In this edition
- STA Board Approves Partial Restoration of Solano Express Service and Restoration of Fares
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response Update for Solano Express
- Travel Training Video Highlights Safety Using Transit
- STA Board Discusses Future of Transit in Solano County
- Solano EDC and Economist Dr. Robert Eyler Discuss Recent Economic Impacts Due To COVID-19, Offers Opportunities For Recovery
- STA Board Supports I-80/I-680/SR 12 Interchange Package 2 Construction Funding
- STA Boards Supports Caltrans Request To Submit I-80 Westbound (WB) Cordelia Truck Scales Relocation Project for SB 1 Funding
- STA Board Adopts Land Use Element for the Complete Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP)
- Update on Construction of Vallejo Transit Center Expansion/York Street Improvements Project in Vallejo
- Solano Mobility Programs Continue to Provide Service During COVID-19
- STA Staff Update
STATUS Newsletter
The STATUS Newsletter is published every month after the STA Board meeting to inform the public and our stakeholders of what’s happening with transportation in Solano County.
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- Remote STA Board Meeting 7/8 at 6:00pm
STA Board Approves Partial Restoration of Solano Express Service and Fares
The STA Board approved a modified budget for FY 2020-21 for the regional bus service called Solano Express. This $10.3 million budget will fund the partial restoration of service of 44,843 annual service hours for the four Solano Express routes (Blue, Red, Yellow and Green Express). This updated budget included the restoration of SolanoExpress fares on June 15th and additional Federal Care Act funding to be obtained in round two of the allocation of these funds by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) scheduled for July of 2020. Fairfield and Suisun Transit (FAST) and Solano County Transit (SolTrans), the two Solano Express transit operators for Solano Express, will be implementing the partial restoration of service by SolTrans for the Red and Yellow Lines on July 5th and by FAST for the Blue and Green Lines on July 6th.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response Update for Solano Express
Solano Transportation Authority (STA) staff telecommuted for work from March 19, 2020, through May 31, 2020, consistent with the Governor and Solano County shelter at home directives. Beginning on June 1st, STA began to transition back to the office with staff alternating between working in the office and telecommuting to accommodate social distancing and wearing face coverings in the office. All citizen and staff technical committee meetings are still being conducted virtually and public visits to the office are by appointment only to ensure the safety of the public and staff. The Solano Mobility Call Center staff continues to telecommute and serve customers via email and cell phones.
STA Main Line: (707) 424-6075
STA Main Email:
Solano Mobility: 800-535-688
Travel Training Video Highlights Safety Using Transit
STA's Solano Mobility program released the first of a series of Online Travel Training videos on their Facebook page.
The video features Cindy Hayes, the travel trainer from the Independent Living Resource Center, and the first video provides tips on staying safe while riding transit and gained over 1,400 views.
View the Online Travel Training video
and follow Solano Mobility on Facebook
to stay tuned for more upcoming videos.
STA Board Discusses Future of Transit of Solano County
At the June 10th STA Board meeting, STA held a Board Workshop to discuss the future of transit service in Solano County. This coincided with the recent formation of a Blue Ribbon Transit Restoration Task Force by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to address the status of the region’s transit service impacts and lost revenues due to COVID-19; to discuss and develop recommendations for MTC pertaining to the second round allocation of Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds; to assess the financial status of the region’s estimated 26 transit operators; and to recommend priorities for the allocation of future regional transit funding and the gradual restoration of the region’s transit system and services. At the STA Board workshop, SolTrans and FAST staff provided a summary of COVID 19 safety protocols to safely ride transit. STA staff provided an overview of the current status of regional and countywide transit services that connect to Solano County, the process and resources needed to restore Solano Express service in future years, and provided information requested by the STA Board pertaining to finances and revenues, and alternative service models. Additional follow up sessions are planned to parallel MTC’s Blue Ribbon Task Force.
Solano EDC and Economist Dr. Robert Eyler Discuss Recent Economic Impacts Due To COVID-19, Offers Opportunities For Recovery
STA collaborated with Solano Economic Development Corporation (EDC) to sponsor a webinar with Dr. Robert Eyler, the Chair and Professor of Economics at Sonoma State on the recent impacts of the COVID 19 Pandemic on the economy of Solano County and opportunities for economic recovery. At the June 10th STA Board Meeting, Dr. Eyler and Solano EDC President Robert Burris provided an updated presentation. Dr. Eyler has been actively involved with Solano EDC in their “Moving Solano Forward” economic strategy that was developed in 2016 in partnership with the County and the seven cities and he provides an annual State of the Solano County Economy presentation to Solano EDC and its public-private membership. One of the significant observations expressed is the important role transportation infrastructure investment and projects can play in helping to stimulate Solano County’s economic recovery from the impacts of the COVID 19 Pandemic.
STA Board Supports I-80/I-680/SR 12 Interchange Package 2 Construction Funding
STA is partnering with Caltrans to deliver package 2 of the I-80/I-680/SR 12 Interchange Project and with MTC in its role as the Bay Area Toll Authority (BATA) to complete the necessary funding plan for the construction of the project. The STA Board previously reprogrammed State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) funds to cover increased construction costs due to unforeseen conditions and requirements. The STA Board authorized an agreement with BATA for $7.1 million in bridge toll funds to start the construction of the I-80/I-680/SR 12 Interchange Package 2 Project which fully funds the construction of the project, which is scheduled to start construction in September of this year.
STA Boards Supports Caltrans Request To Submit I-80 Westbound (WB) Cordelia Truck Scales Relocation Project for SB 1 Funding
In preparation for the second round of SB 1 funded competitive grant programs, the STA Board approved Caltrans' request to submit the design phase of the I-80 WB Cordelia Truck Scales to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) for SB 1 Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP) funds. The Cordelia Truck Scales, built in 1958, are located at an optimum site from an enforcement standpoint, but they are also located in the most congested freeway segment of the county. In spite of their strategic location, the existing westbound truck scale facilities are inefficient and considerably undersized to accommodate current and projected future truck traffic over the next 40 years. Caltrans has requested STA's support with the commitment of future Regional Measure 3 (RM 3) bridge toll funds as a match for the request. RM3 was approved in June 2018 and raises bridge toll in stages, providing dedicated funding for important capital projects such as this one. Similarly, in 2008, the I-80 Eastbound Cordelia Trucks Scales was awarded Proposition 1B Trade Corridors Improvement Funds; matching funds were from bridge tolls funds.
STA Board Adopts Land Use Element for the Complete Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP)
The STA Board approved the final draft of the Land Use Element and Executive Summary for the County Transportation Plan. A link to both has been provided below. The Land Use Element incorporates the Priority Development Areas (PDAs), and Property Production Areas (PPAs) and Priority Conservation Areas (PCAs) recently updated by the seven cities and County of Solano. The approval of these documents completes the Solano County Comprehensive Transportation Plan.
Update on Construction of Vallejo Transit Center Expansion/York Street Improvements Project
The York Street Improvements Project is nearing completion. The project expands the Vallejo Transportation Center by providing additional bus stops along York Street (between Sacramento Street and Main Street) adjacent to SolTrans’s headquarters at the Vallejo Transit Center to accommodate expanded SolanoExpress Service (Red and Yellow lines), SolTrans local transit service, Napa Vine Transit, and Amtrak bus service. The project also provides pedestrian and streetscape improvements in the Vallejo Downtown Priority Development Area (PDA).
Solano Mobility Programs Continue to Provide Service During COVID-19
The STA Board approved the FY 2020-21 budget and extension of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) for the Countywide Intercity Taxi Program which is comprised of funding contributions from all seven cities and the County. The program provides intercity taxi service for over 1,100 ADA eligible residents and over 4,500 trips have been taken during the 2019-20 Fiscal Year.
Solano County’s essential workers and residents continue accessing Solano Mobility services and programs during the COVID 19 Pandemic with 640 calls received during the months of May and June. The Solano Mobility Call Center is serving commuters (essential workers), older adults and persons with disabilities and other essential trips via email and the Call Center through the contact information below.
STA Main Line: (707) 424-6075
STA Main Email:
Solano Mobility: 800-535-6883
STA Staff Update
Esther Wan, STA’s Administrative Clerk, accepted an administrative position with the City of Fairfield’s city manager’s office and started her new position mid-June. She started with the STA as a part-time Customer Service Representative (CSR) in the Solano Mobility Call Center and was later promoted to a full-time position supporting several citizen’s advisory committees and planning and projects staff. She has been a pleasure to work with and we wish her much success in her new position.
- Ron Rowlett, Chair, Mayor of Vacaville
- Bob Sampayan, Vice-Chair, Mayor of Vallejo
- Harry Price, Mayor of Fairfield
- Thom Bogue, Mayor of Dixon
- Elizabeth Patterson, Mayor of Benicia
- Ronald Kott, Mayor of Rio Vista
- Jim Spering, Solano County Supervisor
- Lori Wilson, Mayor of Suisun City