APRIL 2016
Cole Wilbur speaking at NNCG Annual Meeting
For the past 10 years, The National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers (NNCG) has been the place where grantmakers of all types can find experienced, qualified, understanding and ethical consultants. Foundations go through a wide variety of situations when it would be very helpful to work with a consultant. These can concern the foundation board, staff, changes or improvements in their grants program, IT, communications, financial issues, and many other matters. Being able to find an experienced, capable and thoughtful consultant can really improve how a grantmaker operates, improve their grants and thus improve some portion of this world.

NNCG recently had its annual meeting at the Council on Foundations meeting in Washington D.C. It provided an opportunity for a group of expert and experienced consultants to look at how to improve our individual, as well as group endeavors for learning, creating and innovating. We discussed how to change and contribute to the field of philanthropy, how to provide a learning culture and how to provide and open opportunities for consultants and the field in general.  

During the meeting we also discussed: trends in our field and in philanthropy (such as social investing or mission related investing) and how we should adapt; how we can learn from mistakes as well as successes and how do we help foundations communicate better and understand their stakeholder's needs. Grantmakers of all sorts have increasing expectations of their consultants and we want and expect our NNCG members to meet those expectations. 

Our annual meeting provides an opportunity to plan how to reach our members through our webinars to ensure that our members are continuing to remain flexible and able to improve the work of foundations. We want NNCG to continue to grow, improve and assist our members to help grantmakers and investors to improve the lives of people around the world.

Cole Wilbur
NNCG Steering Committee Member
Strategic Planning Update

To learn more about NNCG's emerging strategic plan, please view the PowerPoint presentation shared by Stephanie Clohesy at our Annual Meeting  
NNCG Webinar Series

The 2016 Webinar schedule is starting to take shape, and we will kick off off today at 2p Eastern with "Corporate Philanthropy: Moving from "That Nice Thing we Do" to a Business Imperative" led by NNCG Member Jeff Hoffman.

In our philanthropy sphere, we all think of ourselves as funders, or advisers to funders. As we know, there are various types of philanthropy, and mechanisms, to carry it out even before broaching the topic of issue areas and focus. One facet that sometimes can be a mystery is corporate philanthropy. In the age of collaboration, where foundations, nonprofits, governments and business are sitting together to solve problems, it's important to understand the motivation for the companies at the table. This webinar will give you a view into the quickly evolving world of corporate philanthropy and how it fits into the broader strategy of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and overall company mission and strategy.
Register Today!
NNCG Members:  FREE
Non-Members: $55.00
2-webinar package*:  $100.00
3-webinar package*:  $135.00
*Purchase of a 2 or 3 webinar package allows the buyer to attend this plus additional NNCG webinar(s) for up to 1 year from purchase date.  Please email [email protected] with your additional selections.

Remember to check our blog NNCG Now!  Recent member posts include 5 Keys to Build Teamwork in Family Giving by Dawn Franks, and Moderating a panel? Think of it as hosting a dinner party! by Thaler Pekar.
Member Benefit

Alliance magazine is the definitive resource for all philanthropy and social investment professionals worldwide. It provides news and analysis of what's happening in this sector and is the only magazine of its kind with a global focus.

National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers members are eligible for a 20% discount (new subscribers only) on subscriptions to Alliance magazine. Please visit our members-only page to view complete details.

New Network Members
CJ Callen
Blair Cobb 
Michael Conforti
Michael Courville 
Nancy Frank 
Matthew Ingram
Lisa McGill 
Kathy Merchant 
Jean Miao 
Wende Micco
Colleen Mitchell 
Kimberly Otis
Clemence Scouten
Brian Van Weele
Engage Strategies            
               Alyssondra Campaigne
Harder + Company Community Research
               Paul Harder
               Sonia Taddy-Sandino
               Clare Nolan
               Kevin Rafter
               Raul Martinez
               Keecha Harris
               Mikhiela Sherrod
               CarmenMcCutcheon Simon
               Lisa Gary

Renewing Network Members
Thomas Backer
Susan Busta
Stephanie Clohesy
Paul Connolly
Jara Dean-Coffey
Betty Emarita
Jeff Glebocki
Gita Gulati-Partee
Jeff Hoffman
Valerie Jacobs
Kathleen Johnson
Mafruza Khan
Benita Kline
Iris Krieg
Lindalee Lawrence
Marcus  Little
Tony Macklin
Donnell Snite Mersereau
Amy Main Morgenstern
Mark Neithercut
Holli Rivera
Anne Schonfield
Liana Schwarz
Rebecca Van Sickle
Advocacy & Communications
Lori McClung
Scarlett Bouder
Rebecca Cohen
Heather Lenz
Cassie Batson
California Wellness
Community Science
David Chavis
Kien Lee
Oscar Espinosa
Margaret Hargreaves
Evelyn Yang
Draper Consulting Group
Lee Draper, Ph.D.
Colburn (Cole) Wilbur
Erica Lindsten
Hilda Polanco
Andrea  Mills
Stu Cohen
Dipty Jain
Rebecca Coker
GMA Foundation
Mary Phillips
Pamela  Maksy
Amy Segal Shorey
Prentice Zinn
Chaletta  Huertas
Informing Change
Ellen Irie
Ria Sengupta Bhatt
Ann Janette Rosga
La Piana
David La Piana
Robert Harrington
Lester Olmstead-Rose
Jo DeBolt
Heather Gowdy
Learning for Action
Steven LaFrance
Emily Boer Drake
Nancy Latham
JT Taylor
Alex Hildebrand
Pembroke Philanthropy Advisors
Daphne Rowe
Martha  Morse
Alexandra Samuels
Hannah Schlesinger
Rockefeller Philanthropy
Melissa A. Berman
Chris Page
Walter Sweet
Mae Hong
Strategic Philanthropy
Betsy Brill
Mollie Bunis
The Philanthropic Group 
Barbara R. Greenberg
Jan Schwarz
Whittier Trust
Julie Lytle Nesbit
Pegine Grayson
Brian Van Weele

NNCG Members in Action
NNCG highlights members' thought leadership - articles, presentations, innovations and other activities that advance philanthropic practice. Follow the links for more information.

Kris Putnam-Walkerly, of Putnam Consulting Group, recently spoke at the Moses Taylor Foundation.  This private board training for a new healthy legacy foundation covered strategic vs responsive grantmaking; the strategy development lifecycle; continuous learning and improvement; and the funder's toolbox; tools to achieve impact beyond money.

Pamela Labonte Maksy, COO and Director of Financial Services at GMA Foundations, is teaming up with Alfonso Perillo, CPA of Edelstein to lead an advanced version of their popular financial workshop for grantmakers. In Financial Statements 2.0, to be held on May 24th from 12n - 2pm at Associated Grant Makers in Boston, participants discuss the complexities behind the numbers and then work in small groups to analyze 990s of non-profit organizations.
About NNCG
The National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers is dedicated to elevating, expanding and improving philanthropy. It's the only organization that brings together high-quality consultants to support the work of grantmakers while advancing quality and ethical standards in the practice of philanthropy consulting. NNCG's distinguished and diverse membership represents experienced and carefully vetted practitioners and thought leaders in the philanthropic field.
Learn more at NNCG.org.

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