August 2018
This month's ELN Focus provides insights on Early Education in Rural North Carolina, a research program led by our team at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Discover how their work contributes to the network's collective goal to advance our understanding of policies and practices that help narrow the achievement gap and maintain early learning success as children transition from preschool to third grade.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Project update: University of North Carolina at Chapel...

The Early Learning Network's research team at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has been actively engaged in the research project, Early Education in Rural North Carolina. The UNC team, located at the Frank Porter Graham Child...

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Q&A with Lora Cohen-Vogel
Lora Cohen-Vogel, Ph.D.
Co-Principal Investigator, UNC team
Frank A. Daniels Professor of Public Policy and Education, School of Education

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Lora Cohen-Vogel shares her perspective on the Early Learning Network’s research program in North Carolina, which focuses on educational practices and policies in rural contexts.

Cohen-Vogel is interested in how state and local policies affect children’s ongoing academic success, and emphasizes the need to provide high-quality, actionable research to practitioners.

"By networking across research sites, we can learn about what works more quickly, and as a result, increase the speed at which we can improve outcomes for young children."

Lora Cohen-Vogel, Ph.D.
UNC research program setting
Examining Rural Contexts in North Carolina
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill research studies are taking place in six rural counties in the state. The UNC team is working to identify specific education practices and policies that promote development for all children, especially dual language learners. Below is a snapshot of the pre-K sample demographics.
The Early Learning Network, funded by the Institute of Education Sciences , leverages its expertise, resources and geographic diversity to help close the achievement gap and maintain early learning success as children transition from preschool to third grade. Together, network researchers from universities and organizations across the U.S. are examining current policies and practices, identifying malleable factors associated with early learning and achievement and developing tools to assess early learning instruction, interactions and environments. Learn more at
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