A Seasonal Newsletter from
Naturopathic Health Care
Drs. Amy Rothenberg & Paul Herscu MPH
Spring 2015
115 Elm Street, Suite 210, Enfield, CT 06082 1.860.763.1225
Scheduling an Appointment |
We are currently accepting new patients.
860.763.1225, Mon-Thurs to schedule an appointment
For more information about our clinic,
click here
We now accept new patient appointments via Skype.
About Naturopathic Health Care
Common Complaints We Treat in the Office
I want to thank everyone for all the well wishes and kindnesses all last year with my health hurdles! With much gratitude, I feel fabulous & energetic and back to myself.
I am back in the office, seeing patients most Tuesdays and Thursdays. We are coming up on 30 years of practice, hard to believe! And now, stepping up with the times, we do see new patients via SKYPE & welcome your referrals.
While Paul & I were at a recent fundraising dinner (Downtown Abbey themed,) a gentleman seated
Paul & I at a recent fundraiser for our local public TV station!
at our table asked us what the most common complaints we treated in our practice were, and whether it had changed much in the past thirty years.
I loved the question & this is what I told him. The most common problems we treat in our office, not necessarily in this order, are: allergies, digestive complaints, insomnia, headaches, skin problems, autoimmune diseases, autism, ADHD, hormonal issues, anxiety and depression. Of course many people come in who have other ailments and most have more than one! This has not changed over many years.
One of the things both Paul & I love most about our work is the variety and diversity of people & their concerns. It keeps us on our feet, continually learning and applying what we know in tailored and individualized ways. I hope if you ever feel you need a bit of advice or support, strategizing
about your health issues that arise, you will come in for a visit.
And as this new season unfolds, I hope that in your work & play you, too, find both the challenges and rewards.
Happy spring!

Amy Rothenberg ND
Discount on Products from Emerson Ecologics
In an effort to make quality supplements more widely available, we maintain a virtual dispensary through our office. Products we recommend and use are listed, but you now also have access to the full inventory of products sold by Emerson Ecologics. We trust Emerson as they examine sourcing of ingredients contained in the products they carry.
Treating Hospitalized Patients
Hospital Stay? Let Homeopathy Help
by Amy Rothenberg ND, DHANP
Diana was scheduled for hip replacement surgery. I had treated her successfully with homeopathy and natural medicine for all kinds of complaints in previous decades, but her degenerative joint disease had finally gotten the best of her hip, so replacement was an indicated option. It was not hip discomfort or pain, however, that brought her to see me several weeks before the surgery. Rather, it was high anxiety and stress. Diana was terrified of the upcoming procedure, afraid of the hospital, and anxious about the planned stay in a rehabilitation facility afterward. She hated not being in control, and honestly, what can put you more out of control than general anesthesia!? After speaking with Diana about her situation, I noted that her overall temperament, her way of coping with stress, and her physical general symptoms were very much the same as they always were. That is, she was still chilly, slightly constipated, and sweaty. She wanted her carbohydrate comfort foods. And, more to the point, she was highly focused on making and getting through her "to-do" lists; she wanted to take control of the situation. These symptoms fit the indications for Calcarea carbonica, a remedy that had helped her constitutionally many times in the past. Click here to read the rest of the article.
Recipe: How to Stir Fry Your Veggies
Some of you know I am a bit of an artist & can often be found in my small studio making books or other projects. I am inspired by materials, things from nature, a beautiful pen, and especially by handmade paper, with its color and diversity, its texture and malleability. Recently, while cooking up lunch, I felt equally inspired in the kitchen. I had come across orange cauliflower at the market and was wowed by the coral color and distinct shape of the florets. Laying eager on the cutting board next to crisp chopped red cabbage, I felt like an artist with a wok as my canvas. Click here to read the complete recipe.
Featured recommendation: Consider a Massage from a Massage School Student
Veering a bit off topic in terms of products or companies, but we'd like to remind you that many massage schools offer affordable massage done by students offered to the general public. If you live in or near a city that has a massage school, check online for offerings. In the region near our office there is The Massage School in Easthampton and the Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy with offices in Groton, Westport & Newington. Sometimes, a massage is just the thing for some relaxation and TLC! |
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In health & vitality,
Drs. Amy Rothenberg & Paul Herscu
Naturopathic Health Care