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Dr. Lori Grace, Associate Superintendent of School Leadership

Dear Twin Rivers Families,
I hope you are safe and healthy as we near the end of the school year. We continue to be impressed -but not surprised -- at how well you have adjusted to our new normal, especially Distance Learning. 
As our teachers continue to monitor and support student progress, there have been questions about Twin Rivers' grading policy during Distance Learning and school closures. In alignment with guidance from the California Department of Education (CDE), our teachers will provide grades or reports on progress that reflect a "do no harm" approach to all students. This means that student grades will not be negatively impacted as a result of the disruption of school closures and the implementation of Distance Learning.
A ssignments are a part of Distance Learning and teachers have discretion to provide individual comments, completion marks, Pass/No Pass, A-F grades or numerical grades on assignments.

Click here to read the full letter.


Lori Grace, Ed.D.
Associate Superintendent of School Leadership
Twin Rivers Unified
Inspiring each student to extraordinary achievement every day!