(Corrected Aug. 2, 2018) June 23, 2018 - Issue 18-25

Good afternoon, 

How Do You See the World?

This edition was originally published June 23, 2018. I've recently (August 2) become aware of some detail errors in it, so this is a corrected version of the June 23 letter.

Here's Julio Olalla In a TED Talk about  observation vs. fact. He makes some very important points about the external world, where we produce things, and the internal world where we care, where we feel, where we sense. Which one do you see most clearly?

Two completely different views of the same reality. The producers, the wealth-builders, think that everything's great because we have more "stuff".  At the same time depression and even suicide, especially among young people, are at all-time highs.

All our gains in productivity and physical wealth have made us no richer in terms of what matters to the internal person - 
  • The spiritual - seeing sacredness in "everydayness" 
  • The emotional - sadness, gratitude, care, courage, what drives us to act
Julio has great insight into the differences between internal and external views of the world. He makes the point very convincingly that we'd be better off to pay more attention to the internal world. I highly recommend you give him a good listen. Maybe two or three times!

If you're as impatient as I am, I think you can get the gist of the talk starting at the 2:50 minute point of his 17-minute presentation. Once you get into the meat of it, you won't want to stop listening!

Have a great day!

John Stevens

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LinkedIn has more than 500 million subscribers. Some of them are your ideal prospects. How do you identify (That's the first* of the three things I mentioned last week) those ideal prospects?  Our Business Accelerator Program   will connect you with 15-30 laser-targeted prospects a day and welcome them to your network.

*The answers to last week's "quiz" (What are three things you MUST do to attract your ideal clients?)
  1. Identify them.
  2. Engage them.
  3. Demonstrate value. Give them something useful to them.
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About John

Throughout a career spanning over 45 years my management style has been one of building teams to bring several competent people together to focus on a common objective. 

As I transition to life in the Argentine outback, my focus shifts from coaching to helping other business coaches and advisers get their message out to their prospective clients. With my first-hand knowledge of the benefits of effective business coaching, I am uniquely qualified to work with business advisers of all stripes convey their message.

Contact Info
John B. Stevens, Freelance Copywriter

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