Cross Country 2018
August 13, 2018


The first week of practice went great, and it looks like the weather will be a lot nicer this week!! This week you will see that the kids are getting familiar with the practice and will feel more comfortable. Yes they should still be a little sore for the next 2 weeks! We are still in need of parent helpers at practice, so if you would like to run or help in other ways be sure to let us know!!

Jelly Beans please volunteer to give out at the end of practice, We need 2 parents for each group to help. It is a lot of fun and the kids love you for it!!

Parents if you have not turned in your birth certificate or payment, please do it right away. All is due by Saturday! You can do it all on line. Also see the merchandise link below if you would like to purchase spirit wear or warm ups. It will take about 2 weeks to get it from our vender.

Uniforms will be available for pick up today, Tuesday and Saturday. Please order online and pick up at practice. This is the last week to pick up!!

Fleet Feet Running store will have training shoes and racing flats at practice for purchase this week on Tuesday only! Please make sure you have training shoes as after this week athletes will not be allowed to practice without proper shoes. If you are going to purchase racing flats you should do it early as the stores run out of them very quick, especially the youth sizes.

Cross Country Sign Ups
We will be closing sign ups for the 2018 Cross Country program next week, so if you know anyone who would like to sign up please let them know.

Please click the button to be taken to our sign up page on our website.

This is a new system to us Payment is no longer required during the registration process, this allows you to pay via check and postal mail, or you can use the payment button on the website to upload your payment using a credit card or debit card. If you need help please be sure to reply to this email and I can help you through the system.
This week’s practice schedule
Monday – August 13 @ 6:00 pm  – West Creek Park [ Click here for a map ] (Parent volunteers needed to help with paperwork and uniforms)

Tuesday – August 14 @ 6:00 pm – Central Park - Meet at the basketball area! (Note after the first 2 weeks we will switch sites with Thursdays College of the Canyons on Tuesdays) Please do not drop your athlete alone in the parking lot, walk them up.

Thursday – August 16 @ 5:30 pm – first 2 weeks then 6:00 pm – College of the Canyons Park near the track and walk up the service road just past the baseball field. (Note after the first 2 weeks we will switch sites with Tuesday’s Central Park at 6:00 pm on Thursdays)

Saturday – August 18 @ 8:00 am  – Central Park We meet near the basketball courts. Please try to be there as we will be doing time trials to help get your athlete in the right training group, and see their progress! we will need parent help at this practice!
Beach Practice at Carpinteria State Beach
We will be at Carpinteria State Beach on Saturday August 25, we meet at 10:30 at Carpinteria State Beach. The details are as follows: we'll meet at the life guard station at the end of Linden Ave, near the volleyball courts. Exit 86, go left to Carpinteria Ave, go right to Linden, then left to the end of the road. Parking: there is free parking at the end of Linden or side streets by the houses, or you can pay $8 to park in the state beach parking [Go left on Palm Ave from Carpinteria Ave which is before Linden follow signs to the campground]. The plan will be to start practice at 10:30 which gives you time to sleep in a little. we will be doing fun relay games at the end of practice parents and siblings are invited to participate too!! 

It takes about an hour and thirty minutes to get there. By the time practice is over, it should be prime beach weather. Bring your umbrella's, beach balls, and boogie boards. And picnic food for your family.  
Storm Merchandise Store

The Storm store is your one stop shop for everything from sweats, warm up suits and t-shirts. click the button to check it out.