News from The RADish Ranch

To clean, or not to clean -- that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler of the mind to suffer...

Some people suffer from cleaning and some from not cleaning.

Take a step back this week and figure out what your cleaning goals are and if it's something that contributes or takes away from family time.

Also try this: A study was done where the experimenters left citrus scented cleaner out and had the subjects make a list of things to do for the day and eat a crumbly snack; those in the room with the cleaner scent were 70% more likely to list a cleaning task for the day and clean up the crumbs while eating! I'd say it's worth a try at leaving some citrus Pine-Sol out today and seeing what happens :D

Karen Poitras
President & Founder
Some people obsessively clean and some people seem to be allergic to it.

Therapeutic parents are burnt out and cleaning usually ends up at the bottom of a loooong list of things to do. You end up feeling like nothing will be clean again, you can't have people over, and you just don't care anymore. You feel like your home is a wreck and so do your kids. A+ chores seem totally pointless to a kiddo who lives in a house that isn't clean & tidy - kids learn the most by example.

Some parents stress clean. The problem with stress cleaning is that you don't actually feel better when you're done - if you ever are. No one can meet your high cleaning standards - especially your kids. In the end you feel like you have to do everything by yourself so it's "right", and your kiddos feel they aren't good enough to do anything and you get exhausted. It's not a good situation.

There is a happy medium: A tidy home, protected dust bunnies, and family bonding time; all these great things!
So try this:

  • Pick ONLY 5 things or areas that you always want cleaned A+.

  • Pick 5 things that you're OK with letting go by the wayside.

  • Decide what your A+ standard looks like for YOU, and what it looks like for your kiddos.
Make cleaning a time to bond: fold laundry together, clean out the fridge together, scrub the tub together, mop the floors side by side. Start thinking of cleaning as a great opportunity to spend time with your child and have fun together.

And when it's time to read stories, go on a walk, or sit through an hour-long meltdown - let the cleaning go. Remember that your dust bunnies need to rest in peace, the leftovers in the fridge will be a cool science project on mold growth, and the mountain of laundry to be folded will make a great landing pad for flying practice.

Cleaning can also be a way to love your family and feel accomplished about something; 'cause honestly, when you have a kiddo with RAD it can be hard to find ways to love them and it can be very hard to feel accomplished in anything. Start with the little things.
Are dust bunnies going extinct?

According to The Frumious Bandersnatch, the answer is yes.

"25% of homes declared critical habitat


WASHINGTON: The common American household Dust Bunny has been designated as a endangered species, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USF&WS) announced last week.

"The widespread use of household cleaning products and devices has drastically reduced the habitat of the Dust Bunny," said Noah Present, Acting Director of the Endangered Species Program. "American homes are cleaned too frequently, and much better than in the past."

"We are not to blame for the improper use of our products," responded a spokesperson for the Household Products Association. "Correctly used, many of the Dust Bunnies should survive."

In addition to designating Dust Bunnies as an endangered species, USF&WS also established critical habitat for the critters.

"Twenty-five percent of every dwelling unit in the country must be left uncleaned," announced Present. " ...continue reading
(Aren't these guys adorable? When you find a big dust bunny take a picture of it, print it out, and let your kids draw faces on them = priceless artwork.)
So now what? Here are two of my favourites resources to get you started (or continued):
Clean faster. And better. Also easier.

Seriously the best stuff ever. All you need is water so it's all super kid-friendly. And it makes your house sparkle!

My favourite, most-used Norwex products are the enviro cloth (regular cleaning), the polishing cloth (my windows look beautiful!), and the dusting mitt (dusting hundreds of books is now easy!). My kids use the travel-size enviro cloths, they're the perfect size for small hands.

Norwex is sold by independent consultants, so search their website for someone in your area.
Easy cleaning and organization schedules

Have you been living in CHAOS?
FlyLady is here to help you get your home organized! She teaches you to eliminate your clutter and establish simple routines for getting your home clean!

This great site isn't just about cleaning, it's got great organizing strategies, schedules, and self-care ideas.

It's perfect for busy, therapeutic Mamas!
*Side note: I've learned to let my house be "good enough"; I don't worry about having everything perfectly clean before people come over: my dust bunnies live in peace and quiet under my couch and desk, and sometimes the dishes stay in the sink. I've finally found the in between of cleaning and chilling out, having high expectations but relaxed priorities; and to be honest, life is a whole lot more relaxing.
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