Featured in the
July 14, 2016 issue:
Are you connected with us on Facebook?
July 16, 5:00 p.m.
LRCC Banquet
First, Torrance
July 18 - 22
July 20, 11:30 a.m.
Synod Eucharist,
July 24, 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Family Reunion Sunday Carnival
Community, Los Angeles
July 27, 11:30 a.m.
Synod Eucharist,
August 3, 11:30 a.m.
Synod Eucharist, Glendale
August 4 - 6
August 5, 6:00 p.m.
Tchaikovsky Spectacular Picnic and Concert
Hollywood Bowl
August 10, 11:30 a.m.
Synod Eucharist, Glendale
August 17, 11:30 a.m.
Synod Eucharist, Glendale
August 24, 11:30 a.m.
Synod Eucharist, Glendale
August 31, 11:30 a.m.
Synod Eucharist, Glendale
October 14 - 16
SWCA WELCA Convention
Simi Valley
October 14 - 16
El Camino Pines
October 24 - 27
La Quinta, AC
Vacation Bible School leaders! We want to feature your congregation's VBS in the Synews. Send your VBS pictures to Samantha at shenderson@socalsynod.org.
An event for church professionals
October 24 - 27 at Embassy Suites, La Quinta
50777 Santa Rosa Plaza
This year's speakers will be:
The Rev. Dr. Barbara Lundblad of the Union Theological Seminary, New York
The Rev. James Hazelwood, New England Synod Bishop
Costs (Program, two dinners, and one lunch, excluding hotel):
$210 (rostered and lay staff)
$145 (retired rostered leaders, interns, candidates
and non-rostered spouses)
Online registration will open August 15. Receive a $25 discount when you register
by September 15. Watch for more information to come!
Theoasis is a joint partnership of the Pacifica and
Southwest California Synods.
Help St. Matthew's
Help the Homeless
In partnership with Lutheran Social Services, St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, North Hollywood has started a weekly drop-in program for their homeless neighbors.
They provide showers, clothing, toiletries, three
meals, a safe space, conversation, referrals, and spiritual restoration to more than 35 people every Wednesday.
In order for the LSS case manager to better assist homeless guests with registering for Medical and other services, St. Matthew's
is in need of a recent-edition or new laptop, specifically
for the drop-in ministry. If you or your workplace has an extra laptop available,
please consider supporting
this new, vital ministry in our synod.
To donate, please contact
Pastor Stephanie Jaeger at
It's Easter in July!
St. Timothy's Lutheran Church
4645 Woodruff Lane,
Lakewood, CA 90713
It's Vacation Bible School time again! We will be using the Holy Moly Bible Story booklet - come by to get your copy.
VBS July 25 - 29,
9:00 a.m. - noon
We'll be holding a picnic after the close of VBS on Friday,
July 29
Southwest California Chapter of WELCA
The 19th Annual Convention
October 14 - 16, 2016
Simi Valley.
Please pray for the following:
- Pastor Ray Kibler III,discharged as hospital inpatient, but continues the bone marrow transplant as outpatient. Pray for the success of this long-term procedure, and for strength for his wife Victoria as for himself.
- Dick Buma, husband of Pastor Christine Buma, undergoing chemotherapy for aggressive Stage 4 lung cancer.
- The family of Pastor Norma Castillo
- Keny and Anthony Callahan; Anthony has stage 3 lymphoma
- The family of Rev. Gerry Swanson
- Pastor Nimrod Flores
- Cowan Family
- Pastor Charlie Kurtz
- Pastor Carlos Paiva
- Clemontene Richmond
- AIM Karen Wilson
Your prayer requests are important to us and will continue for two months in Synews.
If you would like to be added to the prayer list or if we should continue your request, please
contact us
Southwest California
Synod Staff
The Rev. R. Guy Erwin, Ph.D.
The Rev. Reg Schultz-Akerson
Rostered Leadership
The Rev. Marj Funk-Pihl Congregational Mission
/ Director for Evangelical Mission
The Rev. Reginald Hansome
Coordinator of African Descent Ministries
Andreas Hirsch Finance & Administration
Maria Paiva Latino Ministries
Janet Renick
Children, Youth and Faith Formation
Sherri Miller
Administrative Assistant
Robin Lujan
Administrative Assistant
Samantha Henderson
1300 E. Colorado Street
Glendale, CA 91205
(818) 507-9591 Phone
Synews, the weekly email newsletter of the Southwest California Synod, ELCA, brings you news and information from the synod office in an environmentally friendly format. Please share this information as you are able.
News and information for
Synews should be emailed to
Samantha Henderson
(shenderson@socalsynod.org). To follow Bishop Guy Erwin's daily schedule, search #thebishopsday on Facebook.
Synod Hunger Team
It was great to see so many of you at the Synod Assembly! Thank you to everyone who stopped by our table.
When Trinity Lutheran Church, Santa Barbara stopped by our table, we were able to set them up with one of our Walk for Water kits for water awareness day during their "Garden Song Day Camp" Vacation Bible School. If you are interested in hosting a Walk for Water event at your church, we can help you as well! Contact our team lead, Sheri Groenveld, at sherigroenveld@yahoo.com.
ELCA World Hunger has so many resources! Are youooking for an activity to help others learn about hunger?
ELCA World Hunger Toolkits are the perfect place to start. Each toolkit includes a variety of activities designed for different age groups and activity levels, from folks who like to sit and talk to those who prefer to be up and moving around. These activities will help participants learn about different aspects of hunger, including food systems, disease, access to water and climate change. An updated toolkit on gender and hunger will be available this summer! Download all of the toolkits from
ELCA.org/hunger/resources. Just click on the "Toolkits" tab.
With prayers for a world where all are fed,
Sheri Groenveld
Planned Giving Tools
Bequests (Wills & Trusts)
A bequest provision in your will or trust will allow you make a significant gift to ministry without reducing your current income.
Life Insurance
By changing the beneficiary of your policy, you can make a gift to ministry. Or, transfer the ownership of the cash value life insurance policy.
Qualified Retirement Plans (IRA, Keogh, 401k, 403b)
Your qualified retirement plan can provide a significant gift to ministry.
Life Income Agreements
Life income agreements are available for people who want to make an irrevocable gift that will benefit ministries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America after their death. These agreements allow the donors to retain an income interest during their lifetime or for a term of years.
The ELCA Foundation
The ELCA Foundation administers a wide variety of life income agreements that are in compliance with federal laws and state regulations that govern the issuance and administration of these agreements.
Charitable Gift Annuities
A charitable gift annuity can provide annuity payments for life and then support your favorite ministry. Deferred gift annuities allow you the option to make the gift today and receive the annuity later in life.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
These gifts allow you to make a substantial gift and receive income from the trust. Choose from a Charitable Remainder Unitrust, a Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust, or a Testamentary Charitable Remainder Unitrust depending on your situation and goals.
Greg Shepherd
(909) 910-6823
ELCA Foundation Regional Gift Planner
Any examples and information in this article are for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be considered tax or legal advice. Please consult with your tax or legal advisor before proceeding with your estate plan.
El Camino Pines, October 14 - 16
Where are you on your journey? The masculine journey always begins in the wilderness, in a place that is dangerous, in a place that demands endurance, in a place that puts us to the test. For centuries and across cultures this has always been the true male story however in recent times men have exchanged this risky adventure for a safer route, confusing masculinity for the convention of patriarchy, confusing identity and purpose with roles of esteem and status.
This year's Men's Advance will be designed to provide you a unique opportunity to respond to the call of the Spirit to enter into the wilderness and experience the masculine journey. Together we will explore the practices where our Biblical traditions and the ancient practices of male initiation intersect, providing us with a rich masculine experience that will transform our understanding of what it means to be a man of faith.
Is the Spirit of God calling you into the wilderness? We hope you will join us!
For further information contact: Bob Huhn, Trinity, Santa Barbara at
or (805) 886-4457.
Positions Open in our Synod Territory
Congregations and other organizations in our synod are seeking people to partner in ministry. Check out these opportunities
posted on our website. To share a job posting in the synod newsletter, website, and Facebook page, email the details to shenderson@socalsynod.org.
Trinity Lutheran Church in Manhattan Beach is seeking a Youth Minister/Educator. This progressive, relevant, child-crazy Christian congregation is looking for a creative teacher to deliver relationship-based instruction for all grade levels at on-campus and off-campus events, including preschool chapels, midweek education, Sunday-morning worship, and weekend retreats.
This is a full time position. The successful candidate will work closely with the Senior Pastor, contributing passion, joy, and energy. Must be musically inclined, social media savvy, and deftly skilled at healthy, interpersonal relationships.
To apply, send resume and introductory 1-page cover letter describing your interest in, skills for, and commitment to Christian education and youth and family ministry. Bachelor's Degree preferred. Salary and benefits commensurate with skills and experience. Application deadline is August 31, 2016. Trinity Lutheran Church, 1340 11th Street, Manhattan Beach, CA, 90266, ATTN: Search Committee or email @ pastorluther@besidethesea.org
Southwest California Synod, ELCA
1300 E. Colorado Street
(818) 507-9591