Tapeworks Bulletin
Stripe-It-All News
As many of you surely know, we have been working on developing a Rimstripe installation tool, which we call the Stripe-It-All. It effectively reduces installation time to under an hour and we believe most folks can install a full set of Rimstripes in around half an hour. Sure beats the old way!

Want to learn more about the Stripe-It-All? Click Here!

If you have a club, a Stripe-It-All would be a great community tool that everyone can use with just about any width stripe, so everyone can make their bikes look a bit snazzier! It works great on bicycles and cars as well as motorcycles.

We are currently working on a Kickstarter campaign to have these tools made in bulk and we would appreciate a minute of your time when it comes out. We'll even be offering a Kickstarter-only run of glow-in-the-dark Stripe-It-Alls! We have had about a dozen non-Kickstarter preorders and we should be sending those out in the next week or so (we got a few samples from our manufacturer).

1-800-232-TAPE (8273)
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