October 2019 Edition
Happy Halloween!
We're back from our annual two weeks of shopping in Denver at the International Gem, Mineral and Fossil show and are now diligently processing all the new inventory and holiday treats we found for you. Be sure to mark your calendars for Friday, October 11th - First Day Of NT Denver Sale!

While on R & R after shopping in Denver I was able to visit with Blue at the Pala Tourmaline mine in Pala, California. He shared mining stories and showed amazing bi-color tourmaline specimans from their mine. We bought a bag of mix color tourmaline pieces and made arrangements for a shipment of their exclusive lavender lepidolite shot full of pink tourmaline from their pala mine.

We are required to annually send out notices to update permission options for receiving our emails so, we took this opportunity to restructure our main mailing list in order to better target your likes and request for selected mailers only. Look for our "Notice of Subscription" soon and select the list that best fits your information needs.

A quick reminder we will be a vendor at the Spirtual Life Productions Metaphysical Fair at the Holiday Inn on Middle Fiskville Rd. this weekend and I will be speaking about crystals and their properties on Sunday, October 6th at 3:00 pm. Hope to see you there.

Hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween. Let the spirits fly!

Karen Richards
& The Staff


Special Offers

Sign up online to receive updates on our 14th Annual Denver Trunk Show and all the new goodies we brought 
back from t he International Gem & Jewelry Show in Denver, Co!

Shop Nature's Treasures ONLINE!

So many new things in our Online Store! 
Check out our New Arrivals
New Oils!
New Herbs!
New Smudges! 

Free In Store Pickup
Free Standard Shipping 
for Orders over $ 50 .00

Back Order & Pre Order now available for certain products online! Watch for exciting new products being added daily, and be the first to get exclusive Sneak Peeks right in your inbox! How cool is that?!  
In the Community Events Center

Saturday , Oct 5, 3-5pm
Austin Reformed Congregation of the Goddess
First Saturday

Thursday, Oct 31, 7-9pm
Austin RCG
Samhain Celebration

Oct 8, 15, 22 & 29, 7-9p
Hilde Girls
Song Circle of Women


Wednesday, Oct 23, 7-8p
Criselda Miller
Crystal Bowl Vibration Class

Saturday, Oct 26, 10a-5p
- Sunday, Oct 27, 10a-5p 
Linda Drake
Usui Holy Fire Reiki I & II

Friday, Nov 1, 6:30-8:30p
Hekate's Tribe
Into Hekate's Cave 
Samhain Ritual


Nature's Treasures has a 2,200 sq ft Auditorium  
and 1,200 sq ft Studio Space available for your event. 
  • Classes
  • Lectures
  • Workshops
  • More
Check our calendar for availability and email our Events Director at -

In the Community 
Come meet and greet with Lee Carroll, famous Kryon channeller, on October 19 & 20 and make a purchase at our booth to
receive a 25% off coupon for use in-store!

Our Outreach Coordinator, Michael, will be visiting the Pagan Student Alliance on UT Campus Wednesday, October 2 to talk to them about the art and magic of crystal gridding!

Michael will be presenting his well-liked children's demonstration "Rock Stars!" at the Barton Creek Elementary School Science Day on October 18.

Looking Ahead


Join us as we team up with Linda Drake to offer the 
Reiki Share Event!
Sunday, November 3, 12-5p

Free Reiki Sessions 

Featured Affiliate

"Each One, Teach One"
Sharing many common interests and a strong value on education, Nature's Treasures and AGMS have been partners for many years.  Recognizing that interests vary among their members and the public in general, AGMS has developed Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that meet regularly to discuss focused topics.  For example, on the second Tuesday of each month from 7-9p, the Mineral Identification SIG meets to help identify each other's minerals by recognition and using geological field methods.   
With half priced membership rates being offered through October 17, you still have time to take advantage of members' expertise, rock hounding field trips, discounted lapidary classes, discounted entry to the Gem Capers Annual Gem & Mineral Show held at the Palmer Events Center and many other perks for as little as $15 for a year!
The theme this year for the Gem Capers Annual Gem & Mineral Show is "Minerals of Canada" so come on out and learn a bit more about our northern neighbors and the treasures that come from there! 
Click HERE to become an AGMS Member today!  

The Treasure Tome: A Trove of Knowledge

Jade: An Ambiguous Term for a Tenacious Stone 
By: Michael J. Kallstrom, MS Geosciences

Although Jade holds great value in many cultures, it has also become one of the most ambiguous gem names on the market. Knuth outlines a progressive history of Jade in Gems in Myth, Legend and Lore. What we know today as "Jade" originally referred to the mineral Jadeite and became popular in China early on. However, early Spanish explorers discovered a similar material that became known as Nephrite due to natives using the stone as a cure-all for kidney problems (nephros means "kidney" in Greek). In the 16th century, the term piedra de hijada became widespread in Western civilization and over time became shortened to the modern name "Jade".  

To read more about "Jade," CLICK HERE!

Meet Our Staff


While studying at the Savannah College of Art and Design in Georgia, Christine traveled to Austin, Texas with her class for a design project which inspired her to move out to our weird city after graduation. She finds joy in befriending stray animals, making people laugh, and creating magic with art, design, and computers. You might see her covering our in-store events for social media or peeking out from the corner of the Online Store - but most likely feeding a stray cat.

What's New? 

In The Store

New Agate Tea Light Holders

Onyx Restocked

At The Counter
     Teal Kyanite
Necklaces & Bracelets

Precious Opal Jewelry
In The Depot
Fluorite Cabochons

Rough Fluorite

Monthly WINNER!

$25 Gift Certificate! 

Victor G.

Be sure to enter the drawing 
next time you're in the store!   

October's  Birthstone

Opal, from the Sankrit word upala meaning "precious stone," is known as the Queen of Gemstones for its beauty.  One legend says that the God of Storms became jealous of the Rainbow God's beauty and in a fit of rage shattered the rainbow.  As the fragments fell to Earth they became petrified and turned to Opal.  Interestingly enough Opals are as fragile as the rainbow from this legend.  With only a hardness of 5.5 on the Mohs Hardness Scale and a tendency to crack when exposed to heat, pressure, or chemicals, this gemstone definitely requires special care.
The glittering rainbow fragments in Precious Opal, known properly as "play-of-color," combine all elemental energies, making Opal a stone of manifestation.  Because of the water contained within the Opal, it possesses a natural affinity towards enhancing emotions and intuition.  In a 19th century novel Anne of Geierstein, Sir Walter Scott highlights Opal's ability to project the mood of its wearer.  Although many believe that Opals are unlucky to wear unless you are born in October, historical evidence does not support this superstition.   
To find out the truth about Opals, Click HERE 

Aura, Meridian & Chakra  
Photos & Video
Now Available DAILY!!! 
Walk-ins Welcome! 
With our updated Aura Machine, you can see the color of your aura. 
Offered daily and starting at only $25, this is a great gift to give yourself or a loved one.  
11:00AM - 6:00PM
10/1 Mia Michel - Intuitive, and healer, Akashic Records Consultations, Past Lives and Soul Readings.

10/2 Laura Tree - Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Consultant, Atlantean Healing, Diamond Violet Flame Transmutation.

10/3 Elaine Ireland - Tarot reading & psychic work.

10/4 Tara Ventura - Numerology/Tarot; Clairvoyant Psychic; Intuitive Counseling; Energy Healing (chakra).

10/5 Stefanie Fix - Tarot card reading & dream interpretation.

10/5 Amber Soberon - Reiki Master.

10/6 Rebecca Andrews  - Color-puncture removes blockages for a person to better access their Soul program.

10/6 Drew Sartin - Clair-cognizant, Empath, Mystic, Wizard, Augur, Gnostic.

10/7 Eva Lott - Metaphysical minister, Reiki master, stress management.

10/8 Kramer Wetzel - Astrology chart & reading, Tarot, good humor.

10/9 Adrienne Goff - Author, teacher, healer, connecting you with your crystals.

10/10 Ricardo Gonzales - Psychic.

10/11 Anne Berlin - Psychic medium, psychometry, work with Archangels & Ascended Masters.

10/12 Anaya Swan - Priestess, Artist, Musician, Reiki Master, Magical Seamstress, Healer, Tarot Reader.

10/12 Walter Ernst - Internationally known Psychic, Medium, Channeler, and Spiritual Teacher.

10/13 Denise Nitti - Intuitive Medium, Intuitive Artist, Intuitive Life Coach, Energy Worker, Reiki Master.

10/13 Azhalea 'Sally' Ramirez - Angel Card Reader, Clairvoyant Medium, Energetic Healing.

10/14 Thumper Donnelly - Medium, clairvoyant psychic, energy Healing, past lives.

10/15 Mia Michel - Intuitive, and healer, Akashic Records Consultations, Past Lives and Soul Readings.

10/16 Laura Tree - Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Consultant, Atlantean Healing, Diamond Violet Flame Transmutation.

10/17 Elaine Ireland - Tarot reading & psychic work.

10/18 Tara Ventura - Numerology/Tarot; Clairvoyant Psychic; Intuitive Counseling; Energy Healing (chakra).

10/19 Yuci Edwards - Spiritual Counseling, Tarot Reading, Angel Guiding, Coffee Cup Mapping, Akashic Records.

10/19 Rebecca Andrews - Color-puncture removes blockages for a person to better access their Soul program.

10/20 Amber Soberon - Reiki Master.

10/20 Alice Rodriguez - As a Psychic Medium Alice can receive messages from your deceased loved ones in spirit and your spirit guides.

10/21 Eva Lott - Metaphysical minister, Reiki master, stress management.

10/22 Kramer Wetzel - Astrology chart & reading, tarot, good humor.

10/23 Julie Reeves - Sighted intuitive Astrology, tarot & past life consultation.

10/24 Ricardo Gonzales - Psychic.

10/25 Anne Berlin - Psychic medium, psychometry, work with archangels & Ascended Masters.

10/26 Drew Sartin - Clair-cognizant, Empath, Mystic, Wizard, Augur, Gnostic.

10/26 Peter Hansen - Psychic Angelic Channeler, Medium, Etheric cord cutting.

10/27 Denise Nitti - Intuitive Medium, Intuitive Artist, Intuitive Life Coach, Energy Worker, Reiki Master.

10/27 Walter Ernst - Internationally known Psychic, Medium, Channeler, and Spiritual Teacher.

10/28 Thumper Donnelly - Medium, clairvoyant psychic, energy healing, past lives.

10/29 Walter Ernst - Internationally known Psychic, Medium, Channeler, and Spiritual Teacher.

10/30 Sheryl Martin - Psychic medium, dream interpreter, reiki master, spiritual counselor, intuitive, life coach, & Empath.

10/31 Elaine Ireland - Tarot reading & psychic work.

Personal Shopping Services
Custom Jewelry with
Crystal Heart Studio
Merlyn Dyches, metaphysical jeweler/artist and owner of the Crystal Heart Studio, will be onsite every 2nd and 4th Saturday offering stone wiring, wrapping and intuitive reading services.  Get your treasures and have them wrapped, bring your own in, or purchase finished wire wrapped jewelry on site!

Austin's Crystal Whisperer
What are your crystals telling you? 
Dianna, Austin's Crystal Whisperer offers her Personal Crystal Readings to help you find, understand and connect with the rocks, minerals and crystals that are perfect for you! 

Rates start as low as 
$15.00 for 10 minutes

Book in Advance at:   

Monthly Astrology


Autumn has arrived with the dawn of Libra season. October watches as our lives shift toward connections and relationships. At the end of September, a New Moon in Libra opened a door in the Universe and this energy will continue to shimmer over the beginning days of October. Libra as a zodiac sign rules partnership, union, and the importance of moving from "me" to "we." During this time of the year, we often cross paths with someone who is a mirror to us. Whether it is in business, love, or collaboration, we have an opportunity to become stronger by uniting.

Take a
Virtual Tour

Can't get into the store? Want to
take a virtual tour?  Google came out and did a VR of Nature's Treasures. 


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