News & Updates
June 11, 2020
Hurricane Preparedness and the Impact of COVID-19
Did you miss the Cutler Bay Business Association 's Hurricane Preparedness and the Impact of COVID-19 Virtual Meeting today? Don't worry, we have you covered!

Click the image above to view the full meeting that was live on Facebook and see the timeline below to fast-forward to the specific speaker and topic:

  • Time 16:30: Speaker Stanley Goldenberg (Meteorologist, Hurricane Research Division at AOMI/NOAA) | Discusses Hurricane Season General Hurricane threat
  • Time 47:25: Steve Detwiler (Planning Director for Miami-Dade County Emergency Management) | Discusses general planning and preparation at the County level as well as impacts of COVID-19
  • Time 1:13:21: Alfredo Quintero (Public Works Director, Town of Cutler Bay) | Discusses preparation for a threat at the Town level
  • Time 1:25:06: Rafael Casals (Town Manager, Town of Cutler Bay) | Discusses Town projects that mitigate impacts from storm
March on South Dade For Justice

This Saturday, June 13, from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. the March on South Dade for Justice will take place at the South Dade Justice Center (10710 SW 211 Street, Cutler Bay, FL 33189).

The peaceful march, organized by Rep. Kionne McGhee and local pastors, will see participants march along SW 211 Street, US 1 and Caribbean Boulevard.

June 17 Virtual Regular Town Council Meeting: Instructions to Participate

A Regular Town of Cutler Bay Council Meeting will be held using communications media technology on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. The Town’s elected officials and Town staff will participate in this meeting through video conferencing.

To learn how you may access the meeting, leave a public comment and view the agenda, click the link below.