February 2020

The BIG Way We're Celebrating 10 Years in #KOP
As you may have heard, this year we are celebrating ten years of working alongside stakeholders and partners to rebuild KOP’s reputation as one of Pennsylvania’s premier live-work-play communities.  We see this milestone as one that belongs to the entire community, as it is only through our collaborative efforts that we can impact this change. When we started to brainstorm ways to celebrate this anniversary, we knew we needed to involve the entire community in a fun and engaging way, and we knew that we needed to “go big.” And go BIG we did…


Dining and Shopping for a Great Cause
While Restaurant Weeks are a dime a dozen, none will make you feel as warm-and-fuzzy inside as  KOP Restaurant Week  and  KOP Shops for CHOP , taking place throughout King of Prussia March 9-15, 2020. What sets this week-long dining and shopping event apart from all others is its very special beneficiary: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.


10 Years of Driving Economic Development
The first blog post in our monthly series 10 Years of... explores King of Prussia District's direct contribution to economic development and job growth in King of Prussia.


Once "Sleepy" King of Prussia is Booming with Development
Earlier this month, The Philadelphia Inquirer released a lengthy article detailing the development boom in King of Prussia over the past decade. The article sited the rezoning of King of Prussia business park, now Moore Park, and an aggressive PR campaign led by the King of Prussia District as key drivers in King of Prussia's fast-paced growth

“What we had to do ... is to resurrect the image of King of Prussia again,” Eric Goldstein, King of Prussia District Executive Director, said. “I think we’ve done that pretty successfully.”



The Kingswood Apartment Fire Relief Fund
The Kingswood Apartment fire, which occurred on Wednesday January 29, displaced 42 Upper Merion Township residents. The evacuees are all currently in temporary shelter (hotels, family, friends). Many of these residents lost all of their belongings in the fire.
An Upper Merion Township emergency response team is now collecting donations for those residents impacted by the fire.

All donations are 100% tax deductible and will go directly to help with the Kingswood Apartment Fire Relief Effort.

KOP in the News
Upcoming Events
Washington's Birthday at Valley Forge Park
February 17
Bring the kids and join Mrs. Washington, members of the Continental Army, and others to celebrate His Excellency’s 288th birthday.

Business Card Exchange at King of Prussia District
February 20
Enjoy an evening of networking and engaging conversation with Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce!


What's Coming to KOP
Model of future Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's inpatient hospital
The momentum in KOP isn't slowing down. Take a look at who is joining our amazing community!

575 South (for sale condos)


Anthology of King of Prussia (senior living facility

Buffalo Wild Wings (winter 2020)

California Tortilla (late January 2020)

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
(inpatient hospital)

Hanover Town Center (multi-family residential)

Kooma Sushi
Main Line Health (February 2020)

National Tire Company (name TBA)


Sally Beauty


Taco Bell

The Element

Topgolf (2022)

Williams Sonoma (KOP Town Center)

* First in Pennsylvania
** First brick & mortar
King of Prussia District is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, special 
 services organization. King of Prussia District engages public and private partners to 
 collaboratively improve the economic environment in King of Prussia 
 by making it more vibrant, attractive and prosperous.

234 Mall Boulevard, Suite 150, King of Prussia PA 19406 
484.681.9452 |  Info@kopbid.com

© 2019 King of Prussia District. All Rights Reserved.