Practice Paint Sketching

Practice painting. Practice painting small warm ups. Repeat over and over.

Think paint sketching on small, pre-measured watercolor paper (such as 
6x9 inches or 10x10 inches) OR a full sheet of watercolor paper (usually 22x30 inches) - divide and mark the size you want.

Practice painting on all of the warm ups at the same time. Paint all over 
each warm up. Now you're paint sketching!

I tape the warm up paintings to a piece of foam board, or something similar.
This helps keep the series together and, just as important, helps me focus on developing a series. The more I practice on the small sizes, the larger 
sizes will feel familiar... but only larger!

Practice different subjects, different styles, different famous paintings etc. 
You are practicing lots of multiple paint sketches. Remember to have an old, discarded mat handy because it helps isolate the image from its surroundings.

Bonus - No idea what to paint? 
this paint sketch exercise!
To see how I do this click on the video link below.

Go to my website for more stuff that I do!

Don't forget. Watch the video!

Click  HERE  to view BobBlast Issue 75
"Practice Paint Sketching" video.

Practice Paint Sketching

Love, Peace & Happiness,
Robert Burridge
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