Coming Soon! 
Christmas in July! 

Celebrate and get an early jump on Christmas by sharing   Subarashii Asian Pear gift boxes with friends and family! Each box is filled with our own signature sweet, crisp, fre sh and juicy Asian Pears

Although the start of our 2020 harvest won't begin until late August/early September, we will be offering a great opportunity to order our pears, pre-harvest, direct from our Pennsylvania farm. Check out the Subarashii Kudamono website after July 4th for this special deal!

Speaking of Pears... 
"Thank you. Love your product!" - Dottie, Philadelphia

Have a Fantastic Fourth!

Looking for some festive recipes for the upcoming holiday? Try our  Guacamole with Aged Asian Pear Wine Vinegar.   For grilled meats, how about serving it with our   Asian Pear & Chipotle Chutney

For dessert, with our Asian Pear spread, make some Subarashii Smores over the embers of your barbecue.  

Or make a tangy syrup by combining 1 tablespoon  Aged Asian Pear Vinegar  with 1/4 cup of your favorite local honey over low heat. Stir to combine and drizzle over fruit or ice cream. Yum...

Bagging our Asaju Asian Pears.

Looking to the left of the picture, you can just see some developing young   Asaju Pears. Their growing sizes means it's time to bag them for a little sleight of hand.

These bags are lined with wax paper to fool the young pears into thinking it is their own pear skin. When the bag is removed, the beautiful Asaju Pear has a gorgeous thin skin that yields to crisp juicy flesh. 
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