"Community Roots" Intersection Repair
Welcome to my monthly e-letter, The Eleven. Here I share my thinking - I hope you like this edition. Here are 11 things that I think might help you in life!
2. Do something on a regular basis. I find having a monthly newsletter useful - find something and do it on the same day each month.
3. Grow some of your own food. I'm finding that growing my own food is having a profound impact on my grocery bill and I'm learning tons about ingredients that are edible.
4. Step beyond your shadow. This comes from a saying I learned in Bavaria - take a chance and do something that you're afraid to do - you'll be surprised by the results. Failure is just a clue that you're on a learning path. You can't succeed without trying.
5. Get a good night's sleep - I've heard recently that your body wants to shut down around 10pm and then your immune system starts doing what it needs to do to take care of your health. I've heard that it's important to get to bed by 11pm at the latest. Sleep in, rest. It's OK!
6. Show up. This is something I learned from years of attending Burning Man. When you come to events, parties, or really, anywhere - really show up - bring more than your fair share of food/drink, and help the host set up - stay afterwards and clean up - SHOW UP - make events you participate in yours! You'll feel better, you'll be invited back, repeat and rinse.
plant your own food
7. Unplug from your device and interact with those around you. Here's a guide. Feel free to steal this and spread it! If you're still watching any professional sports or regularly watch TV, reconsider. The planet needs you, your life needs you. There are better things to do, really. Kill your TV. Encourage others to do the same.
8. Send someone a card or a letter in the mail. When was the last time you sent someone mail? If you don't have anyone to write to, feel free to write to me, and I'll write back. You may be happily surprised :)
Albert Kaufman 1823 NE 13th Ave.
Portland, OR 97212
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10. Mend a fence. In our current world it's easy to disconnect with someone easily and move on. Let's not forget how important friends are and that rebuilding relationships may be hard but possibly worthwhile. There's a jewish tradition of apologizing to someone you've wronged in the past year during Yom Kippur. It's a worthwhile practice, give it a try and let me know how it goes.
11. Light a candle, trust your own thinking, go outside more, cut out sugar, cut out wheat, try a new haircut, try out Car2Go (I've giggled the first couple times I've tried it - love it), come take one of my free classes (see below), Farm Your Yard, ask for a raise, join a gym, see Eleanor's show this weekend in Portland, and have a magnificent, fun, joyous, healing and super-duper Summer! With Gratitude, Albert Kaufman