St John the Evangelist Parish
June 24, 2020
Welcome to Phase II and Mass at St John!
Our first in-person Mass will be Saturday, July 4th at 5pm. 
Look for a special email Thursday, June 25th with information
on everything you need to know about coming back to
in-person Mass at St John.
Mass for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass will be live streamed on our Facebook page
at 5pm on Saturday, June 27th
Click here for the worship aid.
(You do not need a Facebook account to stream the Mass
just click on the link above and it will take you to our page.)
A recorded version will be available on Sunday, 
or you can watch the Facebook version, it just won't be truly live.  :)
Weekday Masses
The next weekday Mass will be celebrated:
Thursday, June 25th at 3pm.
There will be no live-streamed Masses at St John on July 1st and 2nd.
Click here to watch daily Mass at 8:30am with Archbishop Etienne.
All Masses will be live-streamed on our Facebook page
Are You Receiving Stewardship Envelopes You Don't Need??
Since more and more of our parish members are giving electronically, we thought this would be an opportunity to reach out to those who might be receiving envelopes that they don't need. If this is the case, we will take you off the list.  This is great for the environment and saves costs to the parish.
However, if using the weekly envelopes is the easiest for you, we are more than happy to make sure you keep receiving them. Please know that we will NOT remove you from receiving envelopes without your permission.
To request this change or for any questions you may have, please contact Sheila Marty at [email protected] or 206-782-2810 Ext 358.
  Thank you to the 165 families who have contributed over $65,000 to the ACA! This year our allotted share is $98,710 . This amount must be paid no matter how much we collect. If you haven't given yet, there is still time to help us reach our goal.

Your gift can still help the Annual Catholic Appeal by its support of more than 60 ministries and services that are offered to thousands of individuals across Western Washington. In addition, this year, a 10% 'tithe' from ACA 2020 donations (excluding rebates) will be placed in a Parish Solidarity Fund for those parishes severely financially impacted as a result of the suspension of public Masses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you haven't already made your gift, won't you please consider making a gift this year? No gift is too small. If you're unsure what to give, please consider a gift of $1 a day or $365 or more.

Click here to donate now. If you'd rather call in your gift to the Appeal Office, they can be reached at 800-809-4921. Asante Sana!
his weekend is the Peter's Pence Collection, which provides Pope Francis with the means to carry out his charitable works around the world. The proceeds benefit our brothers and sisters on the margins of society , including  the  victims of war, oppression, and disasters.
Click here to donate now.

Archbishop Etienne offers vision
and inspiration for the Year of the Eucharist
View his Corpus Christi Mass homily 
Helpful resources for combating racism from the Archdiocese.

St John Parish is on Instagram!

Follow us @stjohnseattle
Father will be offering Reconciliation by appointment on 
Saturdays from 4 to 4:45pm .  Please email Sheila Marty at  [email protected]  or call her at 206-782-2810 ext 358 to arrange an appointment.  (You do not need to leave your name, we just need to know how many people are coming.)

We have modified the space for Reconciliations to allow for appropriate air flow, social distance, and sanitation. Reconciliation will take place with a draped screen between you and Father for everyone's safety.  Please enter through the side doors, wear a mask, use the hand sanitizer or wipes that are provided, and practice social distancing.   Please sit in the back pews of the church until Father is ready for you.   Thank you!
Laudato Si in Action
In Chapter One of Laudato Si, Pope Francis calls attention to climate change:

Climate change is a global problem with grave implications: environmental, social, economic, political and for the distribution of goods. It represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day. Its worst impact will probably be felt by developing countries in coming decades. 

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, my approach to consumption of resources can be summed up with these five words: reduce, reuse, renew, rethink, and recycle. This time, I'd like to talk about reuse

Using something multiple times is always a better alternative to the use of single use items, even if those items are recyclable since there is a cost (in carbon) to recycling an item. After years of using plastic utensils at the office, about a year ago I realized that a better approach would be to bring in a set of stainless steel utensils from home. At my office, I also keep a steel mug for coffee and tea, and a steel water bottle. 

Of course, I haven't worked at my office for months, but I think you get my point: always try your best to avoid using single use items.

Reuse can also mean reusing someone else's things. Instead of purchasing a new car, book, dress, laptop, children's clothing, or mobile phone, have you considered purchasing a used version of the same? I bought my copy of Laudato Si used! 

What items in your life can you reuse that you are not currently reusing? 

Working together, we can help take care of our common home. 

Paul Litwin
Saint of the Month
Saint Paul
Feast Day: June 29