Principal's Message
May 20, 2016
Dear Families and Friends of OLQP:

     The arts are alive and well at Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic School. Last Wednesday night was the culmination of students' study of a particular artist. Each class chose an artist to study. Then, they became artists themselves using similar techniques while putting their own touches on their masterpieces. Additionally, other art projects were displayed. Students were so happy to show their creations to family and friends.
     This morning, students performed in the first of two music concerts. Fourth through seventh grade classes provided a program of fourteen pieces. They are developing their musicality in a way that can open doors for future development. The band concert is scheduled for June 2, after morning prayer.  
     Tomorrow, Saturday, May 21 st at 2:30, the middle school troupe will perform Ichabod and Rip Van Winkle in Sleepy Hollow. For the price of a canned good, you can enjoy family-friendly entertainment. Research shows that participation in the arts can improve student achievement in the academic subjects as well. Well done, OLQP!
     On Tuesday, families joined their fourth, fifth, and sixth graders to celebrate RAP. The Richwood Avoidance Program was developed by our partners at the Richwood Police Department as a more personalized version of the DARE program. The program began with prayer. Chief Corb and Officer Entwistle spoke about the students and the program. District Attorney Jeri Yenne was the keynote speaker who urged the students to stay on the right path by using their compasses - Faith, family, friends, and education. Selected essays were read by the student-authors to their peers. The connection was made between making good decisions and achieving students' life goals. Officer Entwistle encouraged the students to "pin the essays to the wall of their rooms" in order to be reminded of their life goals and their plans to achieve them.  
     In prayer, the students continue to hear the story of the origin of the Fatima prayer. Yesterday's storm provided a teachable moment that was shared today...One of St. Pope John Paul II's mottos was, "Be not afraid." The product of a relationship with God, built through prayer and sacrament, is peace. When we pray, "Jesus, I trust in You," we are giving in to God's will for us and our lives. A wise nun once said, "If you pray, why worry? If you worry, why pray?" We do our part, and then give the rest to God.
Thank you for being part of the OLQP family. Please keep us in your prayers and be assured that you are in ours every day.    

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam,
Mrs. Marianne Mechura, M.Ed.
Counting our Blessings:
Richwood Police Department for partnering with OLQP

Chief Corb and Officer Entwistle for developing and implementing the RAP program

District Attorney, Jeri Yenne, for being the RAP Graduation keynote speaker

Deacon Gerald Peltier for altar server training in preparation for 8th grade graduation
Everyone who participated in and/or attended the OLQP Art Gallery

To the chaperones on the Pleasure Pier field trip on 5/19/16
Nita Garza
Art Montanez
Cindy Moriarty
Ragen Cammarn
Derrick Berger
Cheri Jackson
Lisa Ondrey
Mike Ondrey
Angela Brown
Dana Ernst
Celeste Albarran
Jeremy Miska
Ralph Guerra
Stef Gamino
Paul Gamino
Lauren Parsons
Susan Percival
Christina Lux
OLQP Shining Stars
Student Accolades

PSIA State Medal Winners
First Place
Aryahi Kadiyala - Spelling 2
Julia Duran - Music Memory 3/4

Second Place
Albert Brennsteiner - Ready Writing 3
Maggie Orscheln - Music Memory 5/6
Derek Ortega - Poetry Interpretation 7/8

Third Place
Kaitlyn Futschik - Spelling 7/8
Alexa Madenjian - Dictionary Skills 6-8
Sam Whitmarsh - Poetry Interpretation 7/8

Fourth Place
Julia Duran - Number Sense 4
Andres Jimenez - Mathematics 5
Ella Mulholland - Number Sense 6
Maggie Orscheln - Mathematics 6

Fifth Place
Daniel Duran - Maps, Graphs & Charts 7
Sam Whitmarsh - Modern Oratory 7/8

Sixth Place
Jackson Bonnen - Maps, Graphs & Charts 6
Brooke Drangmeister - Listening Skills 4/5
Andres Jimenez - Number Sense 5
Michael Nguyen - Number Sense 7
Saylor Sherrodd - Vocabulary 6

RAP Essay Winners
Lucy Berger
Enrique Buentello
Greyson Cammarn
Jude Calhoun
Brooke Drangmeister
Cristian Finley
Hannah Hubbard
Nathan Hulvey
Alexa Madenjian
Maggie Orscheln
Sophia Nguyen
Saylor Sherrodd
Who's Who...

Congratulations to OLQP alumnus, Travis Bartholome!  He will be graduating from Brazoswood High School this June as a National Merit Scholar and Salutatorian. 

Fantastic Job Travis - we are proud of you!
Did you know?
  • Yesterday, during the bad weather, several parents communicated that they were concerned because they called the school, but no one answered the phone. The telephone system at OLQP has four lines. At times, there is only one person available to answer the phone. If your call is sent to voicemail, please leave a message. Your call will be returned as soon as possible.
  • Order your brisket for Memorial Day Weekend.  The funds raised will go to support technology and teacher training.  Click here to order!
  • Please Mom Ice Cream will be on campus, Monday, May 23rd to serve ice creams to all students!
News You Can Use.....

Board of Trustees Communications Committee Meeting

Parents, staff, and board members came together for a presentation in order to review results from the spring survey. Board member, Matt Pretz, facilitated the meeting. After key results were shared, attendees were invited to identify and prioritize the elements from the survey data that they felt were most important.  After the top three areas of concern were identified, groups worked together to share ideas for action items to address the top items. The top three areas identified for focus are: technology, academics/curriculum, and recruitment of students.  Click here for all of the topics.  Complete survey results are available on the school's website or by clicking here
Mark your Calendars:

May 21
Jr. High Spring Play 2:30pm

May 23
Free Dress Day for Students whose parents attended Art Gallery Night.

Ice Cream for everyone at 1pm!

May 24
Boy Scout Recruiting

Bunco 5th-8th

May 25
PreK to Bayou Wildlife Zoo

7th grade Texas Trading Post 1-3pm

Athletic Banquet

May 26
PreK Promotion/Kinder Graduation 6pm

May 27
Mass at 10am

Brisket Fundraiser

May 30
Memorial Day Holiday
Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic School | 979-265-3909 | [email protected] |
1600 FM 2004
Richwood, TX 77531