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Checking In!

Happy Summer! I was speaking to sister-friends recently and we were sharing how our moms could be relentless in calling us until we answered. Fearing an emergency by the second or third back-to-back call we would drop whatever we were doing to respond only to hear, "I was just checking in."

In the spirit of one who cares, today I am (we are) checking in with you. How are you? Have you reached your goal? Are you on track?

We want to add new resources for you. Let us know what's going on in your community, non-profit, business, etc. We may include your information in one of our newsletters.  Also, check out Marti's Links below for another way to get great information!

Wishing You Every Success,


Marti Cox
Business Woman
I Can't Believe I'm Looking for a Job!
The current job market is very competitive. There are a lot of GREAT and experienced people looking for better employment. Because the market is so competitive, it is very important that we learn how to be the most effective in our job search. Here are some things to consider:

1. How has job searching process changed since I was last out looking for a job? 

Technology has allowed employers to  do a more thorough assessment of potential candidates inexpensively. The internet gives them access to candidates all over the world. It also enables them to use multiple assessment tools and Skype to check you out before they meet you in person.

2. Do I have the right resume?

Your resume may be outdated if you are still using an objective. It's also important to have a targeted, well-written resume for the job you want. You have competitors out there. Make your resume count. Given employers what they want but be honest.

3. Should I  brush up on my interviewing skills?

Always brush up on your interviewing skills. In this market, candidates are salesman. Know your product which is your skill-set. Know your customer, the employer you want to impress. Have a great sales pitch as to why they should hire you over the other candidate.

3. What about luck?

Instead of luck try faith. A positive attitude can go a long way. Believe that this next opportunity has your name written all over it. Then put in the work to best position yourself for that job. It may take a little while to see the result you want, but you will never see it if you quit.

 Keep Your Head Up!

- Marti Cox
Taking the Right Steps in Job Searching

1. You need a GREAT resume. We can help. We're experienced, professional and AWESOME with uncovering your strengths and leadership skills!

2. Post your resume on local and national job searching sites, on company websites and with staffing agencies. Staffing agencies are directly connected to employers looking to hire.

3. Last not but least, put friends and families on alert for a job for you! Referrals and networking are VITAL in a competitive job market.

Still need help? Contact us. We can coach you through the process.
Business Woman
Marti's Links Show Coming Soon!

This will be a 30 min informational and talk show sharing job readiness tips and community resource information. You'll be able to see and hear job readiness and professional development information for yourself. Tell me, will you tune in? What topics would be helpful to you? Email us at [email protected].
Contact Us Today!
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- Email: [email protected]om

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