Milstein Family Foundation Newsletter
Our country is facing an unprecedented period of uncertainty, fear, and anxiety. Antisemites from all facets of society continue to exploit our vulnerabilities to spread hatred and divide us. The United States is and should remain a beacon of freedom and prosperity despite the civil unrest and the efforts from radicals to destroy this great nation.
Synagogues are tagged with graffiti and looted. Jews are physically attacked on the streets. Conspiracy theories about Jews are flooding social media and popular culture.
This hatred is a societal problem, and we all have a stake in the fight against it. We must act, now!
In his new piece,
Never Again the Canary in the Coal Mine
Adam presents a transformative approach for the battle against Jew hatred. Rather than hoping that others will fight antisemitism for us, he calls for taking action and going on the offensive against the looming threat.
As many in our community need help during these challenging times,
Stand By Me, under Gila’s leadership, provides care and services to Israeli-American cancer patients and their families in Los Angeles. They are making sure that no one in our community faces cancer alone. For ways to get involved, please visit their
Read about the answers to the the question:
is fighting violent antisemitism and saving lives is our Jewish responsibility? And if the answer is "yes," what exactly is our role in preventing the violence inflicted on us, our families and our communities, and what action plans are effective in doing so? And if racism and discrimination against Jews isn’t just our problem but a threat to American values, how do we get the American people to join us in the fight?
Learn about our featured organization of the month:
B'nai Brith Canada.
They are a vital voice in promoting Jewish unity and continuity, a staunch defender of the State of Israel and global Jewry, and a leader in combating antisemitism and racism in Canada.
Finally, don’t miss the exclusive interview with Adam in
The Jerusalem Post
. He shares the vision behind the Israeli-American Council, its impact, and how the organization is positioned to combat antisemitism in the U.S.
We wish everyone a happy Fourth of July!
With sincere love and admiration for the State of Israel and the Jewish people,
Gila and Adam Milstein
Never Again the Canary in the Coal Mine
Adam Milstein's article was first published on
on June 10, 2020.
“Facing ever growing antisemitism in the decades following the Holocaust, the Diaspora Jewish community’s common response has been to cry ‘Never Again’ and to describe ourselves as the ‘canary in the coal mine’
We cannot allow ourselves to be helpless, expendable canaries any longer. It is upon us to act—
"With a warm heart and open arms, Stand By Me is the extended family in support of its brothers and sisters on their road to recovery."
President, Gila Milstein
Stand by Me
is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 2009 in order to provide daily support to Israeli-American cancer patients and their families in Los Angeles.
is a simple way to support
Stand By Me
every time you shop, at no cost to you. When placing orders through
, you'll find the exact same prices and selection as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Stand By Me!
Make sure to select Stand By Me as your charity of choice.
If you would like to join our family of
, please fill out this
or call our office at (818) 664-4100.
Is Fighting Violent Antisemitism and Saving Lives a Losing Proposition?
While observant Jews are the easiest targets within the Jewish community today because they’re the most visible, too often they’re reluctant to join this fight. It’s not just being risk averse; many of them believe, but don’t publicly acknowledge, that fighting antisemitism is a losing proposition; we have almost nothing to gain but a lot to lose.
B’nai Brith Canada
is an independent charity based in Canada and a leader in the global fight against antisemitism. World-renowned for their unique and innovative research methods and their fearless, proactive approach, they ensure meaningful consequences for antisemites wherever they lurk. They keep Canada’s Jewish community safe and prevent harmful players from operating on North American soil.
B’nai Brith Canada’s balanced yet determined approach ensures universal accountability for Jew-hatred across society and the political spectrum.
As Canada’s oldest Jewish charity, they also provide vital services such as affordable housing and food donations to the needy.
B'nai Brith Canada relies solely on
and receives no funding from any external organizations – making their work a truly grassroots and community-based effort.
Thanks to the Milstein Foundation’s support, B'nai Brith Canada recently launched a lawsuit against Canada’s government over its failure to list Iran’s IRGC as a terrorist organization.
MFF is proud to support B'nai B'rith Canada.
Adam Milstein's Formula for Success
As the outgoing Chairman of the Israeli American Council (“IAC”), Adam Milstein reflects on the accomplishments of the organization, shares advice for the future, and discusses how the community can address the rising threat of antisemitism to Jews in America and worldwide.