Lifelong Faith Formation Connections

From the heart of our Pastoral Associate...Dr. Kathie Amidei
Going to Heaven
"What do you think are your chances of going to heaven?"
This was the question I was asked at the Waukesha County Fair. I know most folks who go to the fair ride on the Ferris wheel, eat deep-fried Oreos, or try to win a stuffed animal. We did all of these (...ah, not the Oreos...) But just as we were leaving, my seven-year-old grandson, Natey, spotted a booth where they were making balloon animal bracelets.
Being an incredibly sweet child, he said wistfully, how cool they looked, "But you have spent enough money, Grandma. We don't have to do that." I looked more closely at the booth and said, "I don't think it costs money, Natey. I think they make you a balloon animal while I complete their survey."
It was "A Spiritual Inventory" which sounded right up my alley, and Natey would get his very own wrist balloon animal! It turns out the booth was sponsored by a local church who engaged me in a conversation about being saved. The discussion began with the question, "What did I think were my prospects of going to heaven?"
I never had thought about the question of my admittance into heaven in those terms, in other words, I haven't thought of myself as the "decider" of that question. I believe I am more focused on living in relationship with the God who is present to me every day, than how we will dwell together in eternity. (Though I hope for that!)
I do think a lot about whether choices I make are loving. Some days I do better than others on that. I do think about my loved ones who have died being in heaven and feel comforted that they are together in some loving place with God. I think about ways I have sinned and hope God doesn't have some scorecard of moral grading I have failed. I guess I think most about how to live in grace with gratitude every day for the life I have.
Pope Francis, when he accepted his election to the papacy said, "I am a sinner, but I trust in the infinite mercy and patience of our Lord Jesus Christ."
I still don't have a grasp on a response to my odds of going to heaven, but I like our Pope's thinking. I will keep working on how I live and then trust in the mystery and "infinite mercy" of God who loves me for trying. And next County Fair I might try the deep-fried Oreos.
Alpha is returning to St. Anthony this Fall

Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone's welcome. It runs in cafés, churches, universities, homes-you name it. No two Alphas look the same, but generally they have three key things in common: food, a talk and good conversation.

Learn more about the adventure this fall! 
Make a Difference
Peru Container
We are collecting Family to Family bins and general items in good, clean condition, in the Parish Life Center 8:00-Noon, tomorrow, Friday, August 10, around Mass times this weekend and Monday 8-4.  The container will ship on August 15th. 

We need many volunteers to help with sorting, inventorying and then loading the  container This is a great way for high school teens can get a jump start on their Confirmation Service Hours. The dates/times help is needed can be found here. Thanks in advance for any time you might be able to lend.
Friday August 10 is St. Anthony's turn to help at the MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary Meal Program.  This is a ministry serving homeless and at risk homeless in Milwaukee's Inner City.  Volunteers are needed to donate food and/or serve the meal on site.  Food donations would need to be brought to the St Anthony on the Lake Fellowship Hall kitchen by 12:00 on August 10.  Volunteer servers are needed from 2:30 to 5:15 with a carpool leaving St Anthony's at 1:45 and returning around 6:00.  Sign up here
Prayer Shawl Ministry  Members of the parish create prayer shawls for individuals seeking the prayerful support of our community.  The shawls are created in community, prayed over, and shared.  There are offerings for both men and women as well as for children. If you or a loved one are seeking the comfort of a prayer shawl, please contact Clare Peiffer at  [email protected]  or (262)-646-4133. 
Join us in the creation the second Tuesday; August to June 7-8:30pm  in the Fireplace Lounge.
Be a Gift Bearer,  Sign up here

Altar servers needed;  Sign up here

Catechists are imperative!
In the Bible, God reminds his people to remember the wonderful things God has done for them, and to "make them known to your children and your children's children." The great commandment to know and love God is found in verses 4 & 5 of Chapter 6 in the Book of Deuteronomy. Do you know what follows? Verse 6 and 7 say, "Take to heart these words. . . Keep repeating them to your children. . . "

This command is at the heart of our faith formation programs for children and youth. We know it is up to us to share the stories of God, and tell of our relationship with God, to the next generation.

We cannot do that without Catechists; adults who are willing to invest time in creating relationships with the next generation, reminding them of the greatness of God and of God's incredible love and care.

Are you called to be a catechist? Please contact the faith formation office to explore how the needs of our children and youth might intersect with the gifts and talents God has given you!

Visit our FaithWorks page for information and to sign-up for upcoming and new service opportunities. Direct questions to Laura Smyczek, 262.691.9170, x1103

House of Peace School Supply Drive - August 6-9 Ends today!
Now that school supplies are all on sale, why not buy some for needy children in Milwaukee? The children served by the House of Peace need supplies for the upcoming school year. Please help fill their backpacks with item.  Items may be dropped off yet today in the Gathering Space at St. Anthony. 

Children's Liturgy of the Word
Children's Liturgy of The Word begins on Sunday, September 9, during the 9:00 Mass. Helpers are needed! Adult volunteers, as well as middle school and high school students can sign up here and pick a Sunday (or two or more) that works for you, to help the leader and the children. It's a great service opportunity! Please contact Debbie Kusch if you have any questions.

Crayons, Markers, Glue Sticks, oh my!
Help is needed to test and reorganize all our supplies before programs begin. Great service opportunity for any age! Join us Monday, August 13 from 1-4 or Friday, August 17 from 9-12, or BOTH!
Summer 2018 Mission Trips
Mission Trips 2018
Mission Trips 2018
View the video above to get a glimpse into our Summer Mission Trips. Thank you once again to all who supported these trips in so many ways and to all who participated. You make a difference!
Middle School Youth Ministry
Many families find sports and other extracurricular activities are great because they provide middle school youth an outlet for energy and curiosity with fun, wholesome activities, and keep them connected with caring adults. Our St. Anthony on the Lake Athletic Program and Drama club are open to all youth in grades 5 through 8 and are wonderful!
AND our parish is committed to doing even more. At St. Anthony on the Lake we nurture that connection to our faith community through our Middle School Youth Ministry programs. Check out the website to see some of the things we offer! Our first activity will include fun, a bike-ride, food, friends, faith and a bonfire on September 7 from 5:00pm to 9:00pm. Save the date and watch for a sign up in the next newsletter!

Summer Outreach Camp

What a great experience for all the youth and adults who took part in our middle school mission trip! The week of July 24, over 65 youth and adults served at 3 different agencies and 11 different individuals' homes. Without this help, many of the senior citizens we served would find it much harder to remain in their own homes. Here are some of the comments they had:
  • "These young people are like a miracle."
  • "The focus, the energy, their smart execution of doing! WOW!"
  • "You people and kids who have worked so hard, were a God sent group to help us do things we cannot do anymore."
  • "Thank you for a wonderful job you have done, and may God bless each one of you."
In addition to serving, the youth enjoyed special prayer experiences; Eucharistic Adoration, praise and worship music, games, fun, swimming and more. We are so very grateful to the adult crew leaders and the additional volunteers to donated many hours to make all this possible!  
Molly Ministry/Early Childhood

Carpets were cleaned, the chairs washed, and much more. We are ready for childcare to re-open this weekend!

Childcare is open again! 
Family Program begins again September 23 & 24. Do you have our start date on your calendar?  

Wondering what family program is or if it's for you?

 Who might you invite?