Carrying vs. Casting
I Peter 5: 6-7
Rev. Courtney Clayton Jenkins
God, anxiety has grown beyond its intended purpose in our lives and we call upon Your word that invites us to cast every care that burdens us.

We recognize that we’ve allowed anxiety to go unchecked because we desire to control the outcome of our futures. But no one has our best interest like You do Lord. So we humble ourselves and choose to begin each day in prayer to cast off the heavy burdens of our lives.

We understand that we need to be connected to You through prayer as many of us confront uncertainty daily, hourly and sometimes with each minute of the day.

We anchor ourselves in the truth of Your word that says that You will never leave us nor forsake us. We stand on Your word that reminds us we have a bright hope and future and that You will go before us as we go through the valleys of life.

We believe You above all of the scenarios and concerns that play out in our minds. We surrender our futures to the One who loves us more than we could ever imagine.

In the name of Jesus we pray, amen. 

For our newest sermon series, "Juggle the Struggle: Thriving in the Age of Anxiety," we wanted to find a new way to creatively keep each week sermon before you. Below is a ‘graphic recording’ of the sermon (that was drawn in real time); consider this your visual road map.

Our hope is that it helps you better understand and retain each sermon. We not only hope that this visual keeps it before you, but also hope that you might share it with others:  share these on social media; give them to a friend who is struggling but resistant to church; print them out and keep them in your Bible. Look for a new one, each week!
Click here for a printer-friendly PDF.