How to prevent customers from canceling
(and other things…)
Of course, you are probably already using the FREE automated text and email feature.
It's saving you time and money, because your customers are already receiving automated reminder text messages and/or emails about payments, renewals, cancellations, thanking them for quotes, thanking them for referrals, etc. Right?
What? You want to use it, but have not set it up?
Go to the Jenesis Workshop and we will have your agency setup by the time you leave that afternoon. Your agency will have automated text and email messaging at
no extra cost to you
. No catch, just better Marketing and Retention by the end of the day.
You are using it, but would love to see a list of customers with no cell phone numbers in Jenesis?
Review that now by using the new Production Report located in Jenesis on the Marketing tab. At your finger tips, a list of folks with no cell numbers to help you work out your strategy for getting them and keeping them.