Check out what's going on this week at the UMC of Red Bank!
Thursday, July 9th, 2020
Our church council has approved the use of an Outdoor Small Group Gathering space for church groups of 10 or less. Masks must be worn at all times and social distancing must be maintained. There are several places in the parking lot that we will be cordoning off and setting up chairs in to accommodate these outdoor gatherings. For more information or to request the space for your group, please contact Sheila Leavitt .
Worship Sneak Peek
July 12th, 2020 at 10 am

Join in our online worship service on Sunday, July 12th as we kick off a new sermon series called Faith Impacting Life. This week will reflect on how our faith tradition has always connected loving God with loving others and what that means in how you live your everyday life. Hope to see you online on Sunday!

Watch online through the clickable buttons below, or
listen in by calling: (646) 876-9923  Meeting ID: 871 185 051#.
We hope to connect with you online!

Don't forget the Connect Card when you worship online
Each week while you are worshiping, please take the time to fill this out at some point during or after worship every week. It will only take a minute, but it will be incredibly helpful for us!  Click here to submit your responses.  Thanks in advance!
Online Fellowship Time Sundays After Worship
Join in a time to meet together and check in after online worship each Sunday. Sign in to the weekly Zoom call by clicking the following link - Or join by calling: (646) 558-8656  Meeting ID: 411 045 493#  Password: 7470446
Summer Concert Series
Check out our Summer Concert Series streaming LIVE Wednesdays in July at 12:30 on our Facebook page and You Tube Channel . Next Wednesday will feature guitar and vocals by Andy Judkis. If you have missed any of the past performances, you can still watch them on our website , Facebook page and You Tube Channel.
Missed yesterday's performance by Anna Gugliotta on organ? Click below to watch or view it on our You Tube Channel.
Connection Groups Survey

In an effort to ensure our entire church community is remaining connected in the midst of social distancing, we're trying to establish "Connection Groups." Some small group connections are already a part of our church ministry, and have enabled their members to remain connected, despite the church building being closed. Our goal is that EVERYONE in the church receives this support through their Connection Group.

Please take a moment to complete this survey which will help us assign you to a Connection Group, or celebrate ones that you are already a part of!  Click here to take the survey now.
Support the 2020 Michael’s Run for Life Festival in Memory of Marie Heimann Davidson

There are many ways to participate in the 2020 Michael P. Brown Colon Cancer Foundation Run to help fund vital research, raise awareness and hopefully, find a cure for Signet Ring Cell Cancer. Please click here to find out all the ways you can help support this event.
Bagels and Faith Summer Series

Are you a student in 6 th to 12 th grade and searching to find God’s presence in the midst of increasing global challenges, injustice and a pandemic? Do you ever wonder how (maybe even if) God is actually speaking to you? Do you just need a safe space to connect with other young people of faith and fellow seekers who have the same questions of faith and (fears) as you do? Then why not join us for the Bagels and Faith summer series, Experiencing God in Daily Life?

This week, in Experiencing God, we will look at the Social Principles of the United Methodist Church!
Class begins Sundays at 11:30 AM and can be accessed through this Bagels and Faith Zoom link . For information or questions, please contact Tammy at or 732-299-6203. 
Children's Summer Sunday School

Calling all children of God ages K – 5th grade…Please join us for Summer Sunday School as we continue to explore The Art of Scripture! Designed to help our littlest disciples experience God’s Living Word through creative expressions of faith, such as drawing, coloring, music, body and breath prayers, and drama, this series is sure to offer fun and relaxing spiritual practices that will last a lifetime.

This week, Sunday, July 12th, in the Art of Scripture, we will explore the Five Finger Prayer technique. Students are asked to bring paper, pencils or pens and coloring tools. I look forward to seeing all of you at 9:00 am. Please join us using this Zoom link . For information or questions, please contact Tammy at or 732-299-6203. 
Backpack Crew Update
The Backpack Crew pantry is now open EVERY Monday evening from 5:30 - 7:30 pm. Current needs are fruit cups, pasta, jelly, and canned veggies! The Backpack Crew has continued to serve the increasing number of people who are impacted by food insecurity in the midst of this health crisis. Food donations are greatly appreciated on the back porch of the church, Monday through Friday from 9am to 3pm. Thank you for your continued support. Email us at with any questions.
Reflections and Prayer
Tuesdays from 9:00-9:30 am
Join in a weekly time of devotion and prayer with Pastor Jess through this zoom call simply by clicking on the following link. . Or call in: (646) 876-9923 Meeting ID: 930 2806 7256 Password: 7470446 Any questions, please contact Pastor Jess at 908-400-2343 or . Hope to see you there!
Balance and Strength Training
Tuesdays and Thursdays
at 12:00 pm
Join us for online Balance and Strength Training with Janet Tartaglia. Beginners welcome! Items needed: chair (with no arms) and weights (can be 2 16 oz. water bottles), or you can choose to follow along without the weights. Exercises done with chair or standing, no floor work. Join Zoom meeting by following this link: or call:  (646) 876-9923  Meeting ID: 969 1648 9677# Password 7470446
Online Yoga - Wednesdays at 9:30 am
Join us for online yoga with Tiffany McCann on Wednesdays. Join Zoom meeting by following this link: . Or call:  (646) 876-9923  Meeting ID: 958 496 669# Password 7470446
Adult Education Class focuses on the UMC Social Principles
Sundays at 9:00 am
Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
Does the United Methodist Church take an official position on social issues affecting the world today? How is this position determined? Do we always agree? How can we use The Social Principles to guide our growth and thinking about these issues? How can we integrate our theology and our actions to live our faith with integrity and with influence upon our world? Join us in July and August for this new series and thoughtful discussion of how we apply our belief in God to how we think about critical issues of justice, stewardship, and encouraging all to live life abundantly. We meet by Zoom Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm and Sunday mornings at 9:00 am (pick either time that works best for you - or join us twice a week if you prefer!). Zoom connection information for each session is in the church calendar on the website . Any questions , please contact Mark Hackler.
Online Bible Study
Thursdays from 9:30-11:00 am
All are welcome to join in a time of digging into our scriptures to learn more about what they teach us about God and about ourselves. Join Zoom Meeting by following this link on a computer or device. . Call in by phone - (646) 558-8656 and when prompted, input the Meeting ID: 874 9996 5774 and press pound (#) and password 7470446. Contact Pastor Jess if you have any questions.
Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of pastoral care
please contact Rev. Jessica Naulty at 908-400-2343 or