Dragon Tales E-News
August 1, 2018
peter new pic
A Note from Peter

I am not going to drink coffee today. It only serves as a vehicle for sugar and cream, things a 48-year-old growing body doesn’t need.

I am going to the gym today. It’s been a while. At this rate, I’m not doing my long-term health any good.
These are thoughts in my head this morning. I’m thinking primarily about my physical health, which seems a bit vain if we’re being honest.

What if I applied these thoughts to my spiritual health? What am I not going to do today? Just one thing I can give up to be more spiritually healthy? (Think grudges, expectations, despair, negativity, resentment, comparison.)
What am I going to do today? Just one thing that I can do to improve my spiritual health? (Think forgive, smile, listen, trust, surrender, confess.)
Spiritual health, like getting fit, buff or shredded, doesn’t happen on its own. It takes work. It takes giving up things and taking on things. Every day we have a choice: what to give up and what to take on. It’s up to us.
Camp Allen Coming Soon
Volunteers welcome to join St. Margaret's parishioners as we offer a half-day, week-long summer camp for the Hispanic families of Allen Apartments in Annapolis. Children's swimsuit donations needed as well, especially girls small size and boys sizes medium and large, as well as goggles. Contact Coordinator Sarah Hyde at smhyde@aol.com or at 410-562- 9904 to volunteer or more information.
Bishop Visits St. Margaret's on August 12

The Rt. Rev. Chilton Knudsen, assistant bishop of the Diocese of Maryland, will participate in worship services at St. Margaret's on Sunday, August 12.

Knudson was bishop of the Diocese of Maine for a decade, served as a missionary in Haiti, and then as assistant bishop in Kentucky, New York, and Long Island.

Thursday AM Bible Study
Starts Sept. 13

Our Thursday morning bible study resumes on Sept. 13, from 9:15 to 10:30 a.m. in Classroom E of the Formation Building. As a reminder -- nursery care is provided. A limited number of books will be on sale starting Sunday, August 12 during coffeehour for $12. The link to purchase your own book from Amazon is available HERE.

The book being used this fall is a wise, entertaining, and educational book authored by Amy-Jill Levine that offers a fresh, timely reinterpretation of Jesus’ narratives. She analyzes “problems with parables,” taking readers back in time to understand how their original Jewish audience understood them. Levine reveals the parables’ connections to first-century economic and agricultural life, social customs and morality, Jewish scriptures and Roman culture. With this revitalized understanding, she interprets these moving stories for the contemporary reader, showing how the parables are not just about Jesus, but are also about us—and when read rightly, still challenge and provoke us two thousand years later. 
Foyers Forming for 2018-19
Are you interested in joining the St. Margaret’s Foyers social groups? If you participated last year, you do not have to do anything as you will receive a phone call or e-mail from one of the committee members in which you will be asked of your interest. If you did not participate last year but want to meet other parishioners in a social setting, please contact Vera Torrence at vdtorrence@verizon.net.  
Tanzania Trip Planned for 2019
St. Margaret’s Missions Comm. members are leading a group to Tanzania on March 7-20, 2019. The all-inclusive trip will include a safari visiting the most beautiful spots of the Serengeti and a three-day visit to the Dageno Girls Center. Dageno has been a St. Margaret’s grant recipient since 2014 but this is the first time we’ve visited in person. The itinerary has been planned and will be led by Teri Priebe of King George Travel—a very experienced TZ tour operator. A $500 deposit secures your space now. Space is limited - 3 spaces left! For more information, CLICK HERE.

By now, all who serve on Sundays (except acolytes) should have received by email information on St. Margaret's new scheduling system. The system is an easy way to check the current schedule, find a substitute or swap weeks with another volunteer.

Please remember to check it regularly! We are already in need of a swap for Sunday, Aug. 12.
Mark Your Calendar
Be sure to mark your calendar for the Rev. Patti's ordination on September 15, 11am at the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Baltimore. Please arrive by 10 am if you want to be seated. Parking will be limited, so please carpool if possible. We will have a sign up in the parish hall lobby for those who would use a bus to attend that day. If we have enough signed up, we will book the transportation.

*Funeral of Mary Barcome on Saturday, August 4, Noon
*First Senior Sessions - Tuesday, Sept. 4, 10 a.m.
*First Women's Guild Mtg of Program Year - Weds., Sept. 5, 11:30am
*Sunday School Open House -- Sept. 9, 10:15 a.m. - 11 a.m.
*First Day of Sunday School -- Sept. 16, 10:15 a.m.
*First Day of Faith & Fellowship Mondays -- Sept. 17

NOTE-- The Fall Spire newsletter deadline for submissions is Friday, August 17th. Submissions should be sent to info@st-margarets.org.

Deadline for Dragon Tales - Monday afternoon
Deadline for Sunday Announcements - Wednesday morning
As the summer vacation season continues, our regular office volunteers and staff are taking vacations. As a result, phone calls may not be answered right away,

Email may be the fastest source of communication and is encouraged if possible.  Staff will be able to collect voice mail phone messages throughout the day as long as they are not on vacation.

As a reminder, pastoral  emergency   calls can be made at 443-837-5463.

Office Emails
The Rev. Peter W. Mayer, Rector,  peter@st-margarets.org
The Rev. Patti Sachs, Assistant Rector,  patti@st-margarets.org
Elizabeth Radley, Dir. of Operations,  elizabeth@st-margarets.org
Laura Tayman, Planning & Comms. Asst.,  laura@st-margarets.org
Jeff Conover, Youth Ministries Director,  jeff@st-margarets.org
Teresa McCorkle, Bookkeeper,  office@st-margarets.org
Judy Hall, Churchyard Administrator,  churchyard@st-margarets.org
Izzy Winn, Grants Administrator,  missions@st-margarets.org
Tricia McVeigh, Day School Director,  tricia@st-margarets.org