WBS Schedule Pro Newsletter

Featured Topic
Properly Structuring a WBS Chart
When defining the breakdown of a project with Summary Tasks and Tasks in the WBS Chart view, we often see this done incorrectly. Here is a quick lesson on how to properly structure your project.

In a WBS View that displays Tasks horizontally under their respective Summary Task, do it this way:
Or, in a WBS View where Tasks are displayed vertically under their respective Summary Task, do it this way:
In each of the above examples, Task 1, Task 2 and Task 3 are subordinates to the Summary Task box and will properly roll up information.

Avoid doing it this way:
In this example, Task 3 is a subordinate to Task 2 and Task 2 is a subordinate to Task 1. Both Task 1 and Task 2 are Summary Tasks in this example . You will get improper roll up of data with this approach since the only real Task is Task 3. 

To ensure your WBS Chart is properly structured make note of the currently selected Summary Task or Task when using the Insert commands.
Insert Task Before adds a Task to the left of the selected Task if your tasks are displayed horizontally and above if you are listing the tasks vertically under their Summary Task.

Insert Task After adds a Task to the right of the selected Task if your tasks are displayed horizontally and below if you are listing the tasks vertically under their Summary Task.

Insert Summary Task creates a Summary Task above the currently selected Task.

Insert Subtask creates a Subordinate Task to the currently selected item.

You can also use the keyboard shortcuts listed in this form to quickly add new items in your WBS Chart.
WBS Schedule Pro 5.1.0017
The latest version of WBS Schedule Pro is 5.1.0017. Go to File-About to see which version you have.

If you are using 5.1.xxxx but earlier than 5.1.0017, use the Check for Updates feature to upgrade to the latest version.

If you have 5.0.xxxx you can download 5.1.0017 from our website. Going from 5.0 to 5.1 requires an Uninstall and Reinstall (don't worry, your data is safe).

The above are Minor updates and are always FREE for 5.x users.

Download Version 5.1.0017

See a list of Version 5.1 Features, Fixes and Enhancements
WBS Schedule Pro Tip
Use the Notes field to add extensive details about a Task 
Using t he Notes field in WBS Schedule Pro is a great way to add detailed descriptions to the tasks in your project. You can add an unlimited amount of text into the Notes field and even create multiple lines.

The Notes Pane initially appears on the left side of the WBS Schedule Pro screen where you can click to enter the Notes. You can also click and drag the Notes tab and place it on the chart window so it "floats" above the chart. Here is an example:

Read more about Notes (and see a video) on our website
Previous Newsletters
Archived Newsletters are available on our website
For those receiving the newsletter for the first time, welcome! We hope you find it useful and encourage you check out previous issues for valuable tips and tricks. 

For those who have asked for access to the old newsletters, here you go:

Archived Newsletters on our Website
WBS Chart Pro and PERT Chart EXPERT users
It's been almost two years since the release of WBS Schedule Pro. If you haven't upgraded, we highly recommend doing so. The new WBS Schedule Pro software has so much to offer with combined WBS, Network & Gantt Charts plus many new and exciting features. It's well worth upgrading!

Click here for Upgrade Ordering Information
Microsoft Project 2016 Compatibility
WBS Schedule Pro and Project 2016 - Only WBS Schedule Pro version 5.1.0014 or later is fully compatible with Project 2016. See the Download page for information on updating.  

Note: The old WBS Chart Pro and PERT Chart EXPERT software is not compatible with Project 2016. Yet another reason to upgrade!

Tip: If you installed the latest version of WBS Schedule Pro and have issues integrating with Project 2016, try this:
  1. Start Project 2016 and leave it running.
  2. Start WBS Schedule Pro, select the Microsoft Project drop down arrow and select Setup Microsoft Project. Complete the steps as prompted.
  3. Close WBS Schedule Pro and close Project 2016.
This should fix it. If not, see our FAQ page for additional suggestions.
WBS Schedule Pro Licensing Tips
Transferring a WBS Schedule Pro License
To transfer a WBS Schedule Pro license to another user or computer, start the currently registered WBS Schedule Pro software and select File-Unregister. This will put the license back so it can be registered again.

Note: Uninstalling WBS Schedule Pro does not unregister the software. 

If you need assistance locating or unregistering your WBS Schedule Pro license, please contact us. We are happy to help.

Video Tutorials
Check out the latest YouTube Videos

Here are our most popular videos to help get you started:
  1. Overview of the WBS Schedule Pro Software (6:16) -  Great for new users or if you just want an overview of the features and capabilities of the WBS Schedule Pro software.

  2. How to Plan a Project in WBS Schedule Pro (6:03) - Basic planning techniques for quickly and easily creating projects in WBS Schedule Pro using a WBS Chart, Network Chart, Gantt Chart and Task Sheet.

  3. Using WBS Charts in WBS Schedule Pro (19:04) - A detailed description of the WBS Chart features.

  4. Using Network Charts in WBS Schedule Pro (8:47) - A detailed description of the Network Chart features.
Send us your ideas!
If you have topics or features you would like us to discuss in the newsletter, please let us know.

If you have ideas or suggestions for the WBS Schedule Pro software itself, we would love to hear from you.

It doesn't have to be formal, just drop us a quick note using the email address below. We welcome your feedback.

The Critical Tools Team
Critical Tools, Inc.
(512) 342-2232