If you would prefer our newsletter with photos & images
Dear friends and supporters,

Thank you to all who responded to our last newsletter asking you to help out by donating to the Recovery Kitchen in Hudson. We collectively made an approx. $3000 impact! Absolutely awesome coming from our supporters with love. Thank you!

Standing in solidarity for equitable food access. With the backdrop of the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on people of color, the pain, suffering, and anger resulting from the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and many others have touched every neighborhood in our country. We can all do much better if we can keep working together towards systemic change. Healthy food equity is an important part of this conversation.

We've been keeping our spirits high working hard this last month to advance two more initiatives aimed at increasing equitable access to local food in response to COVID-19.

Take care, reach out, and please stay well.
Sally Baker

Standing in Solidarity for equitable food access.
PBInc is providing fiscal sponsorship and guidance for the Grow In Harmony Community Garden of Kinderhook, a COVID-19 response initiative developing a large garden to provide fresh, organically grown, nutrient-dense food for persons experiencing food insecurity due to loss of income, quarantine, or short supply at their usual market. The project is linked to the Columbia County Recovery Kitchen in Hudson, and Columbia County Sanctuary Movement addressing food shortages by supplying meals for families affected by COVID-19.
Annabel's Victory Garden
This is the type of kitchen garden we are aiming to build as an expansion of Annabel's 2014 garden project by the Philmont based Girl Scout Troop 1800 Bronze Award on the Co-op site to now become Annabel's Victory Garden.
Standing in Solidarity for equitable food access.

On the drawing board to build that garden as a PBInc program project in collaboration with the Philmont Co-op Food Equitable Access group to provide 10 garden beds aimed at teaching and growing in a beautiful vegetable garden.
Join us in ZOOM

Philmont Rising community-based workshops are now online!

If you would like to join a Philmont Rising Working Group to participate in revitalization projects taking place in the village, please send an email to us at info@pbinc.org

Monthly reports of progress are available in the Village of Philmont Board meeting minutes.

Philmont Cooperative

Cheers go out to our collaborating Co-op partners, farmers and producers making sure local foods are available for phone in orders and pick ups!
518 672 7673

Join the Co-op and Sylvia Center for online cooking classes with a meal kit available for purchase at the Co-op.

Mellenville-Philmont Food Pantry
The pantry is open every Tuesday, from 10:30 to 11:30 and from 5:30 to 6:30. There is a table outside with food along with the "free cooler." If you have an emergency you can reach out to Karen via the pantry's FaceBook page.

Philmont Beautification, Inc.
PO Box 1072
Philmont, NY 12565
t. (518) 697 0038
The Kitchen at Philmont - LOCAL FOOD
Philmont Rising - SPECIAL PROJECTS
Mom & Pop Shop Project - SMALL BUSINESS & HOUSING - 116 Main St
PBInc.org is a grass-roots 501 (c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to improving quality of life in the Village of Philmont with community collaborations that successfully integrate Housing, Local Food, Small Business, and Special Projects to implement revitalization and renewal in the Village of Philmont and surrounding areas.

Philmont Beautification Inc was recently recognized for our transparency with a Gold Seal on our GuideStar Nonprofit Profile! More

PBInc is supported by people like you and institutions who share our values and vision dedicated to revitalization in the Village of Philmont through a bottom up collaborative process.