Hello, and welcome to this month's The Eleven, my monthly e-letter.
It has been an interesting time - I just moved to Southeast Portland and every time I walk down the street I bump into someone I'm excited to meet. The cafes are abundant, the biking easy and work closer to home. I'm loving my new house (it's quieter, my room has a delicious Western view, and my new housemates are friends I've known for years - and there are cats!).
| Sabby Lou |
Life continues to be inspiring. And, I've had an urge to orchestrate something fantastic for someone who could use a hand in the community -- Sabby Lou, come on down! Sabby is a friend, dancer, fellow activist - most recently working her ass off on the fluoride and keeping our water clean and fresh issues, a foodie and fellow gardener at the Birthday Garden. She does great work in the world (and is also open to part-time work that pays well) and ran into something challenging which is going to cost some money - so, let's have a party and raise some money, right? OK - here's the scoop:
11.11.13, 7-11pm A Monday - Hollywood Vintage (a great place to get some holloween costumage, btw - and, I held my birthday party there once upon a time and the pics are very fun) - 28th and Sandy - dancing, DJ Manoj, imbibing, dressing up, photobooth, smoothie bar - and we'll see what else we can cook up. You in? Want to volunteer? Great!!! - get in touch - we have a group organizing this on FB. If you want to, you can also donate directly to Sabby via Paypal (use the friends/family/gift tab to avoid fees). sabbylou@gmail.com I have 2 FREE classes coming up - one this coming Monday - come join in if you can - details on the right. Also, I wanted to share the great work that my friends Robin Jackson & Eecole Copen are doing in the world. I hope life is treating you very well! Thank you to everyone who helped us move and to all my clients who have made this year so great! With gratitude for life's abundance, Albert Kaufman
Upcoming FREE Classes
The Power of Email Marketing
Monday October 14, 2013 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM - Free
This information-packed seminar will demonstrate how email marketing can really help drive business success.
Holladay Park Church of God
Getting Started with Email Marketing
Tuesday November 12, 2013 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM - Free
This is a guided discussion about how email marketing works and how to get up and running.
Holladay Park Church of God
| Joy Now! |
Join the Band! The Joy Now Arts Project is a circus, music and performance program with members of the MarchFourth Marching Band. Offering programs for youth 5-18. Learn new skills, build confidence, make new friends!
| Eecole Copen - Belly Love |
Eecole has opened her Belly Love practice. Sliding scale first 2 months! Available most Fridays for appointments, book online. Like her page on Facebook, please - and go get your belly loved! |