University of Nebraska
Global leadership in transforming human performance & effectiveness in healthcare
Digital Pulse
iEXCEL's Newsletter
Volume 6 Issue 5
July 2020
iEXCEL Update
Throughout July, iEXCEL welcomed a wide variety of learners to the Davis Global Center. Each day, the facility came to life with students practicing their skills. For example, surgical residents trained on cadaveric tissue and surgical students learned to suture; OBGYN residents experienced challenging deliveries, including hemorrhage and shoulder dystocia, using human-patient obstetric and neonatal simulators; interprofessional healthcare teams from Clarkson Clinic learned to manage a coding patient; Emergency Medicine interns immersed themselves in a wide number of simulations including airway management, cast and splint training, suturing, ultrasound, PPE donning and doffing, and more; and Family Medicine conducted practice physical examinations!
While this month has been the busiest yet, we see many more scheduled training events on the horizon and look forward to welcoming students back to campus in August. Creating a safe and welcoming learning environment for all UNMC students and faculty is our top priority as we head into this new academic semester. 
July Highlights
iEXCEL hosted learners from a wide array of healthcare professions, including, Nebraska Medicine Critical Care Nurses, who practiced diagnosing cardiac, neurological, and pulmonary conditions on a human patient simulator.
Nebraska Medicine Nurses examine a human-patient simulator with a pulmonary condition
Emergency Medicine team practices ultrasound techniques
Emergency Medicine resident orientation was yet another highlight on the clinical simulation floor. This team spent several weeks with their new residents simulating emergency scenarios in preparation for providing safe patient care.
In partnership with the College of Allied Health Professions, a new perfusion simulator was installed on the surgical simulation floor. This will be invaluable for teaching perfusion skills as well as team training such as simulating open heart surgery.
Installation of the Califia 3.0-ECMO simulator
Surgical residents in the Davis Global Center
This month, iEXCEL also hosted the first cadaveric lab. First year surgical residents performed a laparoscopic gallbladder removal to enhance their understanding and precision skills related to the procedure.
Additionally, the surgical simulation floor said “Goodbye” to the original GI Mentor returned to its manufacturer, Simbionix, in Israel where it will be on display as one of the early simulators. Our new GI Mentor is among the most advanced on the market and certified by the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) for training in gastrointestinal procedures.
A surgical resident trains on the GI Mentor
iEXCEL works with Dr. Smola and Dr. Perkinson in the Strauss Music Hall
The iEXCEL visualization team has begun to create content for the holographic theater, including filming some of distinguished alumni, community leaders and a musical performance with the UNO School of Music. This violin duet with Dr. Olga Smola and Dr. Mary Perkinson will be transformed into holographic format in this unique combination of art, science, and technology. 
Just this week, Simulation in Motion - Nebraska (SIM-NE) welcomed six new simulators - including two newborn and four pediatric manikins. These new members of iEXCEL will be used to enhance OBGYN simulation capabilities for rural EMT and critical access hospital teams.
SIM-NE's new "Hal" Simulator team
Dr. Asit Misra named to the
British Medical Journal Editorial Board
We are delighted to announce that Dr. Asit Misra, iEXCEL Simulation Research Scientist, has been named to the British Medical Journal's Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning editorial board. In a few months, Dr. Misra will assume the role of Associate Editor for an upcoming track.
Upcoming Events
Save the Date for our next interprofessional student event on
August 12 at 6:30 PM CST:
Explore Campus Together!
Zoom Meeting Passcode: 102497
Click the button above to learn about iEXCEL resources and
how to plan your next training session today.
As always, thank you for your continued interest, support and engagement with iEXCEL. We are here to support you and enjoy growing iEXCEL with you!

Sincere Regards,

Pam Boyers, PhD, Associate Vice Chancellor, iEXCEL

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