Throughout July, iEXCEL welcomed a wide variety of learners to the Davis Global Center. Each day, the facility came to life with students practicing their skills. For example, surgical residents trained on cadaveric tissue and surgical students learned to suture; OBGYN residents experienced challenging deliveries, including hemorrhage and shoulder dystocia, using human-patient obstetric and neonatal simulators; interprofessional healthcare teams from Clarkson Clinic learned to manage a coding patient; Emergency Medicine interns immersed themselves in a wide number of simulations including airway management, cast and splint training, suturing, ultrasound, PPE donning and doffing, and more; and Family Medicine conducted practice physical examinations!
While this month has been the busiest yet, we see many more scheduled training events on the horizon and look forward to welcoming students back to campus in August. Creating a safe and welcoming learning environment for all UNMC students and faculty is our top priority as we head into this new academic semester.