Sharing the Word Devotional
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With Jeaninne Stokes

 Christian Author & Bible-Teacher

And we know God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God, and are called according to his purpose for them.
  Romans 8:38

         WHAT IF GOD SAYS                    No - 3d text

Recently I interviewed for a job and asked God for the opportunity to get hired. But I know there is the possibility he may say no to my request.


You see, God answers our prayers in three ways - sometimes he says yes, sometimes he says wait, and sometimes he says no. And Darlene Salsa reminds us, in the book, Encouraging words for women, that God's "no" is an answer to our prayers too.


But we must not get discouraged when God says "no" to our request, for as long as we are living according to his purpose for our lives, he will cause every "no" to work out for our overall good. 


So if you submit a prayer request to God today and he says " no" to your concern, remember: It's for your good!


Sharing the word,





Prayer: Lord, thank you that your "no's" to my requests are always for my good. Amen.




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Saturday, July 26th, 2014
9:00am to 1:00pm
Concord Church, Dallas, TX
Sharing the Word devotional is written by Jeaninne Stokes, founder of JStokes Writing Ministries. For more information about her ministry and to read more of her devotionals, visit her at: 

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