Student Ministry Family,

I want to thank each of you for your patience and understanding as so many of our plans for the Spring and Summer have been changed and cancelled due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. As you know, the Mountain Brook Baptist Church leadership has developed  a reopening plan that is responsible, gradual, and flexible . As we turn the page into July, this plan allows us to begin to have in-person Student Ministry activities, though still safely physically distanced. We are incredibly excited to be together and see everyone again!

Below you will see more details of our plans for July, which we hope will be both fun and meaningful while fully aligning with the church’s plan to keep everyone safe. Among the things we're asking from everyone to make this happen is:

1. At least six feet of separation between anyone from different households is required at all times.

2. Wearing a mask is required at all times when indoors.
Wearing a mask is strongly encouraged at all times.

While these rules will mean our in-person gatherings in July won’t be quite like what we were used to before the pandemic, it will be so good to be back together again! 

That said, we know some are not yet ready to be in large group gatherings quite yet. We understand; you'll see we are working to keep avenues open to keep you connected even while we can't be together in-person.

Thank you again for your patience and faithfulness during this time. As we begin this new phase let us continue to be diligent to stay the course and do what it takes to keep one another safe as a demonstration of our love for one another and our neighbors.

Remember, our Student Ministry team is here for you! Please let us know how we can come alongside your family in these days. We’re always open to being invited to socially distanced meals with your family. We welcome conversation at a distance or through technology anytime. We're always here to listen.

We are praying for you. We love you. We miss you. We're excited to be planning opportunities to be together again!

If you have any questions/concerns about our summer plans, we'd love the opportunity to chat about that or anything else, anytime.


Ben Winder
Minister to Students
205.603.6803 |
Serve at Drive-In Vacation Bible School
Sunday, July 5 - Friday, July 10 | Parking Lot

Like everything else this summer, Vacation Bible School is going to look quite different! Nonetheless, we are still having VBS and we can definitely use your help to make it a special event for the families in our Kids Ministry and community.

There are lots of different ways for you to serve either at our morning sessions, evening sessions, or both. You can sign up to serve here or email Sharon Howard ( ).
Weekly Sunday Worship Services
9 am - Traditional & 11 am - Contemporary | Sanctuary

We have resumed worshipping together in the Sanctuary each week, and we would love for you family to join us as you are able.

Things are a little different for the time being. Everyone is required to wear a mask at all times and physical distance is required between all those from different households. Due to limited seating availability as we physically distance we are also asking you to pre-register each week on our website .

If you can't be with us in person, both services are being streamed on the church website & Facebook Live each week.
Students Sunday Morning Bible Study
Sundays, 10 am - Beginning July 12 | CLC Gym

We are looking forward to resuming SMBS very soon! Beginning July 12 there will be opportunities for all ages to be together for Bible study again each Sunday.

For now the Student Ministry SMBS will be in the gym to give us enough space to accommodate everyone with appropriate distancing.

As with our worship services, we do ask you to pre-register for SMBS each week on our website .

For those who are unable or don't feel comfortable being back with us quite yet, we invite you to join us via Instagram Live from wherever you are.
Sundays, 7 pm - July 12, 19, & 26 | Parking Lot

The Brook is back July 12!

While it never entirely went away, it will be SO NICE to be back together in person and not through a screen!

As always, The Brook will be our time to be together as a Student Ministry family to worship, learn together from Scripture, and have fun together.

For now we'll plan to gather in the lower parking lot each week (unless weather forces us into the gym) and in keeping with our gradual reopening we won't share a meal together quite yet.

We ask that each person please bring a chair and a mask each week.
As a special way of kicking off being back together, on July 12 our guest preacher will be Anne Peyton Baker. She was scheduled to be our preacher for LifeWeek 2020, but since it is no longer happening she has graciously agreed to join us for The Brook our first time back. AP is an MBBC Student Ministry alumnae. After graduating from Mountain Brook High School she attended Vanderbilt University, and later this summer she is moving to Monte Plata, Dominican Republic, where she will use her training in Spanish and counseling as she serves as a missionary working with children in individual and group therapy settings. We are THRILLED to have AP with us July 12! You don't want to miss it.

Feel free to invite your friends to join you for The Brook on July 12 and every Sunday thereafter. It really is going to wonderful to be back together!

As with SMBS, for those who are unable or don't feel comfortable being back with us quite yet, we invite you to join us via Instagram Live from wherever you are each week.
Summer Funs Are Back!
With Student Ministry gatherings allowed again, Summer Funs are back, too! Obviously the social distancing rules mean these no-frills fellowships will be a little different this year. You're always welcome to invite your friends to join us, too.

Below is what we have planned so far for July, BUT we'd love to hear your ideas for ways we can be together, even as we keep a safe distance. Hit us up with your ideas!


Bring Your Own Lunch - Monday, July 13, 11:30 am
Bring your lunch from home or pick up your favorite take-out and join us for a socially distanced lunch at the church.

Outdoor Movie Night - Thursday, July 23, 7:30 pm
Bring a chair and join us for a night at the movies, in the church's back yard.

Hiking King's Chair Loop - Tuesday, July 28, 10 am
Throw your lunch, water, sunscreen, and $5 cash per person to get into the park into your backpack, and meet us at the North Trailhead in Oak Mountain State Park. We'll hike up to King's Chair Overlook and eat lunch together before hiking back down.


As always our staff and many of adult leaders are also eager for time with you beyond these scheduled events. Let us know if we can buy you socially-distanced lunch or ice cream, or if you'd just like to hang out, in person or via FaceTime. We're here for it!
Home Church Option for SMBS & Worship
If you can't be with us on the church campus on Sundays, or you're just looking for some extra discipleship resources in this season, remember to check out our Home Church page .

We continue to offer a pre-recorded Sunday Morning Bible Study lesson each week for adults & students. You can access it online anytime. Right now Wayne Splawn and Ben Winder are helping us dig into the Sermon on the Mount. (If you missed any of the previous weeks, the full back catalogue is available, too!)
Project 119 MBBC Bible Reading Plan
As excited as we are about our Student Ministry programming taking a step back toward normalcy this month, and as important as we think what we do together is, we also firmly believe the single most important thing one can do to grow in their faith is to spend consistent time encountering God in scripture and prayer. Especially if you do it in the context of the most vital place of discipleship: your family!

As a resource to help you and your family do just that, Mountain Brook Baptist encourages you to utilize the Project 119 Bible Reading Plan . Each day provides a reading from the New Testament, Old Testament, and Psalms.

We also follow Project 119 for our Daily Devos on Instagram , so you might find checking those out to be useful for your personal and family discipleship, too.
Make sure you stay connected with MBBC Students
to keep up-to-date on everything that's happening!