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For Friday, May 22 , 2020
WFPC Officers' Column 
Dr. Seuss first published his book, "Oh The Places You'll Go" 30 years ago, on January 22, 1990. It's a very popular graduation gift, with good reason. Its words of encouragement and optimism (with just a touch of reality) are exactly what we want to say to our kids as they move on to bigger and better things.
It is Dr. Seuss's top-selling book out of dozens that we all know and love.  I received one myself on my graduation from UNC more than a few years ago, and I cherish it to this day.

I didn't realize until I started reading more about how this treasure came to be, that the cover art also has a meaning. Theodore (Ted) Geisel kept a framed target on his wall in his study, with a dead-center bullseye that was shot by his father who won an international rifle meet the year Ted was born. He kept it there to remind himself to always strive for excellence. The theme of the artwork for "Oh the Places You'll Go" is in keeping with that concept, with the young hero standing atop an elevated bullseye image, reminding us all to keep striving, even in the face of adversity. Worthy advice for graduates, of course, as they are setting new goals and shooting for that bullseye. 

Sadly, "Oh the Places You'll Go" was the last book Dr. Seuss published before he died in 1991.. He knew, as he was writing it while battling cancer, that it would be his last, so in a way, it's also a tribute to his own life. So don't read these words only as a graduation speech, but think about how they apply to all of us in our everyday lives. As Geisel himself put it, "I never write for children. I write for people." 

Maybe your goal is just to get through the day without losing your temper over your daughter's 5th grade math assignment that you can't seem to understand, much less help with. Or battling discouragement from having lost a job and trying to figure out how to make ends meet. We are always striving and battling to be better parents, better friends, better Christians. Dr. Seuss's words are just whimsical, rhyming versions of what God has been telling us all along. I encourage you to read it again, and think about God's Word and how we can apply it not only to the lives of those graduates just starting their new lives, but to every single one of us as well:

Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!
-"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."  Psalm 118:24

You'll look up and down streets. Look 'em over with care. About some you will say, "I don't choose to go there." With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet, you're too smart to go down any not-so-good street.
-"And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it," when
you turn to the right or when you turn to the left." Isaiah 30:21

-"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.) KID, YOU'LL MOVE MOUNTAINS!
-"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."  2 Timothy

Remember these words from Joshua 1:5-9:

"Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you. Be strong and courageous...being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you...that you may have good success wherever you go...meditate on it day and night... For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success... Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

Anita Mummert
IT & Communications Elder
WFPC Online Resources During the Pandemic
Things are changing quickly these days, so we've built a special page on our website that will contain information about all the ways we're being the church (including worship and small groups) on the web.  Just click here or choose "WFPC on the Web" on our website. We, too, are learning as we go and exploring new opportunties, and we appreciate your patience!
Help in the Time of Trouble -- The Deacon's Benevolence Fund
As we weather our current COVID crisis, it occurred to members of the Diaconate that we should offer a word of explanation about the Deacons' Benevolence Fund. There may be members of WFPC who could use some minor financial help because of the current situation. This fund exists to provide one-time gifts to members who find themselves in unusual financial circumstances. This account is funded by gifts from the congregation and friends of the church. If you have landed in this category unexpectedly, you can ask a pastor or your branch Deacon about obtaining an application form.

For any who wish to contribute to the fund, you can give online at the following link: (select "Deacon Benevolence Fund" in the drop-down menu). Y ou can also mail  a check to the church with "Deacon Benevolence Fund" on the memo line. As we use these funds to meet current needs, it is good to replenish them so that we have funds available for future needs.
Do You Sew?
Calling all mask makers.  We need your help.  We are in the planning stages of figuring out how we as a congregation can slowly start to worship in person.  We will require folks to wear masks while attending worship.  We know that some folks do not easily have access to masks. If you are willing to make masks - please let Mary Beichner know or 919-673-5802.  Many thanks in advance,
Blood Drive June 7
COVID 19 has resulted in cancelled blood drives and blood shortages throughout the country. We are pleased to announce we will be hosting our blood drive AS SCHEDULED on Sunday, June 7. We are making modifications to our processes in an effort to mitigate spread of the virus. If you feel called and are not considered high risk, we invite you to participate by  donating blood  or  volunteering . The Blood Connection is also performing FREE COVID-19 antibody testing for all donors to determine community spread and provide information to donors. Call/Email Amanda McCabe 919-522-6671 or
Thank You!
Thank you WFPC for your support of our youth this past Sunday!  Your comments and encouragement from our Youth Sunday service were so appreciated!  And then so many of you went all out to make our seniors feel special "parade style" Sunday evening!  They were blown away and were so excited!  The youth truly do feel the love and support of their church family!  Thank you for helping build a strong foundation for each one of them!
A Note from Rebekah Maul, Senior Pastor
Dear Fine People,

I was listening to an NPR report on the state of the church during these pandemic times.  It made some pretty big assumptions, one of which noted that churches are shrinking, and one poor soul commented that this whole experience of shut-down was simply going to speed things up... that basically, it would serve as another nail in the coffin.  I have to believe that those who were interviewed are suffering from depression and frustration of all the changes that have assailed us.

Last I checked, the church is going out of its way to be the church... the presence of God in a very challenging time.  Just for the record, I do not believe that this pandemic is a hoax; I do not think that the shut-down is a conspiracy of any kind; I do not believe that my civil rights are being violated, nor the separation of church and state is being infringed upon.

What I do believe is that the pandemic is real, and 90,000+ families who have lost loved ones know it to be a fact.  My heart goes out to them.  I have personally been a bit appalled by the insistence of a few churches who have insisted that they meet publicly, with or without masks, waving their flags in the name of Jesus.  It breaks my heart.

We may not resume in-house worship as soon as we would like, but it will be done thoughtfully and faithfully.  I am so grateful for the IT ministry team of Session that has made it possible for us to upgrade our electronics so as to make our weekly services the best quality we can.  Further improvements are being considered.  Actually, we have more people worshiping virtually with us than we did when things were " normal."  But it is a challenge.  I'm concerned that those who have been on the fringes of our Life Together are at risk of falling off the fringe all together.

The staff and the ministry teams are going out of their way to creatively encourage connection with one another and to honor our passions with mission beyond ourselves.  The Worship ministry team is already putting together a strategy for re-opening. Read the Leaflets; be faithful in worship; become part of a Zoom group (groups are listed here); call a church friend and extend Christ's peace to them; give faithfully so that we can continue to provide quality ministry and mission; pray for each other; be grateful to God for his many protections.

I'll finish with a verse you may want to write on your heart as we continue through the shut-down.

II Timothy 1:7 reads:  "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind."

Stay well.  Be loving and full of grace.  Be of sound mind.  I hold you all in my heart and in my prayers.

Much love
Mission and Outreach
Tri-Area Ministry
Tri-Area Ministry continues to operate on their normal schedule and is in need of volunteers and donations. The TAM facility is open Mondays and Wednesdays between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm, and also on the third Saturday of each month between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm. They are located at 149 E. Holding Avenue in Wake Forest. Please visit their website at   for more information. Follow them on Facebook too!

Summer Nutrition Program (SNP)
SNP is serving meals at the Hope House (334 North Allen Rd. Wake Forest, NC) until June 30. They need three volunteers each night to serve.  They will be strictly following County and CDC guidelines to insure the safety of all volunteers and those being served.  There are details on the SignUp Genius below if you are interested and able to help serve meals.  This is a great opportunity for families with older teens to serve together.   Additionally you can support this program by sending donations directly to St. John's Episcopal Church (834 Durham Rd Wake Forest, NC 27587 Memo:  Summer Nutrition Program). 

Mission2Military/Veterans Ministry News
Throughout the pandemic our Veterans Ministry continues to help supply food on a monthly basis for the Durham VA Voluntary Office Emergency Food Pantry which serves veterans and veterans' families in need. WFPC's traditional Memorial Day Food Drive at Lowes Foods which collects food and monetary donations for both Mission2Military and the Veterans Ministry will be postponed until the 4th of July weekend.

Family Promise
Many people from our church have been involved with volunteering to help out during our Family Promise host weeks by setting up bedrooms in our Sunday School rooms, driving the van to bring program participants to church and back to the Family Promise center the next day, providing activities for the children, or by being a caring listener for one of the parents. Sadly, during our upcoming host week, May 31 - June 7, we will not be able to do any of those things. Homeless families supported by Family Promise are being housed in temporary apartments, for the safety of participants and host congregation volunteers. For now, what is being asked of us as a host congregation is to provide meals for the week.  We are asking for financial donations to help with the meals and support for the Family Promise families during our host week. P lease go to  and select "Family Promise" from the drop-down menu to donate.  Now more than ever, these families could use our support!!
Questions on donating online?

BackPack Buddies
T he Backpack Buddies team is working diligently to provide 50 bags (including six weekend meals) each week for distribution at the Northern Regional Center as they partner with Northeast Wake Backpack Buddies. These meals are being packed in the homes of our Backpack Buddies leadership team as their commitment to the program never wavers! Thank you to everyone who is dropping off food donations, whether you are making the purchases yourself or collecting food in your neighborhood to donate. Keep up the great support! Your generous food and monetary donations are enabling the team to serve those struggling with food insecurity during this extended crisis.

Our current list of items can be bought and dropped off on Kathy and Ed' front porch at 1313 Cedar Branch Court in Wake Forest:
  • Cans of Soup, Ravioli, Spaghetti O's, etc (Pop top is preferred)
  • Canned Tuna or Chicken
  • Ramen Noodles, Easy Mac, Knorr Pasta Sides
  • Small cans of fruits and vegetables (Pop top is preferred)
  • PopTarts, Single Pack Oatmeal
  • Carnation Instant Breakfast Single Serve Packets, 100% Fruit Juice Single Serve Options
  • Single Pack Snack Crackers, Pretzels
  • Pudding, Jello/gelatin or Applesauce Cups
  • Individual Raisin Boxes
  • Peanut Butter Singles/Cups
Other items that are non-perishable and able to be given in single servings are acceptable.

Your financial gift or continuation of your Sponsor a Child pledge are also encouraged to help us serve the children of our community during this crisis. Interested in learning how you can help the Back Buddies Ministry?  Email Heather Wheeler:
WFPC Community Garden 
Interested volunteers must either sign up online or contact Melanie Floyd to schedule all dates and times to work onsite.  COVID-19 Precautions: Healthy volunteers. Sign up in advance. Practice physical distancing.

As we transition to hotter weather and summer vegetable production, we need garden volunteers throughout the week as well as on the weekends.  Tasks vary week to week based on the work that needs to be done, and may include removing plant debris, tilling, creating rows, planting, mulching, stringing, weeding, watering, fertilizing, harvesting, and delivering produce. Please check the Signup Genius frequently, and sign up as far in advance as you can so that we can plan our workloads and provide training for new volunteers.

Contact Melanie ( , 919-621-1405) if you want to volunteer in the garden but the dates and times do not work for you. 

Tentative dates for next 'big' plantings:  May 30-tomatoes; June 13-sweet potatoes.

Wake County Annual Compost Bin Sale, May 1-31: With so many of us cooking and eating at home these days, this is the perfect time to start composting kitchen scraps. Using compost on your lawn, in your flowerpots, or in your garden helps your soil retain moisture and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and composting your food and yard waste extends landfill life and reduces carbon and methane emissions. Through May 31, you can buy an Earth Machine compost bin like the ones we have onsite at WFPC for half price ($50). These 80-gallon, pest-resistant, ventilated compost bins are designed for both passive and active composting. For information and to order:
You can easily compost at home without special equipment. For excellent information:

Prayer List
Please keep the following members of our church family in your prayers:
Jody Alston
Jennie Banco
Emily Baker-Orr, Ben Orr and baby Helen Orr
Dianne Brown
The Christos and Wilmoth families
Bernie Hardy and family
Genie Hunt
Cindy & Jake Jacobsmeyer
Kirby Kline
Ruth Patterson
Don McCorkle
David Michaels
Linda Roberson
Roy Wilson
David Wyly
Polly York
Roy and Arlene
And those who are currently deployed:
Jordan Schuh
Dustin Wilmoth
If you have a prayer request, you may let us know online here
Children's Ministries News
We would like to know what "church is" to you... If you would, help your child write a sign that says "Church is" and then let them fill in the blank with words or drawings of what church is to them! Then take a picture of your child holding their "Church is" sign and send it to me ( ). We will be able to fill our worship countdown pictures with beautiful descriptions of how our children see the church!! THANK YOU!! 

As we continue to navigate uncertain times, we are obviously not able to meet and celebrate traditional VBS as it was planned for this year... OUR VBS WEEK, JUNE 21-24 IS CANCELLED.  

BUT, stay tuned... as we look into the future and discern what is safe to do together, we hope to do some fun activities in the late summer/early fall... we will keep you posted on future plans as they become feasible!!  

WOOHOO! Each day I will post a CLUE to a virtual scavenger hunt on the church's private Facebook group page!  It will be something that has you looking for God sightings anywhere and everywhere!  (Example... find something in your neighborhood today that shows how God is all around us in nature)  Your job... find something that fits the clue and take a picture with it!  Post the picture in the comments section of the FB post for that day!  We will use these pictures to add to our church family countdown slideshow each week!  Let's look around for God's presence EVERYWHERE!  Virtual Scavenger hunt will run approximately two weeks!  

Family Devotion Time
Each Wednesday at 6 pm, you can join us on the Wake Forest Presbyterian Facebook page for a short video devotion time for kids and families!  

Hang Out Time
We'll be using Zoom to be together, share a story, and check in with one another on Thursdays at 5:30.  If you'd like to join in, email Katherine (see below) for an invite or more information!

~Katherine Peiper, Director of Children, Family & Youth Ministries |

Youth Group 
Our weekly Zoom Gatherings are done for now, but be on the lookout for a few pop ups over the summer! We can't wait to see you again!

Senior Bible Study
We will have our final Senior Bible Study session on June 1 at 7:00 PM. An email reminder will be sent out closer to that date.

~Janet Briley, Director of Youth Ministries
May 24, 2020 Web Worship
We will go live at 10 AM on our Facebook page,  

Our Scripture this week comes from I Chronicles 12:32. Pastor Rebekah will be sharing her sermon, "A Different Normal."

You can pull up the bulletin for this service by clicking here.

2020 Annual Budget $885,000.00
2020 Year-to-Date Actual $366,370.97

Year to Date Budget (April)
Year to Date Actual (April)

May Budget
May Tithes and Offerings (thru 5/10/20) $58,894.00

May 17, 2020
Tithes and Offerings (Mail/Online) $16,721.00
Designated Gifts  $1,010.00
Debt Elimination Gifts $655.00
Web Worship Attendance (Facebook Views) 1,000+
Sunday School Attendance 51

Debt Elimination Monthly Budget
Debt Elimination Received (thru 5/17/20) $2,040.00

...all shall give as they are able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God that he has given you.
Deuteronomy 16:17
WFPC Calendar Highlights

Please use these links for current information:

Wake Forest Presbyterian Church
12605 Capital Blvd
Wake Forest, NC 27587