Less is More
An Occasional Newsletter from
The New England School
of Homeopathy
September 2015
NESH CELEBRATES 25th Anniversary
Come study with us!
And for our friends
in Europe, catch
View our complete
for more details on studying with
Drs. Amy Rothenberg and Paul Herscu.
Dear Friends,
Earlier this year, standing at the confluence of the Jefferson, Madison & Gallitin Rivers we marveled at the subtle headwaters of the mighty Missouri. Early in our Omaha, Nebraska practice, we lived on an oxbow of the Missouri River; we loved circling back, all these years later to see its humble beginnings on that sunny Montana Monday.
When we held our very first NESH class 25 years ago, it was in a quaint dining room area in the house where we lived. We ate our meals around the long oak table and about half of the twelve people in the class slept over! We were young, newly married with our first baby in arms and just about bursting at the seams wanting to share what we knew.
Over the decades, our breath of experience has grown & our technique has refined. An understanding of what we do with our patients is ever clarified, so we can better share that with you. This 25th anniversary time has us thinking a lot about the confluence of ideas and the gathering of knowledge and the urge to keep it flowing! We have the same enthusiasm and derive the same pleasure when we work with students and all kinds of practitioners & doctors, helping you help your patients, and sowing the seeds of effective, compassionate homeopathy.
Come study with us when you have the chance, or if you already have, join us for a clinical class, we'd love to catch up!
All the best,
At the lovely waterside Marina Village Conference Center |
Develop Expertise in Homeopathy
Course meets Friday night & all day
Saturday / Sunday, every other month.
Many practitioners are drawn to homeopathy for its elegant philosophy and promise of treating the whole person, yet the tools are mechanistic, the memorization exhausting, the results often disappointing. However, NESH provides reliable, effective, efficient training in classical homeopathy.
Completing this course will help you:
Course endorsed by CNDA: members receive tuition discount
- Shorten your learning curve.
- Streamline case taking.
- Use the repertory to good effect.
- Prevent common & challenging mistakes.
- Learn materia medica in an organized, concise way.
Come learn with us in sunny California!
Email us
for more detailed information and an application.
Materia Medica Meal:
For those hungry for a little more.....
Vipera, by Paul Herscu ND, MPH:
Materia medica taught in
NESH classes is presented in a concise and organized way using the
Cycles & Segments approach developed by Dr. Paul Herscu.
This approach allows for an integrated and effective study of homeopathy without the cumbersome
memorization of long lists of individual symptoms.
Read here for one such example which is very relevant to the topic of our upcoming Clinical Class Weekend for NESH Alum. Enjoy!
Topic: Acute & Chronic Infections
October 2-4, 2015
For our beloved NESH Alum,
where ever you may have studied with us, you're invited to join clinical weekends at our home base in Amherst, Massachusetts. There should be some pretty awesome foliage right about then!
We will see patients who tend towards infections, have long term issues related to a previous infection, or who have a chronic infectious ailment. We will work on case analysis together and discuss relevant comparative
materia medica and the philosophical points that invariably arise with patient care.
Help us celebrate with a party at the house for NESH's 25th anniversary! A few surprises in store!
For logistical information on our clinical classes,
click here.
For more information about our practice in Enfield, CT see: www.nhcmed.com To schedule an appointment: call 1.860.763.1225
We are now offering Telemedicine Services such as SKYPE,
to patients within the US and internationally for: comprehensive initial consultations,
follow-ups, and referrals from clinicians for 2nd opinions.
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