Weekly Urban News Update
August 3rd, 2018
In This Update
A Global View
Steps Toward Equity

The Shape of the Nation
Have you ever wanted a comprehensive map of land use patterns across the contiguous U.S.? Bloomberg provides just that with its sleek scrolling presentation of various land use zones and the relative proportions of them. Advance your spatial understanding of the nation, its society and economy  here.

Planning the Wilderness
Development and construction can often displace wildlife leading to roadkill and other hazards and environmental degradation. Yet, there are many examples of how to implement animal friendly infrastructure mainly around roads and rails. Furthermore, the sustainability of planning and development and schemes also largely hinges on how they affect biodiversity. Read more about the efforts to plan with wildlife in mind  here.

Local Leadership
Washington D.C. leads the nation in green roofs! In terms of square footage, the nations capital also is the capital of urban architectural vegetation. Green roofs are much more than simply plants on a roof, or on a wall. They are the future of architecture and design, as they often integrate cutting edge water, energy, and A/C utilities. Green roofs also have environmental advantages such as carbon recapture, by which plants clean the air, and overall reduced heat emitting from buildings which helps reduce the Urban Heat Island effect. Read more  here.

A Global View

The New Silk Road
China, Kazakhstan, and other Central Asian countries have been busy building massive overland transport infrastructure for the past few years. With rail and road "land ports" the new infrastructure projects would open up unprecedented capacity for trade and commerce in the region. While some critics raise the alarms of land and power grabs, construction continues on the revitalization of an ancient trade route. Read more here.

Climate Positive Tech
The City of Liverpool has been hard at work integrating Block Chain technology into their civic infrastructure with the goal of being the first 'climate positive' city. Using sensors and big data analytics, the city can track and monitor carbon emissions on a hyper localized scale. Carbon emissions are the main gauge of climate positivity, and the city 'aims to offset more than 110% of its carbon emissions,' by 2020 Read more here.
Steps toward Equity 

Engaging the Youth
A Detroit non profit group aims at providing comprehensive and applicable real estate education for local youths. By focusing on local minority communities, the program seeks to raise the real estate awareness of young people and prepare them to participate in an expanding market in a context where such communities have largely only been able to react to market shifts. Read more about this tangible step toward equity  here.

Donating Development
The City of Stockton California continues on the road to financial recovery, and on its way may have its voice. As the City invited philanthropists and other potential partners, they are setting an example of local engagement. While the City opens up to investments they have kept the needs of the community at the forefront of their discussions and actions with motions toward goals such as   universal basic income for residents. Read more here.
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