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Summer Happenings

Online worship and programming continues through the summer
Welcome to our special edition of Summer Happenings!
We have great news! The church is taking a different approach this summer and offering a variation of online worship services each Sunday as well as weekday programming. Our hope is that you continue to find needed connection within our community in this time when connection and community are paramount. Below you will find all the information you need to participate. We look forward to seeing you over the summer.
“To be together, come what may, is one of the most important, beautiful and reassuring things about a church. We are in this together. We will adapt, thrive, and grow during this time in history – together. I’m looking forward to sharing summer worship and programming with you.” - Rev. Rebecca
The final church service for the 2019-2020 year is Sunday, June 21.
Live stream worship services will continue through June 21. After which Sunday worship services will transition to online zoom services except where noted that they are happening at another location.
Summer worship services held online through FRS start at 10am
FRS Sunday Service Access Information

Meeting ID: 856 8283 8117

One tap mobile

Dial by phone
+1 646 558 8656
June 28 - General Assembly
Live Stream Worship
Register and find all things GA on the UUA web site:

July 5
No worship service

July 12
Rev. Rebecca Bryan

July 19
Julie Parker Amery, Director of Faith Formation and Spiritual Exploration

July 26
Rev. Marcus Lisle, guest minister
Worship at Another UU Congregation - The First UU Church of Richmond, VA
First start in fellowship at an FRS online coffee hour before the service and then access the online worship through the congregation's web site. All access information is listed below.

FRS online coffee hour before service at 9:30am
Access Information

Meeting ID: 824 5790 1063

One tap mobile
Dial by phone
+1 646 558 8656

August 2 - The First UU Church of Richmond, VA  
Online worship
Find worship access information online:
August 9
Justin Murphy-Mancini, Director of Church Music

August 16
Rev. Rebecca Bryan

August 23
Julie Parker Amery, Director of Faith Formation and Spiritual Exploration
Worship at Another UU Congregation - Oak Ridge UU TN Church
First start in fellowship at an FRS online coffee hour before the service and then access the online worship through the congregation's web site. All access information is listed below.

FRS online coffee hour before service at 9:30am
Access Information

Meeting ID: 824 5790 1063

One tap mobile
Dial by phone
+1 646 558 8656

August 30 - Oak Ridge UU TN church
Online worship
Find worship access information online:
September 6
No worship service

September 13 - Opening Service  2020-2021 Church Year
Live stream 10:30 am
Pastoral Coverage for the Summer  
June 29
Jason McLin, ,  978-872-4161

July 6 
Reverend Helen Murgida, ,  978-500-3196  

July 13
Jason McLin, ,  978-872-4161 

July 20
Reverend Marcus Lisle 
For pastoral care this week, please call or text Rev. Marc Lisle on his mobile phone at 617-875-7899. A text message sent to that number is preferred if possible because it will allow him to access the message more readily.
July 27
Reverend Marcus Lisle 
For pastoral care this week, please call or text Rev. Marc Lisle on his mobile phone at 617-875-7899. A text message sent to that number is preferred if possible because it will allow him to access the message more readily.
August 3
Reverend Stan Barrett, ,  978-356-8945
FRS Worship Themes 2020-2021   
Annual Theme: Imagine








A weekly contemplation from Rev. Rebecca
Join Rev. Rebecca for a ten-week series this summer exploring the concepts of imagination and paradox. Each Tuesday you will receive an email that includes a short reflection written by Rev. Rebecca, writing prompts, and other practices to consider. Over the series of ten weeks we will consider: 

  • Imagination as part of resilience, hope, and happiness. 
  • The theology and philosophy of paradox, and how we can learn to embrace it. 
  • What it means to imagine life during and after the pandemic, and 
  • Other exciting and thought provoking ways paradox is part of life. 
Emails begin Tuesday, June 30 and run through Tuesday, September 8.
Weekly Summer Steeple to Replace Journeying Together
As we come to the close of the 2019-2020 church year, the three times weekly newsletter Journeying Together will be replaced by a weekly Summer Steeple starting the week of June 22. Details on the day of publish will be coming in a future email. If you are receiving Journeying Together you will automatically receive the Summer Steeple . No sign up is needed. If you know of someone who does not receive the church newsletter and would like to, email .

In addition, Spiritual Sustenance will continue to publish throughout the summer as well as Monday's Between Us when there is news to share.
Monthly Music documentary with Justin Murphy-Mancini, Director of Church Music
When: Monthly, dates and times to be announced
Julie Parker Amery, “Spiritual Practice”
When: Tuesdays at 11am
The Short Story group
When: Tuesdays at noon - dates to be announced.
Guided Relaxation with Susan Cooper
When: Wednesdays at 10am, beginning June 24

Join FRS member and LICSW Susan Cooper for a brief period of mid-week relaxation and renewal. Each 30-minute session will include a guided visualization and reflection on questions around where we hold stress and how we can release it. You’ll also learn some relaxation techniques to use on your own. This is a drop-in program; come one time or many.
Aging Well in Community
When: 2-4pm - dates to be announced.
Young Church Summer Session
When: Wednesday evenings at 7pm, beginning June 3

Join us for a weekly Chalice Lighting, Story Time and check-in. It is good to be together!  

For more information please contact Director of Children’s Ministry Mara Flynn, .
Julie Parker Amery, “Let’s Do Lunch”
When: Noon 

A virtual potluck – bring your lunch and join the discussion.
Online Friday Book Group
When: Fridays at 10-11:30am
Minister –The Reverend Rebecca Bryan; Affiliate Minister-Stan Barrett ; Affiliate Minister -Helen Murgida; Minister Emeritus -The Reverend Harold Babcock; Minister Emeritus -The Reverend Bert Steeves. Staff: Religious Education Assistant –Sharon Broll; Office Administrator -Diane Carroll; Youth Group Coordinator -Becky Dill; Director of Finance and Operations –Kristen Fehlhaber; Director of Children's Ministry -Mara Flynn; Director of Church Music -Justin Murphy-Mancini; Youth Music Director –Kristen Miller; Director of Faith Formation and Spiritual Exploration –Julie Parker Amery; Sexton -Don Rogers; Director of Community Engagement –Nicole Salemi. Parish Board: Chair –Karen Young; Vice Chair- ; Clerk –Ann Haaser; Treasurer –Rich Johnson; Finance Chair –Kim Kenly; Maureen Adams, Juliana Beauvais, Rebecca Brodish, Micah Donahue, Vern Ellis, Judy Fayre, Art Henshaw, Jason McLin, Forrest Speck.
First Religious Society, Unitarian Universalist | 26 Pleasant St., Newburyport MA 01950
978-465-0602 |