Kathleen McKinley Wellness
June 2015
Happy Summer Solstice! 

Light and health are directly connected; access to natural light is critical for the body to maintain inner clocks, circadian rhythms and sleep cycles.  Consider basking in the morning light to energize the day and dimming the unnatural lights and screens once the sun has set.  Summer is the season of light, outdoor activity and increased well-being.  Enjoy!

Thoughts on Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT) for more serious medical conditions

Working with clients diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) is interesting and rewarding. Integrative Manual Therapy work has increased general well-being and provided some unexpected gains in functionality.  The first months of IMT sessions (usually weekly) bring promising increases in both physical capabilities and positive personal perspectives.  

IMT focuses on directing energy that works with the body down to the cellular level. In these cases, techniques are used to focus on the nervous system as ALS is a neurological disease. Yet the therapy activates healing capabilities in all organs and systems addressing overall health (including the emotional and mental aspects of a debilitating disease) allowing for real progress.

Meditation and other mind-body-spirit practices could also be important client therapy. Functional medicine and nutrition counseling, too, are often essential to increasing overall wellness.

As a long time nurse I am comfortable working with severe medical conditions and compromised mobility. And I know there is a definite role for IMT therapy for those suffering from serious neurological diseases such as ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, and Epilepsy.

With more serious illness and injury, I've seen IMT therapy result in physical improvements, increased day to day functionality, increased energy and a more optimistic outlook.

Helping to reach your best wellness point,

Kathleen McKinley Wellness
Therapies for Recovery and Restoration

Integrative Manual Therapy 

PTSD Therapy 
Functional Medicine
Instruction and Education

Contact us to  schedule a session.  Evening and weekend appointments are available.  