, RPh
One and Done: An Effective Universal Flu Vaccine
Leo Riella, MD, PHD
Rejection and Infection Detection: A Home Test for Kidney Transplant Recipients
What to Look Forward to at Discover Brigham
There are so many exciting sessions and demos this year at Discover Brigham, we encourage you to visit the BRI website , the Discover Brigham website , and keep an eye out for rotating promos on the flat screens around the hospital, all of which will be promoting individual sessions and demos leading up to the big day! Please enjoy these snippets of information and remember to register to attend Discover Brigham on November 7. 

Additionally, we encourage you to download the Wayfinding tool to help you navigate your way around the hospital during this event! Try the browser-based wayfinding tool and mobile app, BWH Maps, which provides real-time location tracking and directions in the hospital. Look for BWH Maps on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, or visit
Research Paper of the Month
Kei Ouchi, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Department of Emergency Medicine
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Dr. Ouchi's findings were recently published in JAMA Open Network . This study looked at correlations between a "surprise" question, such as 'would you be surprised if this patient died in the next one month?' and the identification of at-risk patients and the facilitation of of end-of-life conversations. "In order to best help our patients nearing the end of lie, we need ways to identify patients who should be offered palliative care consultation or have serious illness conversations as soon s they are admitted," said corresponding author, Dr. Ouchi. 

Read the full article here .
Resources & Funding Opportunities
Questions? Don't hesitate to reach out to our Research Helpline: