All HSFPP curriculum components can be downloaded online, but did you know that you also can order FREE printed materials? NEFE covers all of the costs to print, ship and deliver your materials! We can schedule delivery for spring, summer or fall classes as requested.

New on the HSFPP Blog

by Kimberly Roy, HSFPP Manager

This April I took my teenage son Derek to hear one of his science heroes speak, Dr. Temple Grandin. Dr. Grandin's speech focused on the importance of teens and work. She told the packed ballroom, "We have got to start the transition to the work world way before the transition."

Acting now to boost future earning capacity can put you on a path towards financial well-being. Proactive, purposeful planning also builds the capacity to prevail through future financial downturns. Consider these 14 Big Ideas when investing in your future self.

As a guide for educators on how to identify and implement successful financial education, NEFE has outlined five key factors that all programs should utilize to maximize the effect of outcomes. A well-trained educator to facilitate learning is the first and most important key factor.

During the 2016/2017 school year, a professional research firm will evaluate HSFPP's impact and processes. 

In preparation for the study, NEFE is seeking instructors who are willing and able to participate in the classroom observations and interviews. portion of the study.
Other NEFE Educator Resources
CashCourse® - online materials for college students
Financial Workshop Kits - resources for adult financial educators
Evaluation Toolkit® - databank of questions to measure impact
On Your Own - young adult blog about financial lessons learned
Spendster - confessions of bad spending habits
Smart About Money - consumer finance tips and tools
High School Financial Planning Program | [email protected] |
The High School Financial Planning Program (HSFPP) is the flagship program of the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE®). NEFE is the leading private nonprofit, noncommercial foundation dedicated to inspiring empowered financial decision-making for individuals and families through every stage of life.

Learn more about the complete suite of NEFE's free consumer and educator resources at .
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