Volume 43 | August 2018
As many of you already know, we are in the process of launching something incredibly exciting at our church: a 10-week small group discipleship experience called Rooted. Rooted will be foundational to our small group ministry, so even if you or your group is not participating this fall, we want you to be in the know! Pastor Scott, as well as your campus pastor, will be sharing even more about Rooted during an upcoming two-part teaching series on August 19-26.

Our goal for the experience of Rooted is for people to deepen their connection with God, his church, and their purpose in the epic story he is writing through human history.

Beyond a program, seminar, or small group curriculum, Rooted is a catalyst for life-change. Rooted provokes questions, conversations, and beyond-what-is-comfortable group experiences designed to help people find themselves in God’s story. Participants will begin to see God in new ways and hear his voice in surprising places. In a world that can be fragmented, isolated, and empty, Rooted allows the experience of a different way of life: one of community, intimacy, and generosity. Through this experience we hope people will be emboldened to live out their callings as radical followers of Jesus. The word radical comes from the Latin root “radix,” meaning “a root.” We are trusting that rooting ourselves in God’s Word and his truths will provide a firm foundation from which to love the world.

Rooted   is a significant commitment. During the 10-week experience, participants will go through various individual exercises (daily Bible and commentary reading, journaling, and prayer) and then meet weekly in groups to talk about what they've learned. What God is doing in the group soon becomes the curriculum as the Holy Spirit moves people to open up and share personal stories and feelings.

There are three additional experiences designed to deepen some of the content explored in Rooted. Groups will pray and fast together, share their faith, and serve together. No matter where someone stands in their relationship with Jesus at the beginning of Rooted, there is always room to move forward. For some that may mean deciding for the first time to follow Jesus and/or getting baptized. For others it will mean letting go of the things of this world to follow his call more courageously.

Rooted began with Pastor Muriithi in Nairobi, Kenya, made its way to Mariners Church in Orange County, California, and is now at North Way. Check out the video below to hear more about the origin story of and heart behind Rooted.

As you are praying for your group members and the launch your small group, join with us in praying that God would work mightily in the lives of those who will experience Rooted this fall. We are praying that each participant experiences (maybe even for the very first time!) what you all are already cultivating in your small groups already: a deeper connection with God, an authentic, Kingdom-oriented community, and an understanding of how to partner with Jesus for the sake of our world.

We are so appreciative of each one of you,

Amanda Seidler
Director of Adult Life
Save the Date!
Save the date for the events below - both for you and for your small group members:
  • Sundays, August 19-26: "Rooted" Teaching Series
  • Sunday, September 16: Small Group Connect