My Goof-Proof Color Wheel - A Simple Explanation.

My own Goof-Proof Color Wheel is not like any other. I feel it's easier (and faster) to understand than the universal color wheel - and uses only a 4 color combo throughout the entire painting.

Mind you, even though I pick only 4 pure colors right out of the tube, I'll also mix a variety of shades of each. While painting, I use the pure colors around the focal point and I tone down, or "dial back" the pure colors the further away I get from the focal point. I do this so there won't be more than one focal point.

A common question I am asked is "How much of each color do I use?"

80% of the painting surface will be the Dominant color. Dominant! Get it?

The primary Focal Point color takes up about 10% in one area.

Around the pure focal point color I add 5% of each Spice Color. The two Spice Colors actually augment plus draw attention to the focal point.

And again, as I move away from the one focal point, I tone down the other colors to a variety of neutrals.

Think - 80, 10, 5 and 5.

PS - Important! My Color Wheel helps me get started in a clear, focused direction. After starting the initial 4 colors, I expand the palette with a variety of close colors... such as red, red-orange, orange. I like choices, don't you? Hope this helps!

Let the Colors Fly around your Paintings!

Thank you for your interest, questions, comments and support! 
Watch the video! 

The above studio lessons, materials and much, much more are featured in my Workshops all over the country! 

Check out these 2 workshops coming up:
Sedona Arts Center, Sedona  Arizona
May 23-27, 2016
Artist Retreat: Contemporary Abstract Figure Painting & Collage
(888) 954-4442 or (928) 282-3809

Cloudcroft Art Workshops, Cloudcroft  New Mexico 
July 18-22, 2016
Loosen Up with Aquamedia Painting

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to view BobBlast Issue 97
"My Goof-Proof Color Wheel - A Simple Explanation." video.

Goof Proof Color Wheel Simple Explanation
Love, Peace & Happiness,
Robert Burridge
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