Trinity Tidings August 2018   Volume 32, No. 8
Welcome to our online version of Trinity Tidings.

Upcoming Events at Trinity:

August 5
Communion Sunday
August 11
Trinity Grounds
Clean-Up Day
 August 12
Youth Pool Party
August 25
Youth to
Discovery Island
August 26
Rally Day
-9am Breakfast
-10am One Worship
followed by
Congregational Meeting
-7pm Ice Cream Social
for Youth & parents

A ll are invited to join us for
Rally Day
on Sunday, August 26th
9:00am Breakfast
Menu: A traditional full breakfast

* Learn about our Sunday morning
small group offerings
starting Sunday, September 2nd
* Hear about new youth activities and events
* A Wednesday Night Live preview—
WNL starts September 5th!
10:00am One Worship followed by a
               Congregational Meeting

Dear Friends,

In last month’s Trinity Tidings I promised you a more detailed review of my experiences at the 223rd General Assembly. So, included in this month’s edition is my written report submitted to Foothills Presbytery. With my apologies, it is a bit longer than my usual “Pastor’s Page” monthly article. It is my hope that the report will give you some sense of what happens at General Assembly meetings.

If you read it, allow me to give a bit of explanation regarding the section on the PC(USA) per capita increase. In our denomination per capita is the method the denomination uses to fund the ministry and operation of the national structure of the church. Some refer to per capita as a “head tax” as it is calculated on the number of individuals in a congregation. The contributions received through per capita are used to maintain the operation of the denomination’s national headquarters building in Louisville, KY, including the salaries and benefits of several hundred programmatic and administrative staff people. A portion of the per capita is also used to support the hundreds of ministry initiatives conducted through the Presbyterian Mission Agency (this includes a portion of the salaries and benefits of our international missionaries commissioned by the General Assembly.) Many congregations offer direct support to our missionaries. Trinity is one such congregation, as we contribute annually to support Mark Adams and his work along the US and Mexican border.

The per capita rate is approved by the General Assembly, and is assessed to presbyteries (not to individual congregations). So, in our case, Foothills Presbytery is assessed the per capita rate for every confirmed member in every congregation of Foothills Presbytery. Congregations do not contribute the per capita directly to the General Assembly, but are requested to contribute the per capita to their presbytery, which then remits the per capita to the Office of the General Assembly.
However, in 2004, Trinity’s session voted to withhold the portion of per capita which goes to fund General Assembly, and the Synod of the South. As I understand this action, it was taken in protest of the liberalizing actions of the General Assembly. However, in support of our local presbytery we do contribute the portion of per capita dedicated to Foothills Presbytery (in 2018 this amount is $198.) Presbyteries are obligated to remit the calculated per capita for the confirmed membership within their bounds, even when local congregations do not contribute it.

So, essentially, that section of my report addressing the per capita increase has no direct effect on our congregation.
General Assembly Report to Foothills Presbytery

Dear Foothills Presbytery,

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you, and the connectional church, as one of the 538 elected voting commissioners, along with 180 advisory delegates, to the 223nd General Assembly in St. Louis, MO, June 16-23, 2018. The theme for this General Assembly was:

“Renewing the Vision: Kingdom Building for the 21 st Century.”

The anchor Scripture text for this theme was Matthew 6:33,

“But strive first for the kingdom of God and His righteousness.”

PC(USA) General Assemblies have been described as, “part family reunion, part camp meeting, and part presbytery meeting (a really long one!)” It is an accurate way to describe these meetings. In one role or another, this was the fourth GA I have participated in, and while many things have changed since 1991 and my first experience at a GA meeting, the above remains absolutely descriptive of General Assembly in my view. As our denomination gathers pastors and elders who have crossed paths before re-connect, much like at a family reunion. The worship services are normally elaborate, well-planned, and led by talented musicians and preachers, not unlike a modern day camp meeting. However, the majority of time (either in committee meetings or plenary sessions) is devoted to conducting whatever “business” is before the GA. So, a GA is in fact an 8 day presbytery meeting.

Commissioners are randomly (or viewed through a Reformed theological lens – providentially) assigned to standing committees. My committee was #14: Theological and Church Growth Issues and Institutions. As with most General Assembly committees, we met from Sunday evening to late Tuesday afternoon (other committees went well into Tuesday evening!) We deliberated over whether to include in the Book of Confessions an introductory letter to the Belhar Confession. We voted to recommend such a letter to the GA, and in plenary it was approved. Now, an “introductory letter” will be written and sent to the presbyteries for approval. We also voted to recommend a study committee be formed to consider whether Dr. Martin Luther King’s “Letter From the Birmingham Jail” be included as a confessional document in our PC(USA) Book of Confessions. The GA concurred with this recommendation. Now, a study committee will be formed, a recommendation will be made at the 224th GA in Baltimore in 2020. If that assembly approves, the document will be sent to the presbyteries for approval. As you may recall, changes to our Book of Confessions require a “super majority” approval by two thirds of the presbyteries to take effect. I share these actions with you for your information. However, I also share with you that I opposed these actions for various reasons, and will be happy to explain why if asked.

Another responsibility of committee #14 was to review the minutes of meetings of the Committee on Theological Education (COTE). COTE is how the PC(USA) relates to the 9 seminaries related by covenant to the PC(USA). We approved their minutes, with comment. Essentially, in our comment we encouraged COTE to be much more orderly and regular in their meetings and to be much clearer in their goals and objectives. In our cultural moment of rapid change, the task of conducting theological education facing these institutions (not unlike many of our congregations!) is in a state of challenging flux. Theological education in all its forms, and at all levels of the church is a “moving target.” Of particular 
interest, our committee expended over two hours of debate bemoaning the fact that not a single Native American serves on a board of trustees at the 9 institutions. Only to be eventually reminded that since the early 1900’s the PC(USA) (and its predecessor communions) no longer have input over who is appointed to the boards of these seminaries! Several presidents of these institutions were present for this extensive committee debate, and when given opportunity to speak, politely received committee #14’s comments, and basically responded they would continue to appoint to their boards who they felt they needed! It does seem that deep in our Presbyterian DNA, is rooted a proclivity to “tilt at windmills.”

In plenary actions, the 223rd GA re-affirmed the PC(USA)’s commitment to a “two state solution” regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We also resisted calls to urge the Board of Pensions and the Presbyterian Foundation to divest of fossil fuel investments. Somewhat surprisingly to many, the Way Forward Commission’s recommendations to restructure how the 6 denominational offices relate to one another was adopted without much debate. In summary terms, the new structure of what is now called the “A Corporation of the PC(USA)”, is an 11 member appointed board. This board now gives a voice/seat from all interested parties (plus at-large appointed voices/seats) in how decisions are made regarding the allocation of increasingly scarce denominational financial resources (the phrase most often used to describe these allocations is “shared services.”) Previously, it was the Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA) that made most of those decisions.

One point in the adopted new structure changes in a significant way (at least in my opinion) the role and function of the General Assembly’s Stated Clerk. Previously, the Stated Clerk’s role was to communicate the actions of the GA to both the denomination and the culture at large. Now, the stated clerk is empowered to speak “pastorally” to and for the denomination in moments of crisis. To some, this seems to create a new role (akin to a bishop?) for the Stated Clerk that has no precedent in our Presbyterian history, nor grounding in our Reformed theological doctrine. The assembly was “assured” this was not the case. Nonetheless, it will be interesting to see how this new “pastoral role” is exercised by our current Stated Clerk, J. Herbert Nelson, and his eventual successors.

Of particular and immediate concern to Foothills Presbytery was a recommendation to approve a per capita increase for 2019 to $8.95, with no further increase in 2020. This increase was approved. While this does represent an increase from the current per capita, it was far less than the level originally proposed. While this increase postpones some very difficult decisions regarding staffing and GA activities for two years, budget shortfalls for out years remain a reality. As a denomination we face two options, we must either reduce the scope and work of the GA and its associated offices, or grow the church and thereby increase per capita giving on the national level. In my view, we are reluctant to do the former, and the previous six decades of declining membership reveals the challenge of the latter.
Indeed, a look at the numbers of the PC(USA) and its congregations does offer us cause for concern. Currently, we have approximately 9,300 congregations with 1.45M members. This represents a decline of 43% over the last 20 years. We are 90% Caucasian, 72% of congregations have 150, or fewer members. However, and this is intriguing, 72% of all PC(USA) members belong to congregations larger than 300.

Since 2012, we have dismissed over 600 congregations – most to ECO, along with a much smaller number of congregations to other Reformed communions such as the EPC. These dismissals have slowed in the last two years, but they do continue. J. Herbert Nelson, GA Stated Clerk, is often quoted in this way when he interprets these numbers, “We are not dying we are reforming.” However, regardless of how we may choose to interpret the numbers, the inescapable reality is that we no longer have the input and resources from many individuals and congregations we had just a few short years ago.

At the denominational level, we no longer battle sexuality issues in the same way as we have in recent decades. With the full inclusion of self-identifying LBGTQ+ people eligible for ordained service in the PC(USA) and the full embrace of same gender marriage equality, a “progressive” view of Scriptural authority has prevailed in the PC(USA). Now, the push is for all people to identify their individual prejudices against others, and acknowledge how any such prejudices may affect our decisions and relationships. However, the assembly did adopt an authoritative interpretation of the Constitution (Book of Order) that protects the conscience of sessions and ministers to adopt policies on weddings which affirm that the covenant of Christian marriage is uniquely between a man and a woman.

For more details on these actions and numerous others, I encourage you to visit the PC(USA) website and peruse the hundreds of actions taken by this GA.

From my experience at the 223rd GA, it is overwhelmingly clear that the drive for comprehensive social justice (a social justice defined by current cultural standards regarding economic, ethnic, and sexual identity) now overshadows the historic biblically anchored call for a transformation of who we are as children of God by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Time will reveal whether a call for comprehensive social justice proves to be more effective at building the church of Jesus Christ, than a biblically defined evangelicalism? Viewed through the lens of the last 60-70 years, it is a challenge to be optimistic of this path. Nonetheless, Scripture reassures us that God remains sovereign, and so may we trust in His ways and less so in our personal views.

Make no mistake, a passion for conversion still runs through our PC(USA) veins. What is not clear, at least to me, is what we are calling people to be transformed by: Is it God’s revealed story in Scripture, or is it the story of who we tell ourselves we want to be; a narrative often grounded in constantly shifting cultural expectations largely untethered from Scriptural authority?

Blessings in Christ,

Marc V. Mason
Trinity Presbyterian Church, pastor
Welcome to Trinity's Newest Members!
On July 8, 2018 Mrs. Carol Chastain became a member of our church family. Originally from Wilmington, Del., she is a retired English teacher. Carol and her late husband, David, settled in Greenwood to be near her mother and step-father. In 2016 Carol moved closer to her two children and grandchildren in Greenville County. Her son and his family, which includes twin girls, live in Greer. Her daughter and son-in-law (Will and Jennifer Sharpe) and their two sons are members of Trinity.
Carol volunteers at the Greenville Literacy Association and the North Greenville Crisis Ministry. She also enjoys walking the Swamp Rabbit Trail, which is conveniently near her home in Travelers Rest. Welcome to Trinity Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Chastain!

A warm welcome to our new members, Dr. Al and Mrs. Janet Lawson . Janet met Al, who is from Michigan, when she was a nurse and he was in medical school at the University of Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor. Dr. Lawson was a pediatrician in Indianapolis. They were blessed with two sons and a daughter. One son and his wife are Presbyterian ministers, now living in Burlington, N. Carolina; they served sixteen years in China where they adopted their daughter, a recent graduate of Cornell University. The other son enjoys his career with Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Their daughter's family, which includes two busy college students, resides in Chapel Hill, N. Carolina. After Dr. Lawson retired in 1995, he and Janet lived twenty-two years in Dillard, Georgia.  They chose The Woodlands at Furman as their new home last November.  Both like it and this area very much. Recently Al and Janet celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary. Congratulations and best wishes to Dr. and Mrs. Lawson!
From the Director of Christian Education & Youth
  “Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action."
   1 John 3:18 
I am so very proud of Trinity’s Mission Team for putting their love into action at Group Missions Week of Hope in Orlando, Florida! Whether it was playing dominos with the elderly, working with children at a camp for the disadvantaged, leading a chair exercise class, being part of the worship team, or just spending time with the lonely, our mission team members were living examples of the love of Christ throughout our mission week. We came home blessed by the relationships we made, the joy that we helped spread, and the peace that comes from a closer relationship with our Lord. Thank you to Thomas Barksdale, Hamilton Chapman, Jorja Clark, Emily Claire Farmer, Landyn Klug, Terri Luzynski, Chase Mullis, Jenna Parker, Kyle Rogers, Will Sharpe, Grace Short, Henry Waldrep, Anna Kate Wingard, and Caroline Wingard for stepping out of your comfort zones and letting God work through you. A very special thank you to Tom McCorkle and Gordon Taylor for the massive amount of help that you provided in organizing, chaperoning, and driving for this event! 
With the big events of the summer in the rearview mirror, planning for the fall has begun. Some of the plans just might involve you, so be ready to say “yes” when you receive my call! 
Join us on Rally Day Sunday, August 26th to hear all that’s coming! 
                                  In Christ’s service,
Trinity Summer Grounds Clean-Up Day
Saturday, August 11, 8:00am – 12:00pm
The Property Committee is looking for volunteers that would like to help us make the grounds more presentable as we approach the upcoming fall season.
Projects that we will be working on: pressure washing the sidewalks and buildings, trimming the hedges and trees around the prayer garden and front entrance, cleaning the outside windows, cleaning out the gutters, and striping the front parking lot.
If you can attend and have outside tools, ladders, saws, pressure washers, hoses etc., please bring them with you.
Bottled water and Gatorade will be provided.
If you can attend, please let me know by text or email.
Lawrence Garabedian
Cell – 864-260-2281
May Session Digest
Members Present : Olin Blanton, Sherry Ogletree, Bob Lewis, Mary Pace, Lawrence Garabedian, Dennis Mitchell, Justin Mullis, Chuck Verdin, and Dennis Tavernetti.  

Members Absent/Excused:  Jeff Burton and Thomas Barksdale

Opening Prayer: Marc Mason opened the meeting with a devotional: Psalm 97 and with prayer.

Declaration of Quorum : A quorum was present.

Pastor’s Report and Housekeeping Details :

Marc Mason gave an update on members who are sick, in the hospital, and/or recovering. 

The Lord’s Supper was celebrated on May 6, 2018.

Marc Mason’s D.Min graduation was on May 12, 2018. 

Monthly Budget Reports : Mary Pace presented the April monthly budget reports. She reported that for the month of April there was a $3,049 deficit in the Operating Account and a $4,023 deficit in the Building Fund. For the year to date, there was a $4,615 deficit in the Operating Account and a surplus of $18,035 in the Building Fund. Olin Blanton made a motion to approve the monthly budget reports as presented. Dennis Tavernetti seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Diaconate Report : Marc Mason gave a report from the Deacons’ recent meeting.

Membership Update : As of May 24, 2018, the Church has 483 members, of which 469 are resident and 14 are non-resident.

Clerk Report : The minutes of the Stated Session Meeting on April 12, 2018, the Called Session Meetings on April 21, 2018 and April 29, 2018, and the Called Congregational Meeting on May 7, 2018 were reviewed. Sherry Ogletree made a motion to approve all such minutes. Mary Pace seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Communications : A note regarding the columbarium study was discussed and circulated. 

Old Business

Marc Mason presented a list of 67 recommended member removals based on the recent 2018 membership list review. Olin Blanton made a motion to approve the removal of such 67 members from the Church’s membership roll. Dennis Tavernetti seconded the motion. The motion passed.    
Sherry Ogletree gave an update on the work of the Ad Hoc Committee that was formed in 2015 for the purpose of reviewing and acting on needs related to the Building Fund. She indicated that the work of such Committee has been completed. Justin Mullis made a motion to dissolve such Committee. Olin Blanton seconded the motion. The motion passed. 

New Business : Chuck Verdin and Marc Mason gave a report on the Foothills Presbytery Stated Meeting held on May 19, 2018 at Eastminster Presbyterian Church.

Standing Committee Reports

Benevolence & Mission : Dennis Tavernetti gave a report on this committee’s work. He reported that there was an upcoming meeting with Mothers of Preschoolers (“MOPs”) who have been meeting at the YMCA.  

Discipleship : Dennis Mitchell reported that graduates were recognized on Sunday, May 20 th . He also gave an update on vacation bible school planning and the upcoming Church thrift sale on June 9 th to raise funds for the youth mission trip to Orlando, Florida.    

Finance & Stewardship : Mary Pace reported that the annual external review of the Church’s financial statements and internal controls was underway. 

Long-Range Planning : Bob Lewis reported that the columbarium project was ongoing and that the committee has continued to hold various meetings and is planning to extend invitations to members of the congregation for Q&A type meetings about the columbarium project. 

Personnel & Administration : Olin Blanton and Sherry Ogletree reported that Leah Wyman recently tendered her resignation to be effective May 27, 2018. Bob Lewis made a motion to accept her resignation. Justin Mullis seconded the motion. The motion passed. Lawrence Garabedian made a motion to approve a parting gift in the amount of $450 to Leah Wyman in recognition of her previous contributions to the Church. Bob Lewis seconded the motion. The motion passed. 

Property & Grounds : Lawrence Garabedian reported that this committee planned to meet on June 4, 2018 to review various property issues: 1) certain emergency lights not working properly, 2) fire extinguishers, 3) pressure washing of sidewalks, and 4) minor leaks. 

Spiritual Development & Evangelism : Justin Mullis reported that there was a good turnout for the Swamp Rabbit 5K and that the committee handed out over 1,800 snack packets.   

Worship : Marc Mason presented and reviewed minutes of the worship committee’s May 8, 2018 meeting.    

Motion to Adjourn with Prayer : Mary Pace made a motion to adjourn with prayer. Lawrence Garabedian seconded the motion. The motion passed. Marc Mason closed the meeting with prayer.

Respectfully Submitted,

Chuck Verdin, Clerk                          Marc Mason, Moderator
Youth Mission Trip - Week of Hope
July 8-14

  Youth Mission Trip Memories!

Mission trip participants were: Thomas Barksdale, Hamilton Chapman, Jorja Clark, Emily Claire Farmer, Landyn Klug, Terri Luzynski, Tom McCorkle, Chase Mullis, Jenna Parker, Kyle Rogers, Will Sharpe, Grace Short, Gordon Taylor, Henry Waldrep, Anna Kate Wingard, and Caroline Wingard.
Tea for Friends!
Trinity Presbyterian Church is now looking
for individuals to deliver welcome packages
 to our visitors each week!

All whom are interested please contact
Chris Marsh via text message or phone call to (864) 525-0181.
Watch for details to follow!
Thank you for your support!
 We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Small Groups For Everyone!
Sunday Adults:
Fellowship Class: Focus - Rotates study of the books of the Bible with Christian books and studies that enrich our lives. Format- Combination of lecture with interactive discussion, all in a relaxed environment. Leadership changes annually with a rotation of teachers from our class.

Christianity and Contemporary Issues: Focus - Discussions relate the messages contained in Scripture passages to current headlines. Format - lecture and interactive. Facilitators – Mary Pace, Annette Taylor and class members.

Trinity Class: First Sunday School Class created at Trinity and has been active ever since. Focus- Study of the Bible with the help of the Standard Lesson Commentary. Format - lecture and interactive with class discussion strongly encouraged. Teachers - Beauford Williams, Fred Moehlenbrock and class members.
Sunday Youth:
6th-12th Grades—Terri Luzynski

Sunday Children:
CWE 4K-1st Grade—Robin Blakemore, Joanna Newcomer, Leslie Weikle
CWE 2nd-5th Grades—Allen Clark, Eric Smith
(These two classes will be combined for the summer.)

Tuesday Morning Women:
Rachel Bible Study meets weekly at 10:00 a.m. A lesson is presented by one of the participants taking turns each week. Facilitator - Nancy Simonton

Wednesday Night Live Small Groups (All Resume in September) :
CWE 1 st – 5 th Grades : Led by Terri Luzynski

Childcare is available through 5K.

Adult Bible Study : A seminar style format encouraging discussion. Meets in the Thorpe Building.  Led by Rev. Mason. 

Thursday Morning Men:
Men’s Fellowship meets Thursday mornings at 7:30 a.m. for a biscuit and coffee breakfast, a devotional, followed by a program. Programs include guest speakers from the community as well as members of the group. Facilitator - John Burns (Resumes in September)

Monthly Groups:
Miriam Ladies Group meets one Sunday afternoon per month at different members’ homes.

Naomi Ladies Group meets on the 4th Thursday of the month at 3:00 p.m. at members' homes. They also study a selected series which is moderated by one of the class members. Facilitator - Esther King
Notes from the Director of Music Ministry
Welcome to summer’s end! In July we had the distinct pleasure of Lisa Barksdale, Debra Williams and Trey Duncan conducting the chancel choir as part of their new roles on the interim Choral Leadership Team. Lisa and Trey will serve us in conducting again through August while Debra will take us into the new school year by conducting the first two Sundays in September. Our One Worship Rally day will be August 26; be sure to join us for this special combined 10am service!

We look forward to the return of the handbell choir this fall. Additionally, we have begun laying the groundwork for a holistic approach in involving our youth ages 5-18 in various musical opportunities. Stay tuned!

CALLING ALL MUSICIANS! Do you play an instrument at school? Did you used to play and have been looking for an opportunity to get back into performing with a group? Do you know someone who plays an instrument and are willing to volunteer their name? 😊 We are introducing new music this summer and fall that has several wonderful, accessible parts for many different types of instruments. We’d love to have you be a part of our team!

If interested, please email with:
Performer’s name
Performers age
Instrument(s) played:
Contact phone# and/or email

Hope you’ve had a great summer!
— Eric Barnhart
Columbarium Project Update
The Long-Range Planning Committee is continuing to gather information on planning the Columbarium Project. We are currently discussing with five different vendors. After two open discussion meetings, and feedback, we have narrowed our options to two locations. Our goal is to have a proposal ready for the September 13 th Session meeting. 
We welcome any suggestions and opinions from you. Please contact:
Bob Lewis – 294-9634; Esther King – 905-9938; Jim Showalter – 430-6104
Newspapers Needed!
This is a plea for help for the large numbers of kittens and puppies at the Greenville Humane Society. Bedding is needed. Please bring your newspapers (Newsprint only; NO slick pages please!) to McKinney Hall and put them in the box beside the grocery cart. Tom McCorkle will deliver them for us!
Scripture in the Sitcoms

Do you miss the good old days of The Andy Griffith Show?  Here’s your chance to revisit Mayberry!  The Mayberry Bible Study features classic episodes of The Andy Griffith Show tied to relevant scriptures, using the episodes as modern day parables on the teachings of Jesus. Come join this Scripture in the Sitcoms Small Group beginning on Sunday, September 2 nd
Denny Mitchell will facilitate, but this is a discussion based Small Group, so all attendees will be part of the fun-filled teaching and learning process!  
From the Stewardship Committee
“… Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel …” Mark 16:15
August, 2018

Dear Trinity Members and Friends,

Greetings from your Stewardship Committee! As you are reading this letter, the summer vacation period is in its third month and many of us are now looking forward to Fall and all that it brings- college football, cooler temperatures, etc., and, of course, the 2018 Stewardship Campaign at Trinity! We are writing today to announce our campaign and to ask for your support.

It has been said that Stewardship is how we live out our calling as followers of Christ. Stewardship is what we do after we say that “we believe.” Stewardship is the way that we use the resources entrusted to us to carry out Christ’s work.

The theme for the 2018 Campaign is “From This Rock.” It builds on the very successful 2017 Campaign entitled “On This Rock.” The new theme suggests action- that “from” here we will accomplish God’s work, caring for each other and reaching out to the community. Our 2018 Campaign will continue to emphasize financial support for both the building fund and operating expenses. As you will remember from last year’s campaign, we will be seeking a commitment for the Capital Fund and a separate one for the Operating Fund.

Notice that our logo (letterhead) - the Celtic Cross - has a new tag line. “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel”- Jesus’ commission to the disciples as described in the Gospel of Mark, 16:15. We are hopeful that the logo communicates to all who read it that missional work- reaching out to the community- is a priority here at Trinity.
The Fall Stewardship Campaign is really a process for laying groundwork for 2019. As individuals involved in our respective faith walks, we consider the resources that have been entrusted to us and how we will be good stewards of those resources in the new year.

As we consider the future, it is appropriate that each of us should reflect on how those resources are being used now to enable the work that is being accomplished every day. Ask yourself, “What does Trinity mean to me?” The answer will likely differ for each of us, but collectively it becomes a story of Christian accomplishment and a celebration of your stewardship! We encourage you to share your answer. Email it to Myriam ( or give it to one of the Committee members. Let your story be a blessing to others.

In closing, your Stewardship Committee encourages you to joyfully consider and celebrate all that is God’s work at Trinity. The fall celebration will officially begin on “Rally Day,” August 26, and culminate with Commitment Sunday in November, a time for each of us to consider how our Stewardship will enable Trinity to become a greater force for Christianity in our community.


The Stewardship Committee:
Blake Blakemore, Esther King, Leslie Weikle, Hugh Cunningham, Brian Williams, Dwight Hammack
Youth News!
I hope you have all recovered from the Week of Hope Mission Trip! I’m sure that some extra sleep was needed! Now it’s time to enjoy the last days of summer. I have heard a rumor that it is crazy hot in August in South Carolina, so our unofficial theme will be “YWE Gets Wet!” The only thing better than getting wet on a hot day is . .  . ice cream, so we will end the summer with an ice cream sundae social. Come join the fun!
Aug. 5
5:00-6:00 pm Middle School YWE
6:00-7:00 pm Dinner, announcements, etc. for all Youth
7:00-8:00 pm Sr. High YWE
Expect water to be involved. Bring a towel and a change of clothes if you don’t like staying wet!
Aug. 12
3:00-7:00 pm Pool Party hosted by Paula & Chris Marsh!
       17 Thornbriar Court, Travelers Rest
Aug. 25
10:00 am-6:00 pm Discovery Island Day
Meet at Trinity at 10:00. The park opens at 10:30 am. We will spend the day! No outside food is allowed, so make sure to bring money for lunch and snacks. We will return to Trinity at approximately 6:00 pm.
Aug. 26
7:00 pm Ice Cream Social for Youth & Parents
        15 W. Round Hill Road
         Greenville, SC
                                                  Peace & prayers,
Financial Review - May & June
Below is a detailed view of the May and June budgets approved by the Session. In keeping with transparency of Trinity’s financial position, this view provides more information than the Sunday bulletin version. It will always be two months in arrears due to the fact that the newsletter is always published before the Session meets.
Mother's Morning Out
Mother’s Morning Out will resume on Tuesday, September 4th.

Mother’s Morning Out is designed to give mothers and caregivers a break two mornings per week while knowing their children are being cared for in a safe, Christian environment. Children will learn that church is a special place for them to come and belong, and will learn Bible stories, sing, do crafts and play.

Registration is now open for September 2018—May 2019
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00AM-1:00PM

We have vacancies available for children from 6 weeks old to 4K. 
Registration fee is $170 per child, and cost per month for the first child is $170 ($145 for each additional child). 
For information, please contact program director,
Julie Ramsey, at
Please consider donating to our Mother’s Morning Out program, which begins on September 4th. Below is a list of needed items. All donations may be placed in the Mother’s Morning Out collection boxes.
**Gently used items are gratefully accepted, as well as new items.
Art Supplies: 
glue sticks
washable paint
sponge brushes
wiggle eyes (self-adhesive)construction paper
crayons (chunky and regular)stickers
dot markers
colored puff balls
cotton balls
coloring books
tissue paper
tempera paint
magnetic letters
canvases (all sizes)

battery operated preschool toys
V-tech toys
toy cell phones
preschool books
Classroom Supplies:
Clorox disinfectant wipes
diaper wipes
hand and face wipes
sticky notes
name labels
sippy cups
toddler spoons
batteries (AA, AAA, C, or D), paper plates
cookie sheets
freezer Ziploc bags
Little People play sets
stacking toys
puzzles (maximum 48 pieces)
As Program Director, I would like to thank all of our Trinity Volunteers who help to make our program a success. Also, a shout-out to Curtis Tharpe, who is our on-call repairman! If you have questions about our program, please contact me at 
Thanks to all of you who generously help us throughout the year!
                                                                                 Julie Ramsey
Thank You!
To My Church Family,
Thank you so much for all your prayers, love, care, and concern during the this time of grief, losing my precious son, Todd. My church family has been so supportive, visiting, sending us food, cards, and attending Todd’s funeral. There is no way I could ever repay all your kindness to me and my family.                     
                                                  With love,
                                              Nancy Simonton
Nursery News
Do you enjoy caring for babies and toddlers in small doses? 

If so, we have the perfect gig for you: Nursery-on-call! If our nursery workers are unable to serve on Sunday mornings, we'd like to have a list of church members who can fill in, with short notice. Interested in helping? Call or text Emily Huminski at 803-463-4016 or email Denny Mitchell at to be added to our Nursery-on-call list. We will not call on you more than once per month. 

Thank you in advance!
Flower Calendar Sign-Up
It’s not too late if you would like to sign up to provide flowers for the church sanctuary on a specific Sunday; flowers can be given in memory or in honor of a loved one, and it will be noted in that day’s bulletin announcements. The Sunday dates still available are:

September 2, September 16, September 23, September 30
October 7, October 14
November 4, 11
Please call Myriam in the church office, 864-834-9897, for more information or to sign up.
Trinity Girls' Summer Basketball Camp
There’s still time to join us for basketball fun!
Make some new friends & become a better:
Ball handler
All-around basketball player!
A few 2018 summer Trinity Girls’ basketball camp sessions remain:

WHEN :      Tuesday evening, August 7
                    For GIRLS 9 YEARS OLD AND UNDER; we’ll use the 8 ft. height goals
WHEN :      Thursday evenings, August 2, 9
                   For GIRLS 15 YEARS OLD AND UNDER; we’ll use the 10 ft. height goals;
                    note that our 9-year-old & under GIRLS are welcome to participate in our Thursday evening
basketball camp sessions if desired

WHERE: Our Trinity Presbyterian gym

TUESDAY GROUP TIME : 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM for Girls 9 years old & under (8 ft. goals)
THURSDAY GROUP TIME : 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM for Girls 15 years old & under (10 ft. goals)

COST: Free (but you can bring some snacks or drinks for everyone to share at the end of the
practice session if you’d like)

What we’ll do at each session:   enhance basketball skill-sets with dribbling drills, basketball shooting practice, review and practice proper defense techniques, enjoy some fun basketball game activities, have some 3-on-3   scrimmage practice and during the last 30 minutes, play some 5-on-5 controlled scrimmage games
For more information, contact: Coach Tom McCorkle, 864-787-2707 – cell or email
North Greenville Crisis Ministry

Thank you for your continued support for this ministry.
Their current needs include:

Spaghetti Sauce, Pasta
Canned tomatoes
Macaroni and Cheese
Mustard, Ketchup, Mayonnaise 
Children's Summer Clothing           

Please place donations in the shopping cart in McKinney Hall.
Sermon Audio Files Now Available
To access Sermon Audio on the website:
1) Go to
2) On the menu in the upper right hand corner between the options CALENDAR and CONTACT US you will see an option entitled MEDIA.
3) Roll your mouse over MEDIA and a menu should appear. 
5) It will take you to the iTunes website where you are now on the preview page for the Trinity Podcast. 
6) Click the blue button that reads VIEW IN iTUNES under the green Trinity logo on the left side. 
7) You will receive a prompt to open iTunes. Or if you don’t have it, you will be prompted to download iTunes.
8) For Windows/PC Users: if you already have iTunes on your computer and receive a prompt to download it again, click the gray button to the left of the blue download button indicating that you already have iTunes on your computer and you wish to sign in.  
iTunes will then open to the Trinity Podcast Page.
To receive a copy of each new sermon to your iTunes every week:
When you reach the podcast page in iTunes, click SUBSCRIBE under the green Trinity logo on the left side.
To receive a copy of a particular sermon to your iTunes:
When you reach the podcast page in iTunes, scroll down the list of sermons and click “GET”
on the right hand side of the sermon you’d like to have a copy of.   
August 2018 Calendar

2 Scott Frierson
   Sydney Ironside
3 Olin Blanton
    Drew Thrasher 
5  Bruce Thompson
7  Emily Coleman
8  Helena Travis
9  Hannah Pace
10 Kristen Mullis
   Layla Jones
11 Lucie Fink
     Jason Snow
     Sharon Johnson 
13  Justin Clark
15  Julie Rogers
16  Katherine Lenderman
19  Chase Mullis
      Larry Stokes
20  Devin Stokes
21  Matthew Hamberg
      Brianne Pochard
22  Robin Blakemore
23  Julie Hamberg
      Ann Swasko
24  Mary Kemper
      Dillard Pruitt
25  Carolyn Hamberg
      Scott Ironside 
27  Bill Sharpe
      Jonah McHaffie 
29  Rudy Blakely
      Lucy Niven
      Ella Loftis
      Jennifer Sharpe 
31  Addyson Bowers
If you don’t see your name or the name of someone you love on the birthday list,
please call the office so we can update our list!
Email or call Myriam at 864-834-9897.
Newsletter Deadline: The deadline for newsletter information is the 25th of each month. Please send all information to the church office (834-9897). If you are able, please E-mail info to  
Church Office Hours
9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. Monday through Friday