Our weekly digital newsletter
August 12, 2018

The Shueyville Church: Digital Dove
1195 Steeple Ln NE
Swisher, IA 52337
[email protected]

Pastor Brody 
Each of Us

Lead Pastor:
Brody Tubaugh

Directors of Finance:
Aileen Koch
Janan Berstler

Director of Children's Ministries:
Heather Nekola

Youth Pastor:
Mike Jones

Director of Contemporary Music
JJ Lunsford

Church Secretary:
Julie Perry

All God's Children
Preschool & School Age Care
A ministry
of Shueyville Church 
AGC Program Director:
Maureen Dale Ernst
AGC Assistant Director:
Alison (Ali) Brodsack
AGC Office Phone:
(319) 848-2393
Sunday Regular Schedule

Worship 8:00 a.m.
Fellowship  9:00 a.m.
Worship 9:15 a.m.
Fellowship  10:15 a.m.
Worship 10:45 a.m.

Sunday's Attendance 
Subscribing to the Digital Dove
Tell your friends to subscribe to this newsletter by sending an email to 

[email protected]

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August Giving Items
Giving items for the month of August are
pasta and pasta sauce for HACAP. Your donations may be left at the back entrance near the Welcome Center. Thank you for your generosity.

380 Kids Registration
We are now taking registrations for 380 Kids Sunday School and/or Wednesday nights. Hop onto our website at www.shueyvillechurch.org, click on the Ministry tab and then the Children's tab. The orange link will take you through the registration process. It only takes
2-3 minutes. 380 Kids Wednesday night begins on September 12th and school year Sunday School begins September 9th. If you would be interested in teaching Sunday School or a Wednesday night class, please
contact Heather Nekola, Children's Ministry Director.
Willis Dady Sunday Lunch Program
Do you enjoy cooking? Socializing with
community members? Serving your delicious creations with others? If yes, this volunteer project would be a perfect fit for you! The clients at Willis Dady spend time during the week attending different meal sites in the
community. Every Sunday the staff like to give the clients the opportunity to eat in the comfort of the shelter. We will be preparing a meal for Sunday, August 12th. If you are interested in helping, please contact Brian Nekola.
Workout Group
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witness, let us throw everything that hinders and the
sin that so easily entangles. And let us
run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
                                       Hebrews 12:1

Friends, we have a race to run each day for the Lord
and we are to be as ready as we can be. That means we need to be spiritually healthy and as physically healthy and energetic as possible. Then we can be ready to serve our Lord. Please consider checking out the new workout group at SUMC. There will be no judgment and plenty of
encouragement. We will work hard, work smart, have fun, and end our time with the most important thing; tending to our spiritual health. Talk to Pastor Brody or Maddie if you have questions. Sundays, 3:00 p.m., Family Life Center.
Mason Jars Needed
If you have any pint or quart sized mason jars you are willing to part with, please bring them to the church. We have an abundance of jalapenos (and possibly pickles) that Mike and Mariah Jones have graciously offered to pickle and put out with the other vegetables from the garden. Don't forget to stop and check out the garden table. All proceeds go toward our children and youth ministries.

Along those same lines...
This year we have an abundance of apples from the apple tree located outside Pastor Brody's office. There are apples on the garden table, in the kitchen refrigerator or feel free to pick them directly from tree.
Notes of Gratitude
Thank you to everyone at SUMC for your thoughts, cards and expressions of sympathy since the recent passing of my dad, Max Proctor. Your thoughtfulness during this difficult time is greatly appreciated.

                                       Vonda Wehr
Prairie High School Grab & Go Pantry
The Prairie High School Grab and Go Pantry is always in need of snacks for their students. As a way to help, SUMC is asking for your help by donations of granola bars, fruit snacks, cereal bars, nut packs, cheese crackers, etc. There is a blue tote in the lobby near the UMW corner for your donation items to be collected. Collections will be accepted now through April. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
New Shueyville Church Sign
It's become even harder to drive by Shueyville United Methodist Church and not notice we are there; the sign is working! Please be patient as we work through the learning curve that comes with new opportunities. Experts aren't made in a day! You might be wondering how we decide what goes on the sign. Here is our protocol for the time being. Anyone can submit information for the sign to Julie in the church office, and those submissions will be reviewed by the staff on Tuesdays at 1 p.m. Please honor this weekly deadline. Final decisions will rest with Pastor Brody. Please remember, we don't want too many things scrolling because repetition is key. Also, there is a difference between announcements to church members and the exciting things we want to share with people passing by. The sign is our way to let new people know of ways they can get involved at SUMC, not ways to remind members of things only they would understand. Thank you for being excited about the sign, and if it helps someone find their place in SUMC, then it will have served an amazing purpose.
AGC Employment Opportunity
All God's Children AGC has two openings for fun loving adults  who are caring, responsible, motivated, who love Jesus and shaping children. Apply on the AGC website at www.kidsloveagc.com
SUMC and Social Media
Facebook-Shueyville Church
Twitter- @shueyvillechrch (notice there is not a "u" in church due to space limitations). Please like and share us with your family and friends. The more exposure we have, the better. 
This Week's Calendar
Item not listed? Please make sure you've contacted Julie with your 2018 meeting schedule.

Sunday, August 12
Nursery Care offered from 9:15 through end of 10:45 service.
8:00 a.m.
Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
9:00 a.m. Fellowship
9:15 a.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
10:15 a.m. Fellowship
10:45 a.m. Contemporary Service in the FLC
3:00 p.m. Workout Group
6:00 p.m. Venture Scouts

Monday, August 13

Church office hours by appointment
7:00 p.m. SPRC

Tuesday, August 14
9 a.m.-4 p.m. Church office hours
6:30 p.m. Finance Meeting

Wednesday, August 15
9 a.m.-4 p.m. Church office hours
No activities

Thursday, August 16
9 a.m.-4 p.m.  Church office hours
No activities

Friday, August 17
Office Closed
6:00 p.m. Contemporary Rehearsal

Saturday, August 18
Office Closed
No activities

Sunday, August 19
Nursery Care offered from 9:15 through end of 10:45 service.
8:00 a.m.
Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
9:00 a.m. Fellowship
9:15 a.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
10:15 a.m Fellowship
10:45 a.m Contemporary Service in the FLC
3:00 p.m. Workout Group
Coordinating Our Building Use
Are you needing a place at the church for a committee meeting or event? Please note that ALL scheduling of the building's use must be cleared and scheduled through Julie in the church office. This is not a "permission" issue, but we do need this central location for keeping track of the building's activities (we are thankful to be able to host a growing number of Boy and Girl Scouts this year!). Just drop an email or phone the office (848-7213), so there are no surprises. Thank you!