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the sum of it all math news
Sept. 19, 2019
We spend a lot of our time thinking about how other people learn. Have you spent much time recently considering how you learn? Take a moment. What’s the last thing you remember learning? What prompted you to learn something new? How did you learn it? What was it you learned?

Podcasts have changed the learning game for me. I’ve noticed that where and how I learn has changed almost as much as what I want to learn about. Hidden Brain and Invisibilia are two of my recent favorites after I binge-listened to Malcolm Gladwell’s first three seasons of Revisionist History . (Warning — once you begin, you may not want to stop!). Looking for a podcast for math teachers? Check out Making Math Moments that Matter .

My encouragement: Find time this week to pamper your brain and learn something new. Don’t know where to start? Check out the Worth the Read section below for some links you can start with. You’re the author of your own learning adventure, so whether it’s a podcast during your commute, a video, book, or other means, stick time on your calendar or tell a colleague for accountability, and learn something new. You deserve it. And just think — this time next week, you’ll be that much smarter!

Audrey Mendivil
opportunities to learn
View the latest M ath Professional Learning at SDCOE or click on the links below:

Productive Struggle for All
How do we ensure that students with disabilities have access to grade-level mathematics? Discover ways to transform individualized education programs (IEPs), and learn about strategies and tools to support all students in building mathematical understanding. S pring registration open now.

Amp Up the Arts and Math in steAM
The connection between math and each of the arts disciplines goes beyond the practical nature of computation to the core of what is truly beautiful about math and the arts. At each session, we will gain insight and access to a local creative space, experience a lesson together, and explore how you can continue the work of integrating math and the arts so that they share the leading role in your lessons.
Grades 3-6 Math and Photography: Which One Doesn’t Belong?
What makes a set? Join us on a journey to discover which one doesn’t belong, connect photographic arts and geometry, and leave with a lesson design that will change the way you look at the world around you.
  • Oct. 29, 4 to 6 p.m.
  • Click here to register

Grades 7-9 Math and Art: Statistics and Infographics
Why are infographics so popular? The trend of turning data into an artistic story isn’t a new one, but is gaining in popularity. Discover the power of infographics as we braid art and statistics together to create a lesson designed to activate and empower your middle school students.
  • Nov. 25, 4 to 6 p.m.
  • Click here to register

A regional conference for all math educators. Join thousands of other educators focusing on the beauty and brilliance of mathematics Nov. 15 and 16 in Palm Springs.

The 7th Annual STEAM Symposium will be Dec. 9 and 10 in Anaheim. 
state and local updates
The 2019 - 20 Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments is available to California local educational agencies. To help staff in planning their use of the interim assessments during the new school year, Smarter Balanced has developed the 2019−20 Interim Assessment Overview , which includes a description of the ways in which the interim assessments can support teaching and learning, a chart comparing the features of Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICAs), Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs), and a listing of the resources available for each grade. For more details about each available interim assessment, including the claims and targets assessed and the number of items, refer to the blueprints on the California Department of Education (CDE) Interim Assessment web page .

CDE’s first mobile app for the California Content Standards has been updated to include nine of the 12 California content standards: arts, computer science, health education, history-social science, mathematics, world languages, English language arts, physical education, and school library. Download the app from the Content Standards Mobile Application website .
grant opportunities
$500 teacher grants for 10 San Diego teachers. Applications due by Oct. 18.

Applications due by Oct. 15 for this year to support K-12 STEAM and STEM education.

Applications are accepted year-round to support work in STEM education.
worth the read
A blog from a teacher rethinking her language when describing students.

Shout out to Ontario Math Links for the regular updates of things to read, including the blogpost How to Talk to Your Middle Schooler . Written for parents to better understand young teens, the article offers ideas that educators can consider as they work to build classroom culture with their students this year. 

Looking for a way to use the game Set to build collaboration and communication in your class? Check out David Butler’s blog post on Team Set .
Berkeley Everett is a K-5 Math Coach in Los Angeles who developed Math Visuals as a resource for fellow math educators and seeks to uncover patterns that are foundational to elementary math, give multiple access points to engage everyone in discussion, and inspire educators and students to invent their own visualizations of math concepts. Check out the resource .

Daisy Sharrock works at the Center for Research on Equity and Innovation at the High Tech High Graduate School of Education and is part of a Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative-sponsored research team that is currently engaged in the study Leveraging the Power of Improvement Networks to Spread Lesson Study. Read more about Lesson Study.
Mathematics Coordinator
Grades K-5
Grades 6-8
Mathematics Coordinator
Grades 9-12
Contact Christina Fekas-Gorman with questions or comments about The Sum of it All .
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